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The Opte Project. Here you will find static and dynamic 2D JPG/PNG images and 3D VRML maps of the Internet.

The Opte Project

These maps are built off of our database using two different graphing engines: Large Graph Layout (LGL) by Alex Adai and Graphviz by Peter North at AT&T Labs Research. Each graphing engine produces wonderful displays, but they are only as good as the data and graphing language we provide. You can find our test images and some well produced full Internet maps below. Ordinateur : la lettre de J.Perret. Number of the Week: 72% of Companies Restrict Access to Social Networking. The ‘Global IT Security Risks’ survey conducted by Kaspersky Lab in partnership with B2B International, uncovered the employee activities that are most frequently subjected to restrictions.

Number of the Week: 72% of Companies Restrict Access to Social Networking

Social networks are seen as one of the greatest security threats, along with various forms of file sharing. Access to social networking is completely blocked in 53% of companies, while another 19% restrict this kind of user activity in some way. This made social networking the second most frequently banned activity after peer-to-peer file sharing. Other frequently restricted activities include online gaming, access to certain websites, video streaming and instant messaging services. When asked about the most dangerous employee activities, social networking was cited by 35% of businesses. L'évolution du Web.