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English Practice – Learn and Practice English Online. Download English grammar lessons, for free, in the PDF format. Headway Student's Site | Learning Resources. ESL Activities Games Worksheets. Corso di LINGUA INGLESE - Livello B1 - Lezione-online. L’inglese è una delle lingue più diffuse e più utilizzate per comunicare in ogni situazione; la sua conoscenza diventa quindi un requisito fondamentale per la comunicazione e l’interazione internazionale nonché per il mondo del lavoro dove, spesso, è espressamente richiesta.

Impara la lingua Inglese attraverso il corso proposto da Lezione-online tenuto da un’insegnante specializzata nell’insegnamento della lingua ad utenti madrelingua italiana; i dialoghi e gli esempi vengono tutti letti da un docente madrelingua inglese per abituare l’utente alla corretta pronuncia dei termini. Fornire una conoscenza intermedia della lingua inglese a coloro che ne hanno già le basi Affrontare con disinvoltura argomenti familiari (lavoro, viaggi, tempo libero, luoghi, espressione delle emozioni) Affrontare e risolvere piccoli imprevisti, Sostenere una conversazione semplice riguardante le principali tematiche sociali (politica, economia, scienza, informatica, intrattenimento) Indice dettagliato del corso:

Fluent Land - Online Language Learning Community. Practise your grammar basics | Euroexam. Euroexam focuses on testing your communicative skills only; however, grammar and vocabulary also play a part in successful communication. Although there are thousands of grammar practice websites on the internet, what you can find here is a page featuring unique tasks specially designed for the grammar and vocabulary that you will find the most useful in an exam. Each set below includes the same 3 task types, so have a look at the descriptions below to learn how each task type will help you develop your language skills. In Task 1, you will hear a text on a given topic and your task is to write down certain details as accurately as possible. In other words, try to reproduce the text you hear in the recording (first the whole of it then in short chunks) as accurately and clearly as you can. In Task 2, you have to choose the word which is appropriate in the context, recognising collocations (words that always go together) if necessary.

Now it's over to you. General English - Level B1. General English CEFR Level B1 - Exam English for free! From this page, you can access all of our CEFR Level B1 lessons. To find out what skills you will have when you have completed CEFR Level B1, scroll down to the bottom of the page. GRAMMAR: Used to – EXERCISES Before attempting these exercises, we recommend reading the lesson on 'Used to' found here. Practice Fill the blanks with the correct form. 1. I be fitter, now I can’t even ...Read More GRAMMAR: Used to There two common meanings of used to 1.

TENSES: The present perfect simple Present perfect simple tense examples: I have cleaned my shoes. GRAMMAR: Parts of speech In order to improve your English skills, both for speaking and writing, it is important to be aware of the 'parts' of speech that create sentences in English. GRAMMAR: The passive voice The passive voice is a grammar form that can be used instead of writing active sentences. GRAMMAR: Dependent prepositions What should I know to complete this level in CEFR level B1?

Level B1 Reading By completing this level, you should be able to. Grammar explanations and practice tests at B1 level. These are topics you need to study to pass an exam at B1 level, such as Cambridge English Preliminary: AdverbsBoth, either, neither Broader range of intensifiers; So, such, too, enoughComparatives and superlativesQuestion tags Conditionals, 2nd and 3rdConnecting words expressing cause and effect, contrast etc.Embedded questionsFuture continuousModals - must/can’t deductionModals – might, may, will, probably Modals – should have/might have/etcModals: must/have to Past continuousPast perfectPast simple Past tense responses Phrasal verbs, extendedPrepositions of placePresent perfect continuousPresent perfect/past simpleReported speech (range of tenses)Simple passive Wh- questions in the past Will and going to, for prediction You can also see which grammar topics are associated with other CEF levels.

Advertisements. Test English. This is a list of all the grammar topics covered in level B1. But if you want to learn B1 grammar, we recommend studying the topics in the order that they appear in: Grammar points » B1 Grammar lessons and exercises. Present tenses B1 Present simple or present continuous B1 Past simple or present perfect? B1 Present perfect simple and present perfect continuous Past tenses B1 Past simple, past continuous, past perfect Future B1 Future forms – will, be going to, present continuous Verb tense reviews B1 Review of all verb tenses B1 Modals, the imperative, etc . B1 have to, must, should – obligation, prohibition, necessity, advice B1 Can, could, be able to – ability and possibility B1 Modal verbs of deduction – must, might, could, can’t B1 usually, used to, be used to, get used to Conditionals, if, wish, etc.

B1 First conditional, future time clauses B1 Second conditional – unreal situations B1 First and second conditionals B1 Third conditional – past unreal situations Passive Reported speech.