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Photoshop Resources

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WebTreats ETC. 65 Outstanding Photoshop Manipulation Tutorials. One Moment – Manipulation Tutorial. In this Photoshop tutorial I will show you how to create a nice spotlight effect on an image using the brush tool. It’s not a difficult effect to achieve but patience is needed. I used a single stock image which can be downloaded for free. Hope you like the result. Stock image used Download details Video file (1280 × 720 .mp4 format)Original PSD fileStep by step text tutorial (html format)Stock images Please login. Video version Step by step version Step 1 Open the stock image of the woman in Photoshop and unlock the layer. Step 2 This the most important step of this tutorial.

Create a layer mask for the woman layer and grab the Brush Tool (B). Masking – first pass Once you have something like in the image above, drop the opacity of the brush to about 20-25% and start painting over the left side of the face and, the hand and the shoulder. Masking – second pass This can be a fairly quick process if you’ve some experience. Step 3.