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LiveMinutes. Teach Online Using Online Teaching Software And Tools from WizIQ. Easy-to-use for any number of attendees without the hassle of downloading software. WizIQ works using Flash technology with a familiar browser-like tabbed interface and standard keyboard shortcuts. This means that if you can view a web page, you can present or attend a live class. Live audio and video chat equal the best results for students and teachers. WizIQ's online tutoring software allows live video streams for up to 6 people via VoIP, seamless audio chat for multiple people simultaneously, full screen video, and the ability to control audio/video for all attendees.

Share most commonly used file types PDF, Word/PowerPoint/Excel documents, video and audio files; also share whiteboards, desktop and more from inside the online teaching software. You can upload content before the class or on-the-fly during the class. Files simply live in the cloud. With WizIQ's online tutoring software, record everything while transforming learning. Free Web Conferencing Features, Host Online Meetings. Wiggio - Makes it easy to work in groups. Download Skype on your computer - Windows, Mac, and Linux - Get Skype. Educational Leadership:Teachers as Leaders:Overcoming the Obstacles to Leadership. Susan Moore Johnson and Morgaen L. Donaldson Second-stage teachers may find this opportunity attractive for several reasons (Donaldson, 2005; Johnson & the Project on the Next Generation of Teachers, 2004).

First, many of them feel increasingly competent and confident in their work, and they want to share their acquired expertise with others. Lacey acknowledged, “I'm pretty good” at teaching social studies. She said that over time she had developed “a wider repertoire for teaching students at many levels” and had become more comfortable in her classroom and her school. Research confirms Lacey's sense of increasing skill and effectiveness. Second, becoming a teacher leader promises to reduce isolation. Third, becoming a teacher leader offers an opportunity to vary one's responsibilities and expand one's influence. Thus, competent and confident second-stage teachers like Lacey welcome opportunities to collaborate with colleagues, learn, grow, and expand their influence.

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