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Tech & Gadgets. Seo location tips. 3 Tips for Better Mobile SEO. Jason Taylor is the vice president of platform strategy at Usablenet. Usablenet’s platform powers the mobile sites of 20% of the Fortune 1000, including Estée Lauder, Hilton, Delta, Victoria’s Secret, FedEx, ASOS and others. Follow @Usablenet on Twitter. Google’s Eric Schmidt recently noted that mobile search is growing much faster than desktop search. As mobile increasingly becomes a primary gateway to the Internet, it is crucial for companies to incorporate forward-thinking SEO practices into their mobile strategies to ensure their mobile sites are easily detected by search engines and found by consumers. More than 60% of consumers search for brands from mobile devices before purchasing, and another 49% of mobile searchers made a mobile purchase in the past six months. Businesses must view mobile as a significant piece of their overall marketing campaigns that can drive substantial traffic and increase revenue. 1. 2. 3.

The Future of Mobile Search Image courtesy of iStockphoto, Palto. Real-Time Marketing & PR. In late 2013 I signed up for the Google Glass Explorer Program and last week I received my Google Glass Explorer Edition 2.0. The Explorer Program is designed for people who want to get involved early and help shape the future of Glass. I wanted a beta version of Glass because I see some great uses in public speaking and wanted to test drive as quickly as possible. I’ve now had two experiences to use it live: at an event I spoke at for the National Association of Elementary School Principals on Sunday and today at KC IABC Business Communicators Summit. Here are my thoughts after a week of playing and two live gigs. Set up and getting started The process of getting going takes some time. It took me a while to figure out how to set up Twitter for Glass.

Fortunately, the Explorer Program includes exclusive forums where lots of helpful people (some from Google but most other Explorers) jump in to offer advice and answer questions. Sharing a photo of the audience Use as a confidence monitor. 10 Secrets to More Magnetic Copy. Content Marketing 101: How to Build Your Business With Content. Soak up the season: How summer sparks creativity. - TNW Industry. There are hundreds of different job categories- each with its own necessary modus operandi. A landscape designer or wedding caterer can’t realistically decide to take a long summer holiday, just as a Wall Street day trader shouldn’t take up flexible hours.

But remember, regardless of your occupation, we all grew up recognizing a renewed sense of dedication in the fall, following a summertime desire for freedom, and those habitual inclinations will never fully cease to exist. As the ubiquity of the Internet pervades, shifts in the workplace open up opportunities for mobile working, giving us freedom to be productive. But the Internet, and particularly social media, has also encouraged us to be constantly productive.

It’s why you may find yourself hustling, self-promoting and tirelessly networking to launch, to pass that milestone. Take Breaks, Slow Down “It’s Sunday morning. “Basically, I’m trying to slow down. He suggests: Travel to a city you’ve never been before. Work, ADVENTUROUSLY! Rewire the web.