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Feedback RubiStar Home. Student-Led Parent Conferences: How They Work in My Primary Classroom. “Tell us what you think you did well in your writing?” “I put spaces between the words…and I sounded them out. I spelled my right.” “What else did you do well?” “I put a capital letter at the beginning.” “What could you do to make your writing better?”

“I could put a dot at the end. “Yes, you could use a period at the end. “Three.” “Exactly. Thus began one of the student-led parent conferences in my grade one classroom last term. The conferences always center around what has been posted on the student’s individual blog. The Students Choose In the past, I have allowed the students to choose three articles from their blog to share with their parents that they think reflect their best work . Representing is a strand of our language arts curriculum in which the students show what they know about something through a drawing, drama, clay, etc. Since the beginning of the school year, we have been talking about what good writers and good representers do. Time alone with parents.

Learning intentions

Criteria. Assessing Learning with Web 2.0: Marc Prensky’s 21st Century Skills2.0. Free Assessment Tools for Classrooms Using One-To-One Technology. Socrative | Student Response System | Audience Response Systems | Clicker | Clickers | Student Clickers | ARS | Mobile Clicker | Software Clicker. Feedback Badges! | A great way to motivate and inspire your students! 7 Steps To Effective Feedback. Cc licensed image shared by flikr user Last week, our educoach chat (a twitter chat dedicated to instructional coaching and professional learning) focused on the topic of giving feedback.

We shared our own experiences giving and receiving feedback and reacted to articles from the most recent issue of Educational Leadership (September, 2012, Vol. 70, No.1). Feedback is a topic we delved into in depth this summer as part of our book discussion chat on John Hattie’s . Synthesizing more than 900 educational meta-analyses, researcher John Hattie has found that effective feedback is among the most powerful influences on how people learn. Feedback matters. I’ve recently come to embrace the idea that great principals and great teachers have at least three important habits in common. They offer feedback effectively. They have strong feedback loops for themselves, learning and growing professionally by incorporating feedback they receive.

They show appreciation.


Assessment for Learning. How to move your lessons from good to outstanding | Teacher Network | Guardian Professional. Where would I be without Twitter? I have decided to elaborate on this AfL strategy, following this tweet from my @TeacherToolkit account on #ukedchat 3.11.11. My tweet said "#ukedchat Missed out tonight, look forward to reading ideas. My favourite T&L strategy at the moment is "Pose, Pause...Pounce, Bounce" #AfL". Firstly, this concept is not mine. So it is at this point, where I will be honourable and credit a colleague who I think has a money-spinning idea here. It was shared to my staff and I, at an INSET day I had organised @CrestGirls. The fabulous Mrs Pam Fearnley delivered the session. What is it? It is a simple, yet sophisticated, AfL (Assessment for Learning) questioning technique to help teachers move from good-to-outstanding.

Why is it useful? For many reasons. The strategy encouraged teachers to take risks and tease out the "learning" in class. How does it work? I have listed the four-part approach below with additional information that I hope explains the method. Explore! 1. 2. Reflection Improves Instruction. Graphic Organizers. Authentic Assessment Toolbox Home Page. To the Authentic Assessment Toolbox, a how-to text on creating authentic tasks, rubrics, and standards for measuring and improving student learning. Inside, you will find chapters on A good place to start -- In this chapter I identify the characteristics, strengths and limitations of authentic assessment; compare and contrast it with traditional (test-based) assessment.

Why has authentic assessment become more popular in recent years? When can it best serve assessment needs? After a brief overview, follow a detailed, four-step process for creating an authentic assessment. All good assessment begins with standards: statements of what we want our students to know and be able to do. Authentic assessments are often called "tasks" because they include real-world applications we ask students to perform. To assess the quality of student work on authentic tasks, teachers develop rubrics, or scoring scales.

A guide to constructing good, multiple-choice tests, to complement your authentic assessments. 1-Defining-21st-Century-Skills. White Paper 1 2010-01.doc. Welcome to!