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Science Has Great News for People Who Read Actual Books. B today's soundbite-hungry media climate and the grueling slog that is a modern presidential campaign, candidates on the trail seldom break through the daily noise and strike a chord among the broader public.

Science Has Great News for People Who Read Actual Books

That's part of the reason why a video of New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie speaking in New Hampshire a couple of weeks ago was so remarkable. The video, shot by the Huffington Post, went viral, racking up more than 7 million views on Facebook. The six-minute-long clip shows Christie speaking forcefully about changing the way society treats drug addiction, an issue he has championed for years. It was a heartfelt, engaging and an artful effort at describing how policy reshapes people's lived experiences. Why I Just Asked My Students To Put Their Laptops Away… Jonathan Haidt’s metaphor of the elephant and the rider is useful here.

Why I Just Asked My Students To Put Their Laptops Away…

In Haidt’s telling, the mind is like an elephant (the emotions) with a rider (the intellect) on top. The rider can see and plan ahead, but the elephant is far more powerful. Sometimes the rider and the elephant work together (the ideal in classroom settings), but if they conflict, the elephant usually wins. After reading Haidt, I’ve stopped thinking of students as people who simply make choices about whether to pay attention, and started thinking of them as people trying to pay attention but having to compete with various influences, the largest of which is their own propensity towards involuntary and emotional reaction. Kids Share Book Recommendations. Use Online Reading Logs, Find Books At Their Reading Level. College libraries should keep their books in the stacks.

Students Reading E-Books Are Losing Out, Study Suggests. Could e-books actually get in the way of reading?

Students Reading E-Books Are Losing Out, Study Suggests

That was the question explored in research presented last week by Heather Ruetschlin Schugar, an associate professor at West Chester University, and her spouse, Jordan T. Schugar, an instructor at the same institution. Speaking at the annual conference of the American Educational Research Association in Philadelphia, the Schugars reported the results of a study in which they asked middle school students to read either traditional printed books or e-books on iPads. The students’ reading comprehension, the researchers found, was higher when they read conventional books. In a second study looking at students’ use of e-books created with Apple’s iBooks Author software, the Schugars discovered that the young readers often skipped over the text altogether, engaging instead with the books’ interactive visual features.

Four nifty ways to display and curate Twitter. IDEA WATCH: Dissecting Ebooks and Libraries. In theory, ebooks can provide our students with easy access from all of their devices to reading material.

IDEA WATCH: Dissecting Ebooks and Libraries

But for libraries, there are all sorts of issues to be resolved in order to offer ebooks to our students. Developing an ebook collection is more fraught with questions than answers. As many of us move further down the ebook path, we struggle to resolve these issues. For example, how do we balance the time to purchase both an ebook collection and a print collection when we are just single librarians in our schools? It is like developing two separate collections, but it’s more time-consuming because we have to coordinate the two collections. Managing a collection of ebooks is also challenging because titles may be offered by one vendor or publisher but not another.

Discoverability Issues So to provide more choices, do we purchase ebooks from multiple vendors? If you are a 1:1 school with tablets, that question gets even more complex. Pricing Issues Coping Strategies.

Online vs. Print

LISTSERV 16.0 - LM_NET Archives. Crowdfunding real-life, citywide choose-your-own-adventure stories. Sean Williams sez, "Best-sellers and award-winners Isobelle Carmody, Robert Shearman, Marianne De Pierres, Kim Wilkins, Mark Leslie, Mindy Klasky, Tansy Rayner Roberts, and many, many others, including me, have signed up to write choose-your-own-adventure stories that will play out in real life, in real cities via smartphones and QR codes.

Crowdfunding real-life, citywide choose-your-own-adventure stories

How Students and Teachers See Assigned Reading. SmartBlog on Education - Choosing appropriate texts for our readers - SmartBrief, Inc. SmartBlogs SmartBlogs. It used to be that choosing an appropriate text for a reader or a group of readers meant visiting your classroom, school or community library, depending on your setup and access.

SmartBlog on Education - Choosing appropriate texts for our readers - SmartBrief, Inc. SmartBlogs SmartBlogs

It meant scouring the shelves and pulling something that seemed engaging and readable for your target audience. It was an art. This process has changed, and it’s important that we engage in meaningful conversations around it. In the era of accountability, many of us are being asked to provide evidence proving the validity of our text choices. For many teachers, the Common Core State Standards have brought about an increased level of anxiety around choosing appropriate texts in schools.

The danger “It is important to note that the Lexile measure of a book refers to its text difficulty only. Teachers and administrators are often overwhelmed. For Books' Sake. Richard Dawkins LiveTweets Daniel Dennett's New Book (with tweets) · wwnorton.