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Sony Ericsson: Xperia X8 might come with Android 2.1… or it might not » EuroDroid. In an accompanying statement on the Sony Ericsson Product Blog that introduced the company’s new phone releases, a rather perplexing paragraph outlines the yes/no/maybe status of the X8′s Android OS version.

Sony Ericsson: Xperia X8 might come with Android 2.1… or it might not » EuroDroid

Basically, in some markets the X8 will ship with Android 2.1 onboard – but in others it’ll come with the same 1.6 Android core that currently sits beneath SE’s heavily skinned exterior of its X10 and X10 Mini Android phones. Here’s the full quote: “The launch release of Android OS for the Xperia X8 is still to be determined. As the improved timing for Android 2.1 availability now coincides with the launch window for Xperia X8, we are currently discussing with our customers the most appropriate way to bring the product to market for each operator in each country. Le réseau mobile de Free "va faire des envieux" selon Nokia Siemens Networks. A quoi ressemblera le futur réseau mobile de Free qui doit être ouvert commercialement en 2012 ?

Le réseau mobile de Free "va faire des envieux" selon Nokia Siemens Networks

L'opérateur est toujours resté très discret sur cette question, tant au niveau technique que du côté des offres. Un de ses équipementiers, Nokia Siemens Networks (NSN) a néanmoins lâché quelques confidences lors d'une rencontre avec la presse où était présent. "Nous sommes entrés dans le concret, dans le mode opérationnel", confie Marc Rouanne, directeur de la division réseau du groupe. LE MAG SUR IPAD ! - L'EQUIPE MAGAZINE.

Exalead racheté par Dassault Systèmes pour 135 M€... Sinequa devient de fait le premier éditeur « pure player » du Search en Europe après Autonomy.

Exalead racheté par Dassault Systèmes pour 135 M€...

Trends: remove google background, Jun 10, 2010. 8 Bug Tracking Apps. Any software project is going to need issue and bug tracking.

8 Bug Tracking Apps

The bigger the project, the more the developers and the larger the userbase, the more critical it gets to keep tabs on what issues are outstanding, what features are in the pipeline, what schedules you are keeping and what is urgent. Here at Envato we’ve used a number of apps over the years including Trac and PivotalTracker. Our main tool however is Lighthouse which is generally a solid app and scales well for the many projects and many people we have using it. There are some issues with the app, mainly to do with the search tools and some of the UI design, but overall it’s been good to us with our problems with the app being of the “that’s annoying” category, rather than deal breakers.

Augmented Reality: How Mobile Is Changing Humanity. Are Apple iPhone apps the next customer engagement battleground? As the new iPhone is unveiled, Russell Buckley explores the explosion in apps - and examines what the opportunities are for brands to engage with their actual and potential customers using apps.

Are Apple iPhone apps the next customer engagement battleground?

You’d have to have been off-planet to miss that apps have become a major topic in marketing in the last year or so. The first to hit the headlines was Apple’s iPhone and iPod Touch, which together have generated over 4 billion downloads to date. If that seems like a big number, Gartner estimates that 70 billion apps will be downloaded by 2014 as other mobile phone platforms, such as Android, hit their stride.

Les jeux vidéo font-ils vieillir ? iPad + Velcro - ChristopheW's posterous. Google’s Music Service to Be Called Simply ‘Google Music’? Apple Unveils A New HTML5/Web Standards Showcase — Safari Required. Under fire for its App Store not being more open, recently, Apple’s response has been that there is a portion of its devices that is totally open: the web.

Apple Unveils A New HTML5/Web Standards Showcase — Safari Required

If developers don’t like some of the App Store’s restrictions, they should make a web app, Apple reasons. No shortage of critics think this response is disingenuous since it’s in Apple’s best interest for people to make native apps for their devices, not web apps that can be used anywhere. But a new site launched by Apple today looks to disprove that. Apple’s new HTML5 page on its site is a showcase for what you can do with the technology. There are seven impressive examples of things you can do using only HTML5: Video, Typography, Gallery, Transitions, Audio, 360, and VR. Huawei S7 runs 1GHz Snapdragon and Android 2.1 like a champ (video) Latest Info About Flurry Analytics on iPhone OS 4.0.

Latest Info About Flurry Analytics on iPhone OS 4.0 Posted by Peter Farago on Thu, Jun 03, 2010 @ 06:11 PM Many of you have asked about your ability to use Flurry Analytics for iPhone OS 4.0 apps, due in part to language in the iPhone Developer Program License Agreement (PLA), as well as more recent comments made by Steve Jobs at D8 regarding Flurry.

Latest Info About Flurry Analytics on iPhone OS 4.0

Rest assured, Flurry is taking all possible steps to ensure its analytics service will be in compliance with the iPhone OS 4.0 PLA, due to take effect later this Summer. Fraunhofer developing bike helmets (and other products) that stink when damaged. Guillaume Nery base jumping at Dean's Blue Hole, filmed on breath hold by Julie Gautier. The world of mobile user experience - June 2010 - Why We're So Bad at Managing Risk - Science and Tech. The streets at Edwards Air Force Base, where the majority of both the Air Force and NASA aeronautical flight testing and research takes place, are not named for generals.

Why We're So Bad at Managing Risk - Science and Tech

They're named for pilots killed on test flights. It's a reminder to all who work there that the junction between technology and nature can be a dangerous place, especially when new technology is reaching into previously unexplored areas, or areas whose characteristics and behavior are not well known or understood. The deep ocean, of course, is every bit as unexplored and little understood as the upper atmosphere.

News - Minority Report User Interface Brought to Life. John Underkoffler served as a science advisor for Steven Spielberg on the film Minority Report.

News - Minority Report User Interface Brought to Life

This same man who worked on developing future technology for the movie has now brought that technology to life, and recently gave a demo of the g-speak 3D user interface at TED 2010. Remember the data interface from Minority Report? Well, it’s real, John Underkoffler invented it — as a point-and-touch interface called g-speak — and it’s about to change the way we interact with data. John Underkoffler led the team that came up with this interface, called the g-speak Spatial Operating Environment. His company, Oblong Industries, was founded to move g-speak into the real world. Puma Chalk Ping Pong Table. The State of Mobile Apps. “There’s an app for that” is Apple’s catch phrase to promote the literally thousands of applications that can be downloaded to an iPhone.

The State of Mobile Apps

Whether you want to check the weather or traffic, bide time playing a game, or study a new language, there is likely a free or paid application that you can access. While Apple may be best known for mobile apps, BlackBerry, Android and other devices also have a huge range of apps available in their stores, as well as in those operated by mobile service providers. With smartphones expected to overtake feature phones in the U.S. by 2011, the popularity of mobile apps will only grow. MeeGo V1 For Netbooks Review. The MeeGo V1 download became available last week so we’ve had a few days to play with it. Google Chrome OS to Launch in Autumn.

Google's operating system Chrome OS, originally announced in July 2009, will debut this fall. There are still many unknowns about the OS, but we know that it will be a free operating system based on the Chrome browser, targeted at netbooks and designed to work with web applications. Jolicloud.

Le camembert vert de la fragmentation de l'OS #Android. Stats remis à jour sur mai. How Music Videos Are Dominating the Web [STATS] According to a report just relased by comScore, online video viewership has seen a bit of a shakeup due to relative newcomer Vevo. Launched in December 2009, the music/online video service is fed content from Sony, Universal and Abu Dhabi Media Company. Warner is also considering putting content on the site. It was created to deal with the growing competition between online and traditional video in the music space. YouTube powers the video technology. A look inside : Iphone 3GS vs Nexus One - ChristopheW's posterous.

Les statistiques d'Android résumées en 1 infographie. Chiffres surprenants RT @herr_schulz The Energy Used in Google Search. L'Espagne bat de justesse l'Arabie Saoudite 3 à 2. GeoLocal: The Rise of Consumer Location-based Services. Palm Pre in AdMob’s April 2010 report -> TamsPalm. Even though AdMob’s data is not 100% accurate (data collected is only from individuals who visit mobile web sites), it nevertheless is extremely interesting.

Their latest report (PDF!!) Contains two extremely interesting charts. The first one shows the smartphone market share in the USA: The next one is for the UK: +++ EXPLODED ANDY +++ [URGENT]Développeur Android (débutant accepté) à Arnaud FARINE / FrAndroid - Trouvez un job dans la mobilité. Les chiffres du recyclage des téléphones mobiles aux US en 1 infographie.

En Chine, des salariés doivent s'engager par écrit à ne pas se suicider. Foxconn Technology, fournisseur taiwanais de composants d’Apple, confronté à une vague de suicides dans son usine du sud de la Chine, a pris ce mercredi des mesures radicales, demandant notamment à ses employés de s’engager par écrit à ne pas se suicider. Un nouvel employé du groupe qui fournit de grandes multinationales s’est tué mardi en se jetant d’un immeuble de Foxconn à Shenzhen, dizième suicide en Chine depuis janvier au sein du premier fabricant de composants électroniques au monde et neuvième à Shenzhen même, une ville aux portes de Hongkong. Au total, douze employés chinois de Hon Hai Precision Industry, connu sous le nom commercial de Foxconn, se sont jetés dans le vide depuis le début de l’année. Deux ont été grièvement blessés. Mercredi, le président et fondateur du groupe, Terry Gou, venu de Taïwan en jet privé, a présenté des excuses pour les suicides.

«Je présente mes excuses pour l’impact que cela a eu sur la société», a-t-il déclaré. Enquête pour abus de position dominante contre Apple. Gowalla Android App Ugraded With Commenting, Photo Sharing, and Social Network Integration. Gowalla is really raising their game lately. The latest version of their Android app, labeled Gowalla 2.0, is now available in the Android Market and takes it up a notch towards Foursquare. Overall, the 2.0 app has many new features including: Sharing and viewing photos attached to a locationComment on postsView bookmarked SpotsView Facebook/Twitter profilesAccept or reject friend requestsView more of your friends’ Passport info In addition to the new features, Gowalla 2.0 also has some core improvements to it’s design.

The app perform tasks faster than you have previously experienced. THE AIR IPHONE : L’ÉMULATEUR D’IPHONE SUR VOTRE PC ! North Korea enlists Chinese fans to cheer for them at World Cup - Dirty Tackle - World Soccer. World Cup volunteers model their gear at fashion show in Brazil Brooks Peck at Dirty Tackle18 hrs ago The kits that will be worn by players at the 2014 World Cup have been trickling out for months now, so it's only fair that the tournament's volunteers get their turn to show off their new threads.

A special Fashion Rio runway show was held, using 2002 World Cup winners Cafu and Juliano Belletti, Victoria's Secret model Lais Ribeiro, World Cup draw presenter Fernanda Lima and several actual volunteers as models. From 150,000 applicants, organizers selected 14,000 volunteers who will be spread out across the 12 hosts cities during the tournament.

And since the climates of these cities can be very different, the clothing and supplies provided to the volunteers varies depending on where they will be working. Google tries where others failed: shaking up TV biz. L'état des lieux de LinkedIn en infographie. Yahoo Fails At Buying Foursquare, Picks Up Asian Version Instead. Skype en chiffres. Tout ce qu'il faut savoir sur Skype! b2dweQ from NIKE WRITE THE FUTURE - FULL LENGTH VERSION.