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新聞資訊網站評比 中時電子報網友黏著度、平均瀏覽頁數奪雙料第一. 在講求全媒體、跨載具,新聞隨時新隨手看的年代,訊息多如潮水,網友一指滑過之後,還記得什麼?

新聞資訊網站評比 中時電子報網友黏著度、平均瀏覽頁數奪雙料第一

創市際市場研究顧問針對網友進行了一項「新聞資訊網站」的調查,中時電子報在「Top6 報社/原生新聞網站」評比類別中,「單一網友使用量」方面,網友之黏度最高;另外在「單一網友平均瀏覽網頁數」方面,也以每人平均瀏覽 52.4 頁領先。 根據調查,中時電子報在「報社/原生新聞網站」類別中,與蘋果日報、聯合新聞網、ETtoday東森新聞雲、自由時報電子報及NOWnews今日新聞等網站同列評比,中時電子報以提供最新跨媒體訊息、深入解讀分析,名家綜觀評論等多元新聞視野,深獲網友認同。 在「單一網友平均瀏覽網頁數」上,以每人平均瀏覽 52.4 頁領先,其次為聯合新聞網的39頁;「單一網友平均停留時間」的表現也最為突出,在「報社/原生新聞網站」中評比獲得雙料第一。 更值得關注的是,創市際市調這份調查進行期間適逢總統大選,報告中特別將政治議題另做數據分析。 結果顯示,單在政治新聞方面,中時電子報在「單一網友平均停留時間(分鐘)」項目,以61.6分鐘遙遙領先自由時報電子報的16分鐘與蘋果日報網站的12.5分鐘;「單一網友平均瀏覽頁數」則有32頁,遠遠超過聯合新聞網與蘋果日報的12頁、「單一網友平均造訪次數」也有6.5次,都是「報社/原生新聞網站」類別中的第一名。

我見我思-大數據與新聞質感. 大數據時代,網路資訊公開透明、無所遁形,新聞也悄悄掀起革命。


在紙媒時代,只有發行量或廣告量可以評估整份報紙的表現,單一報導或評論的貢獻實難得知。 但是在大數據時代,不只新聞網站的成績完全透明,連每一則新聞獲得的成績也立即可見。 影響所及,新聞記者長久以來領取固定薪水,未來只怕會出現參考瀏覽數來核發獎金的改變。 A 91-year-old literary magazine is hosting a yearlong experiment in storytelling on Instagram. On my Instagram feed, sandwiched between a photo of a bagel and one of a friend’s Christmas tree, is a black-and-white snapshot of a homeless man sitting on a Manhattan sidewalk.

A 91-year-old literary magazine is hosting a yearlong experiment in storytelling on Instagram

The accompanying text is 400 words long, a sketch built from fragments of the man’s history as told to the post’s author (and photographer), Jamie Alliotts. It’s not Humans of New York, the wildly popular blog and social media phenomenon that features images of people along with quotes or write-ups of their back stories. Rather, it’s part of an experimental series run by the Virginia Quarterly Review, the literary magazine published out of the University of Virginia. “We’re improvising as we go along,” VQR deputy editor Paul Reyes told me. “The potential lies in how Instagram, as a platform, shapes content. As VQR describes it, the #VQRTrueStory project is a “social media experiment in nonfiction, in which stories share platforms — between Instagram, our website, and the magazine.” The Wall Street Journal is the first American newspaper to get a spot on Snapchat Discover.

The Wall Street Journal became the nineteenth publisher to have a channel on Snapchat’s U.S.

The Wall Street Journal is the first American newspaper to get a spot on Snapchat Discover

Discover Wednesday. It’s the first U.S. newspaper and first business publication available on the platform (and the second newspaper overall — the U.K.’s Daily Mail is also there). The Journal’s Snapchat team consists of five people who will publish eight items each weekday, according to Recode. So far, the Journal’s Snapchat content seems skewed toward an audience older and more serious audience than other publishers’. Among the offerings on Wednesday were a story on what to expect from CES 2016, a story on the rising average monthly rent for U.S. apartments, and a “Wonk Fact” noting that pay for new graduates has been rising. Here are some more predictions for journalism in 2016.

Predicting the year ahead in journalism has become a Nieman Lab tradition.

Here are some more predictions for journalism in 2016

Each year, we ask some of the smartest people in the business to share what they think the year ahead will look like for news. We’re not the only ones looking at how journalism will fare in 2016, though. This week, Nic Newman, a research associate at the Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism, released a new report: “Media, Journalism and Technology Predictions 2016.” Newman’s report touches on many of the questions that are at the forefront of people’s minds these days: How will the surge in distributed content continue to affect publishers? What’s the next battle in the war against adblockers? Beyond these questions, Newman surveyed 130 editors, executives, and other digital leaders from more than 25 countries to understand how they are approaching 2016. For example, 79 percent of respondents said their companies plan to invest more in online video this year.

The full Reuters report is available here. 請開始想像........ 陳碧芬 Cristina CHEN. Yahoo奇摩新聞. 為什麼要用產業分析? 1960年代的平面媒體. 媒體中心 – 政大公企中心. Today in Media History: 150 years ago news bulletins reported that President Lincoln had been shot. 改變中的媒體... 改變中的媒體. 聯合新聞網:觸動未來 新識力. 蘋果日報|Apple Daily|首頁. Econsultancy. The BBC has finally switched off its old desktop site and is now redirecting mobile users away from its .m site to its brand new fully responsive news site.


BBC News’s previous iteration was four years old, and although it regularly broke records for attracting worldwide traffic (64m unique visitors in January 2013) the site has been need of a multi-screen compatible upgrade for some time. In fact since inviting users to trial a beta version of the new site in December, BBC News has seen 65% of its users now accessing the site from tablets and mobiles. 改變中的媒體. The News Lens 關鍵評論網 - 分享觀點從這開始. 改變中的媒體. 自媒體. FIND. 阿妹/阿密特2015烏托邦世界巡城演唱會特企. 阿密特再現江湖 烏托邦世界巡城與以往阿妹演唱會不同,這次由張惠妹分身阿密特火爆開場,以搖滾組曲炒熱現場。


如果你也聽說 周杰倫送花給張惠妹,希望阿妹唱他寫的歌,阿妹想了很久周董寫給她哪首歌,她故意先問粉絲願不願意聽,才臨時加碼獻唱「如果你也聽說」。 「素人」時代,「自媒體」上的鎂光燈比傳統媒體還亮眼. 文:Kevin Cheng;圖:Roger、Vivier、Versace、部分截圖自Instagram 時尚產業千變萬化,如同知名時尚選秀節目《決戰時裝伸展台》中的名言「In fashion, one day you're in and the next day you're out」,新一波的時尚行銷潮流正急速的侵襲我們的生活,是顛覆,是挑戰,更是一場跳脫階級的時尚戰爭。


2006年末,全球最具影響力的雜誌之一,美國《Time》雜誌在年度風雲人物的封面中,出其不意的並未使用任何我們熟知的人物作為代表,而是放上偌大的一台蘋果風格的電腦與「You」作為意象,很多人在猜想如此大幅度的舉動代表什麼? 是否名人的的影響力逐漸被削弱,平民崛起的自主發表才是下個世代的矚目重點? Coca-Cola Journey Homepage: The Coca-Cola Company. 可口可樂的媒體法則 70/20/10. 90後的媒體認知. How Millennials Get News. Published This research was conducted by the Media Insight Project — an initiative of the American Press Institute and the Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research Introduction For years, researchers and social critics have worried that the newest generation of American adults is less interested in news than those who grew up in the pre-digital age.

How Millennials Get News

Much of the concern has come from data that suggest adults age 18-34 — so-called Millennials — do not visit news sites, read print newspapers, watch television news, or seek out news in great numbers. This generation, instead, spends more time on social networks, often on mobile devices. A new comprehensive study that looks closely at how people learn about the world on these different devices and platforms finds that this newest generation of American adults is anything but “newsless,” passive, or civically uninterested. How Millennials get news Facebook is not the only social network Millennials use for news.

About the study. 清大生辦雜誌 用「貢丸湯」講新竹事. 楊方儒 - Photos de la publication de 楊方儒 dans 新媒體研究所. FlyingV 群眾募資平台 Crowdfunding in Asia. 我是楊方儒,Knowing的創辦人暨執行長。

flyingV 群眾募資平台 Crowdfunding in Asia

我過去做了十五年雜誌,或許也恬不知恥的可以說自己是「雜誌人」了,根據非正式統計與口耳相傳,我應該是歷來唯一擁有兩岸三地全職工作經驗的財經雜誌人。 即將到來的媒體 = 共創平台. HereO 群眾集資/ 群眾募資平台 Crowdfunding platform in Taiwan. What USA Today Sports learned covering the Final Four on Periscope and Snapchat. There’s no shortage of ways to reach new audiences — the challenge is figuring out which are worth investing time in and what to do with them. At USA Today Sports, where I work, two platforms we’re trying to better understand and implement into our strategies are Snapchat and Periscope. The latter launched just two weeks ago, right before college basketball’s Final Four. I ventured to Indianapolis intent on both bringing the event to our followers on Snapchat and building a follower base from scratch on Periscope.

As someone who already uses Snapchat regularly, the challenge for me wasn’t in learning how to use it, but in experimenting with the USA Today Sports account to make it as engaging and dynamic as possible. Periscope, on the other hand, was entirely new to me. A big live sporting event seemed like a great opportunity to put these apps to work.

Nieman Journalism Lab » Pushing to the Future of Journalism. What happened to Flight 370? - Washington Post. PPT2. Media Lab媒體實驗室. What's Next for New Media. Photo Credit: Sam Chills @ Flickr, CC BY 2.0 過去兩天,我們在 Facebook上回顧了《紐約時報》在社群媒體的創新實驗,這邊也整理《紐約時報》過去半年來,更多精彩的數位佈局與數位轉型策略。