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Portfolio | Alexander Osou. Heroes of Honor is a cross-platform mobile game for iOS and Android, created by Nonstop Games. The game features two distinct gameplay models: a city management mode and a real time battle map shared with other players for both PvE and PvP combat. I mainly contributed to the front-end which is implemented with HTML5 and Javascript. Technical highlights are a isometric rendering engine, sophisticated pre-rendering using offscreen canvases and a framework for responsive canvas-based user interfaces. You can find additional information on the game’s website. Six-months university project in a two-person team.

The core gameplay consists of controlling a leprechaun from a third-person perspective and fighting against other players in real-time using various attacks or items. Master thesis and final project of my studies. You can download the master thesis (German) or take a look at the source code on GitHub. Take a look at the bachelor thesis (German) or find the source code on GitHub. Browse by Tags - Fabulous Adventures In Coding. Algorithm - Path finding in hex grid based game. A* Pathfinding for Beginners. By Patrick Lester (Updated July 18, 2005) This article has been translated into Albanian, Chinese, Finnish, German, Greek, Korean, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Serbian, and Spanish. Other translations are welcome. See email address at the bottom of this article. The A* (pronounced A-star) algorithm can be complicated for beginners. This article does not try to be the definitive work on the subject. Finally, this article is not program-specific.

But we are getting ahead of ourselves. Introduction: The Search Area Let’s assume that we have someone who wants to get from point A to point B. [Figure 1] The first thing you should notice is that we have divided our search area into a square grid. These center points are called “nodes”. Starting the Search Once we have simplified our search area into a manageable number of nodes, as we have done with the grid layout above, the next step is to conduct a search to find the shortest path. We begin the search by doing the following: where 1. A* search algorithm. In computer science, A* (pronounced "A star" ( listen)) is a computer algorithm that is widely used in pathfinding and graph traversal, the process of plotting an efficiently traversable path between points, called nodes. Noted for its performance and accuracy, it enjoys widespread use.

However, in practical travel-routing systems, it is generally outperformed by algorithms which can pre-process the graph to attain better performance,[1] although other work has found A* to be superior to other approaches.[2] It uses a knowledge-plus-heuristic cost function of node x (usually denoted f(x)) to determine the order in which the search visits nodes in the tree. The past path-cost function, which is the known distance from the starting node to the current node x (usually denoted g(x))a future path-cost function, which is an admissible "heuristic estimate" of the distance from x to the goal (usually denoted h(x)). If the heuristic h satisfies the additional condition This is only true if both: