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Winnie Pooh without drugs. Wayseer Manifesto. Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster. WELCOME STAR SEEDS UNITE THE COLLECTIVE. Melchisedechians. Why do people find these big primes? "Why?

Why do people find these big primes?

" we are often asked, "why would anyone want to find a prime that big? "" I often now answer with "did you ever collect anything? "" or "did you ever try to win a competition? "" Much of the answer for why we collect large primes is the same as why we might collect other rare items. Below I will present a more complete answer divided into several parts. GIMPS Home. 5676977. Hiv deception!! 1-2.

Hiv deception!!

In "Deadly Deception" Dr. Willner proves: · The AIDS hypothesis is totally fraudulent. · Its perpetrators are guilty of criminal fraud and murder! [ And attempted murder ]. · The HIV virus does not and could not possibly cause AIDS or any serious disease. · AIDS is not transmitted sexually nor is it contagious by any method! Each day healthy individuals continue to be diagnosed "positive" by a totally inaccurate HIV test. Backed by scientific and factual proof you learn the truth: · What really causes AIDS, how it can be avoided and even cured. · How the HIV test can be positive because of having a simple "Flu" vaccination, the measles or many other common infections! The Secret Truth About. Or perhaps, “Does it even really matter?”

The Secret Truth About

If you are one who has been searching for your purpose here on Earth, have felt that you were here to do something important, but were not sure quite what, or perhaps had a feeling all your life that there was something much grander going on than what you could consciously connect to, then you have come to the right place. The Grander Plan, and How Are We Connected and Affected? In the year 2000, a group of souls began an unprecedented process of spiritual evolution referred to by many as “ascension.” It was decided at the highest soul levels that it was now time to wrap things up here on Earth, release and reclaim every form that we had infused our energy within for eons of time since the very beginning, and start completely over by creating a very New Planet Earth before we moved on to our very new adventures as souls. Welcome to the Frontpage. The 3 Earth Grand Experiments. First Earth - Lyra (Vega Star System) Long ago, before time as we know it began, there were the Founders of the Universe, highly evolved souls that had already completed many universal games.

The 3 Earth Grand Experiments

Being creator gods, they decided to create a universe of their own. As the twelve came together, they were faced with the question of which “game” to choose so that the souls created in, or coming to, their new universe could spiritually evolve. And spiritual evolution is what every soul desires. Finally, after much consideration, they chose the game known as “Polarity Integration.” Feature Article - Atlantis Queen. The Crystalline Form. The Crystalline Form An Overview of the Biological and Emotional Changes Coming Forth for Humanity.

The Crystalline Form

Oath Keepers – Guardians of the Republic. Climate change may incite aliens to destroy humanity, scientists warn. This story has been updated with new information.

Climate change may incite aliens to destroy humanity, scientists warn

See author's note at bottom. Scientists propose that we curb our greenhouse gas emissions in order to prevent aliens from blowing us up. The researchers argue that if extraterrestrials detect the alarming rate at which our atmosphere is changing due to the incredible amounts of carbon dioxide we spew into it every year, they may decide to eliminate us in order to prevent the damage to Earth from worsening. I wish I could call this a modest proposal, but it seems to be an earnest one. I'm all for cutting greenhouse gas emissions to keep Earth's climate suitable for human habitation, but even I find their ideas far-fetched. George Carlin on Fat People. Alien Times, Tsukuba, Ibaraki JAPAN. Author: Stephen Marshall, Issue: September 2004, Topic: Alien Scientist, Science.

Alien Times, Tsukuba, Ibaraki JAPAN

'Prelude to Afternoon of an Alien', composed by the Olympians, with orchestration by the Tavistock Institute and under the generous sponsorship of the Royal Institute of International Affairs (Apr. 16, 2005) The Giver. The Giver is a 1993 USA children's novel by Lois Lowry.

The Giver

It is set in a society which is at first presented as a utopian society and gradually appears more and more dystopian. The novel follows a boy named Jonas through the twelfth year of his life. The society has eliminated pain and strife by converting to "Sameness," a plan that has also eradicated emotional depth from their lives. Media Archive: Cultural Re:Evolution. December 1, 2006 By: Seamus Presley Concious Choice Concious Choice December 2006 Cultural Re:Evolution Chicagos Entheon Village reinvents counterculture with art, community, and activism.

Media Archive: Cultural Re:Evolution

Research Forms. Simplicity. How many religions, faiths, and denominations do you think there are in the world today?


Can you guess? Maybe fifty-thousand? How many do you suppose there have been since the beginning of humanity? Twenty percent more? Guess a number. Don't ask me. Jesus' religion was Judaism, minus its invented traditions. What did Jesus believe until death? His simple truth is that faith is a relationship, not a statement, or only an intellectual exercise.