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English Literature

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Celt and Roman Britain

From Beowulf to Ken Follett. There is no other historical age like the Middle Ages that maintains its charm unchanged.

From Beowulf to Ken Follett

Even the first words that evoke it capture each one’s attention: castles, courts, knights, abbeys. Let’s go further. The expression Middle Ages means many things. From the taste for the magical and supernatural to the more political and institutional one that enters the historical chronicle as the Crusades and the birth of the first kingdoms, to that of the literary characters who have never aged, as if they had won their own battle against time: Arthur and his knights, the warrior Beowulf, Geoffrey Chaucer and his lively pilgrims. English- 4A Scientifico 4A. Risorse didattiche per la Lingua inglese. Grammar in focus: Present simpleGuarda il video >> Grammar in focus: Yes / No and Wh-questionsGuarda il video >>

Risorse didattiche per la Lingua inglese

Risorse per Educazione Civica. Come usare un blog durante le lezioni di inglese. Negli ultimi anni la costruzione di un curricolo linguistico per competenze, così come richiesto da Common European Framework, ha comportato per gli insegnanti di lingue, un ripensamento critico del processo di insegnamento/apprendimento e l’adozione di una progettazione didattica più flessibile, più “aperta” e “reticolare” rispondente ai ritmi di apprendimento, agli interessi, ai reali bisogni degli studenti.

Come usare un blog durante le lezioni di inglese

A teacher's guide to Twinkl Go! games & videos. What is Twinkl Go!?

A teacher's guide to Twinkl Go! games & videos

Go! Is Twinkl's collection of games and audiovisual resources. It's available as part of Twinkl's most popular bundle - Ultimate. Twinkl Go! Interactive resources are 100% paperless and accessed online. It’s perfect for use in the classroom and for remote learning. Sign up now for FREE resources. How can I support students to write a newspaper report?

Guide your students through the process of writing a newspaper report with this PowerPoint to highlight the key features they need to remember. From the headline to using quotations from sources, students will be taken through each of the main facets of a professional newspaper report with questions to guide their writing. Great practice for Paper 2 of the English Language GCSE exam. What are the main features of a newspaper report?

A newspaper report tends to be written in a very precise way. The Origin and Development of English Drama – English Language Teaching. The origin of English drama seems vague.

The Origin and Development of English Drama – English Language Teaching

There is no certain evidence proving its origin. However, it can be traced back from century of succeeding Norman Conquest to England on 1066. Many historians believe that drama came to England along with them. There was information that when the Roman where in England, they established vast amphitheatre for production some plays, but when they left, the theatre gone with them Originally, the term drama came from Greek word meaning “action” or “to act” or “to do”.

In England, drama had a distinctly religious origin from the church as the part of services. Teach me Teresa, Blake. Teach me Teresa, Dubliners. Regia Emiliano Darchini, operatore Timothy Heys-Cerchio, montaggio Lucio Viglierchio, realizzazione Zenit Arti Audiovisive Master contenuto in Literature for Life, di Deborah J.

Teach me Teresa, Dubliners

Ellis, con Teresa Brett. Teach me Teresa, Beckett. Teach me Teresa, Reading Poetry: Langston Huges.

Shakespeare & Renaissance

Risorse didattiche per la Lingua inglese. Risorse didattiche per la Lingua inglese. British Library Magna Carta resources. Decision Making Activities. The activity model provided by, for example, the King John: the Decision-Making Game can be used with a variety of age-ranges, varying the level of detail and the number of decisions to suit ability and concentration levels.

Decision Making Activities

The idea is straightforward – present students with a range of decisions, each with two or three options to choose from. To make the activity competitive or give it an edge, make sure that students can win or lose. In this case, students begin with a number of crowns but foolish decisions (not necessarily different ones from those John took) leads to losing crowns. A series of bad decisions leads to deposition. The historical value comes in the debriefing as you unpick their decisions and the reasons behind them. Example Activities Benefits Such an activity provides students with an outline of the key issues of the period, plus an introduction to people and events. Improving Class Dynamics Inside a Past Situation. Teaching resources. Habeas corpus, human rights and detention. Lesson rationale In this activity, pupils are introduced to the principle of habeas corpus and how it relates to Magna Carta and human rights.

Habeas corpus, human rights and detention

They will learn about the ‘right to liberty’ and investigate a contemporary situation where a person’s rights and freedoms have been limited or denied. Key questions in this lesson: What is habeas corpus? How does habeas corpus relate to Magna Carta? Lesson rationale In this activity, pupils are introduced to the principle of habeas corpus and how it relates to Magna Carta and human rights. King John's promises. The lesson provides students with information about the sealing of the Magna Carta and lists ten promises that King John broke.

King John's promises

It allows students to identify and use ‘will’ for promises. Topic: The Magna CartaLevel: A2/B1 Time: 60 - 90 minutes. The Body - Beliefs and superstitions - KS3 English Revision - BBC Bitesize.