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The 5th state of matter. Summary: beautiful filament-systems are often shown by the astonishing development of the modern astronomy. Most of these filaments have an exact circular cross section. Filaments have the same interesting characteristics from a diameter of 0.01 mm to that of many 1000 of light-years. Filaments are incorrectly seen to be of plasma, however, particles move in only one direction in them, often against gravity. In this non-thermal (fifth-) state of matter, particles have up to 1016 -times higher energy than those in the hottest stellar plasma.

The corona-problem and hundreds of other problems of astrophysics are solved at once. Only six states of matter are possible, all are briefly described. Ice is transformed to water at 0°C when the energy of its molecules (particles) increases. Fig. 1 The temperature scale. The solar corona-problem is about 60 years old. Where σ is the heat-radiation constant (6.7×10-8 m-2 K-4). Where k is the Boltzmann constant: 1.38 × 10-23 J/K. The surface of the Sun:  The sun has a rigid iron surface locate. The Plasma Universe Wikipedia-like Encyclopedia) Plasma Cosmology .net. Thunderbolts home. Group - Electric Universe. Conspiracy of Science - Earth is in fact growing.