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Feel More Balanced Without Changing Your Life: 3 Simple Steps. If you lead a busy life, common advice on how to create balance might include cutting out what's least important, becoming more efficient, or adding relaxing activities to counteract your busyness. This is helpful advice. However, I've also found that no matter how much balance we try to create in our external lives, it's really how we feel on the inside that counts. We need to feel balanced, grounded, and well within our inner world before we can genuinely feel at ease. To achieve this, you need to make a shift. Instead of slowing things down in your external life (with the intention of influencing how you feel internally), start slowing down internally, and see how it influences your external life.

This is living from the inside-out. It's about being present in the moment and conscious of what's going on for you at all levels: physically, mentally, emotionally, energetically and spiritually. 1. In any moment, even when you're engaged in another activity, you can take a moment to pause. I Am A Recovering "Should Addict" Here’s a little exercise. Replace the word should with could or would like to. Instead of saying I should go for a 30-minute run, try, I would like to go for a 30-minute run. Rather than saying, I should eat healthier, how about, I could eat more fruits and veggies. By shifting from a condemning command to a hopeful possibility, it may very well lighten up our lives in teensy ways that could lead to major shifts.

After all, our brains like to focus on the areas of our lives where we feel we’re lacking, which is probably a survival mechanism we adopted millennia ago to know where we needed to improve so we could ultimate thrive. It’s up to us to train our brains to think differently, to create new patterns and grooves, to truly break our habits. I am also a recovering “should” addict. After all, as my friend recently said to me, “we’re here for a good time, not a long time.” Just for today, can you dress up your should in a different way?

5 Stress Relievers That Are Virtually Free and Totally Good for You. We all experience stress. It can come with change, insecurity, a long to-do-list, or sometimes seemingly out of nowhere. Here are some helpful tips to manage and get rid of your stress, no matter where you are or how tight your budget is: 1. Try breathing exercises and meditation. Focusing on taking full, deep, cleansing breaths is one of the most effective and quickest ways to relieve stress. Breathe in through your nose, and out through your nose, feeling the breath fill you and then exit. Bringing your conscious attention to your breath automatically calms your mind and brings you to a state of meditation. 2. A study was performed at a nursing home that found that when individuals listened to music from their favorite era, (say, the 1950s), their seratonin levels increased and their symptoms of depression decreased. 3.

Find a place to sit for at least 15 minutes where you won’t be too distracted by cars or other people. 4. Put your worries into perspective. Maybe yes. And... 5. Five Ways to Overcome Feelings of Neediness. Founder of Attachment Theory, John Bowlby Have you ever felt needy? What comes to mind when you hear the word? Most of us consider it one of the worst possible invectives to hurl at another human being, conjuring stark images of pitiable panic and desperation. We imagine tearful pleas (“give me another chance!”) , angry accusations (“you’ve never really cared!”) , and late night calls and text messages demanding an immediate response (“where are you?”). When we’re gripped by the terror of neediness, we feel completely out of control. As ill-defined as the experience of neediness seems to be, psychologists have made great strides in unpacking this complex state of mind. You’ll notice that the diffuse, inchoate nature of neediness is woven into its definition.

To be sure, the needy want something insatiably, in fact—but short of instant attention and constant reassurance, it isn’t terribly clear to themselves or anyone around them what exactly they’re looking for. 2) . 3) . 4) . Or. How to Let Go of Grudges. You may have been hurt by something someone did to you, or perhaps you feel sorry for something you did to another. Either way, grudges are a means of carrying pain with you throughout life. Letting go can be hard, especially when the pain is deep and within you for a long time. Here is a process to help you understand forgiveness and let go of grudges: Allow yourself to feel the pain. Find a quiet room to sit and be alone. This negativity will drain you mentally and physically, so acknowledge your pain, allow it to surface and it will eventually be released. Consider the other person involved. If your pain is caused by the actions of others, try to understand what caused him or her to behave in that way.

If you believe the person was intentionally malicious to you, feel sorrow instead of anger towards that person. Forgiveness does not mean accepting. We often mistake forgiveness as excusing or accepting the behavior or situation. Understand that forgiveness is not weakness or giving in. Experiencelife. You know that voice in your head? What’s the deal with that? Where’s it come from? And is it possible to shut it off? Is it the voice of reason or is it sabotaging reluctancy? “Pain of mind is worse than pain of body.” – Latin Proverb The voice in our head is running our life. The voice says what we should and shouldn’t do – both right now in this moment and with the rest of our life. WAIT… You what? [Here comes the voice...] I work with people like this nearly every day – people who in some way are controlled and constricted by that voice in their head.

The coaching work we do together raises awareness. The voice professes all types of preposterous claims: The danger of this voice is: We think we are that voice.We think that voice is ours.That voice runs our life. Let’s explore these ideas. For the first 24 years of my life, I thought my thoughts were me. Then I took my first long-term trip and something strange happened. (And you wondered why your love life wasn’t rockin’…) Awareness. Anxiety. In today’s world of super connectivity and pervasive social media, we have never been in such intimate contact with others. While this is ushering in a renewed sense of community, anxiety levels are on the rise.

During nearly every waking moment, in the back of our minds, we are constantly wondering whether we should be checking emails, texts, voicemail, and social media sites. So, while the internet and social media are making the world a smaller and arguably friendlier place, we may also be experiencing a greater sense of anxiety with the growing social pressure to communicate with others nearly every minute of the day. Anxiety creates a false picture of the world, piling on things to be afraid of that are in fact harmless.

The mind adds fear. Free-floating means the thing you fear is not a specific threat. What they experience is like a bad smell that stays on the edge of their awareness no matter how hard they try to pretend it isn’t there.