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Best Vegetables for Your Heart. By Dr.

Best Vegetables for Your Heart

Mercola Research has shown that the more vegetables you eat, the lower your risk of heart disease, with different types of vegetables protecting your heart through different mechanisms. Top Anti-Inflammatory Foods, Herbs, and Spices. By Dr.

Top Anti-Inflammatory Foods, Herbs, and Spices

Mercola Herbs and cooking spices contain a wide variety of antioxidants, minerals and vitamins, and help maximize the nutrient density of your meals. Every time you flavor your meals with herbs or spices you are literally "upgrading" your food without adding a single calorie. In fact, on a per gram fresh weight basis, herbs rank even higher in antioxidant activity than fruits and vegetables, which are known to be high in antioxidants. Tomatoes Better Than A Pill For Heart Disease. Western medicine has trouble recognizing the health and healing power of whole foods.

Tomatoes Better Than A Pill For Heart Disease

Instead scientists engage in an endless quest to identify, isolate and extract components from foods and deliver them by needle or pill. But a new study from Harvard and the University of California at Davis lends more support for the idea that a whole food is more powerful than the sum of its parts. [i] Researchers reviewed all of the cardiovascular disease studies on tomatoes and lycopene. Scientists have long speculated that lycopene is the primary reason that tomatoes are associated with reduced cardiovascular disease. Lime Juice Could Save 100's of Thousands of Lives Each Year. The Healing Benefits of Pumpkin. (NaturalNews – Ethan A.

The Healing Benefits of Pumpkin

Huff) Gastrointestinal problems are prolific in today’s society, and this is largely due to the fact that the modern food supply is greatly lacking in the nutrients required for healthy digestion (not to mention a widespread overload of toxins from vaccines, pharmaceuticals, and pesticides). But the good news is that a life of chronic digestive upset does not have to rule the day, as simple dietary changes can help significantly improve and even cure many colonic problems. Here are six top foods to help you maintain a healthy gut: 1) Apples, apple cider vinegar Many advanced colon-cleansing protocols include either whole apples, apple sauce, apple juice, or apple cider vinegar (ACV) because this simple fruit is a powerful cleansing food.

Turmeric for Improving heart health, fighting cancer and more. How to Recognize Nutrient Deficiencies. By Dr.

How to Recognize Nutrient Deficiencies

Mercola If you eat a balanced, whole-food diet like the one described in my nutrition plan, you’re probably giving your body more-than-adequate amounts of the vitamins and minerals it needs to function. If not (and this applies to the majority of the U.S. population), there’s a good chance your body is lacking in important nutrients. Even if you do eat well, other factors – such as your age and certain health conditions (digestive issues and others) – can impact your body’s ability to absorb the nutrients in your food. Meanwhile, soil quality, storage time, and processing can significantly influence the levels of certain nutrients in your food, such that even healthy produce may not be as nutrient-rich as you may think. 5 Signs Your Body May Be Nutrient Deficient.

Green Tea Helps Lower Blood Pressure Naturally. By Dr.

Green Tea Helps Lower Blood Pressure Naturally

Mercola Pure water is by far the ideal beverage of choice, but high-quality tea can be a valuable addition. Not only does tea rehydrate as well as water does, most teas also have additional health benefits.1 High-quality tea—green tea in particular—contains polyphenol antioxidants that are recognized for their disease prevention and anti-aging properties. Polyphenols can account for up to 30 percent of the dry leaf weight of green tea. Within the group of polyphenols are flavonoids, which contain catechins.

Green Tea Lowers Blood Pressure Naturally. The surprising health benefits of butter. Artichokes boost brain health, have other incredible health benefits - Five garden herbs to fight cancer - Wednesday, June 25, 2014 by: Dr.SofiyaTags: cancer, garden herbs, phytochemicals (NaturalNews) There are a number of reasons why a person might plant a garden.

Five garden herbs to fight cancer -

One of the most popular reasons for doing so is to have fresh fruits, vegetables and herbs to use in cooking and at the table. For many people, their thoughts for planting a garden rarely venture beyond their taste buds. In addition to herbs being added to dishes of all varieties in order to amplify their tastes, they can also be used to fight some of the most prevalent diseases of today. The incidences of cancer continue to rise, leading many people to look at their own behavior and lifestyle to discover if there is anything they could be doing to increase their ability to fight it. Studies show that turmeric can be as effective as 14 pharmaceutical drugs. Turmeric and saffron are the two prominent spices used in South Asian and Middle Eastern dishes including Persians and Indians.

Studies show that turmeric can be as effective as 14 pharmaceutical drugs

Persian saffron and turmeric are very well-known because of their unique quality and taste. For thousands of centuries, curcumin known as turmeric has been used for its healing and medicinal properties. Based on an informative article written by, turmeric is as effective and if not even better than 14 different pharmaceutical drugs in the market. 1. Lowering the level of bad cholesterol and improving heart health -- Alternative drugs: Lipitor and atorvastatin A 2004 study published in the journal Atherosclerosis shows that turmeric can reduce the level of bad cholesterol and fight the plaque buildup in the arteries which is an important factor in developing heart diseases.

Besides lowering the bad cholesterol levels and fighting plaque buildup in the arteries, turmeric can improve the cardiovascular health. Science Confirms Turmeric As Effective As 14 Drugs. Written By: Sayer Ji.

Science Confirms Turmeric As Effective As 14 Drugs

The 7 Best Spices For Healing. 5 Healing Spices. 5 Unique Teas With Amazing Health Benefits. 5 Amazing Benefits Of Drinking Lemon Water. I love lemons.

5 Amazing Benefits Of Drinking Lemon Water

In fact, you can catch me squeezing, poking, and prodding these succulent sweeties almost any day of the week. I put them on almost everything. Cauliflower Benefits and Usage Tips. By Karen Olson / January - February 2012: Live Your Potential Cauliflower is one of those vegetables that people have long underestimated. Even Mark Twain couldn’t resist dissing it: “Cauliflower is nothing but cabbage with a college education,” he once said.

Twain was right about one thing: Cauliflower is a member of the cabbage family. But as for that college education — it’s more like a graduate degree in nutrition. A cruciferous vegetable, cauliflower is loaded with vitamins, minerals, phytonutrients, antioxidants and fiber. Quick and Easy. 6 Nutrient-Dense Carbs You Should Eat. The no-fat craze of the 90’s taught us to fear fat, and since then, with every new diet trend comes a new food to eliminate. The latest craze is avoiding grains. If you’re a moderately active individual with a healthy digestive system, your body needs some carbohydrates for energy.