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Investigation: Clorox selling pool salt made from fracking wastewater. Skincare : Cosmetics and Transdermal Absorption - Dr Frank Lipman. A dangerous compound is lurking in chewing gum – Titanium Dioxide. (Natural News) More than 2,500 laboratory-made substances are deliberately added to common, processed foods to improve their flavor, color, shelf life, texture, or cost. Additionally, another 12,000 chemicals coming from food-packaging materials, processing aids, pesticide residues, and drugs given to animals unintentionally end up in our food supply.

With the growing popularity of factory-made foods, chemical additives have become a significant part of our daily diet. While some additives are harmless, others cause harm to the body. Titanium dioxide is one of those damaging additives you cannot easily escape. It is used in a variety of everyday products as a whitener or texturizer. The additive, which is also referred to as E171, can be found in candy, chocolate, and chewing gum, as well as in sunscreen, toothpaste, and paint. Do you have chronic tummy aches? While generally considered safe by the U.S. Say NO to processed foods Sources: NASA admits to spraying Americans with poisonous chemtrails. (NaturalNews) For years the federal government and others have labeled those who warned about chemicals being sprayed on populations – chemtrails – as conspiracy theorists, but the nation's space agency has just admitted that the "conspiracy" theorists were 100 percent correct.

As reported by The Waking Times, a NASA scientist has admitted that his agency is placing lithium in rocket exhaust (listen here), which is then dispersed through the atmosphere. What's more, lithium release has been taking place on and off since the 1970s, Rowland admits on the video, which is actually a taped recording of a phone call. Though Rowland said that lithium does not hurt the environment, the compound itself was used as a psychiatric medication for decades.

It works by altering levels of serotonin and norepinephrine that are secreted by the human endocrine system. All for science NASA has the explanation. Guinea pigs Sources: FDA doesn't analyze food ingredients for safety. Photo credit: Masterfile Even if an ingredient in packaged food sounds weird and unpronounceable, it must be safe because the FDA monitors that kind of stuff, right? Apparently not. Last week, the Grocery Manufacturer's Association, which represents big food and drink companies, unintentionally exposed just how messed up our food system is after it announced it would grant the FDA access to its database the industry uses to determine whether an ingredient is safe... Because, amazingly, the FDA didn't already have that seemingly crucial information. By law, food ingredients are regulated as additives unless the ingredient is "generally recognized as safe" (GRAS).

MORE: The 114 Ingredient Sandwich That the FDA now has access to manufacturers' safety information will presumably mean more transparency in our food system. MORE: 8 Clean Recipes Fresh From The Farmers' Market Published September 2014, Prevention Recommended For You recommended by Zergnet. Coral Reefs. Fireworks Could Pose Health Risk to Thyroid Gland or Environment. Erin Brockovich Addresses Fracking Concerns On HuffPost Live. "Let's stop the bullshit and get down to finding some solutions to our problems," Erin Brockovich recently declared on HuffPost Live. The consumer advocate and environmental activist recently joined host Janet Varney on HuffPost Live to adress water issues ranging from the fracking controversy to droughts plaguing the United States. The debate over fracking has heated up in the U.S., particularly in New York, where a decision on the drilling process is expected to be made soon.

Proponents of fracking in New York have argued that it would bring jobs to economically depressed regions. For example, some residents faced with a struggling dairy industry may see fracking as a way to save their land. Others, such as New Yorkers Against Fracking founder Sandra Steingraber, have argued that “Sending a polluting industry into our most economically impoverished communities is a violation of environmental justice.” Taking a broader look at water woes, she declared, "This is our country, our water.