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Facebook, Twitter : Il faut passer à la caisse !! Cet article a été publié il y a 1 an 11 mois 4 jours, il est possible qu’il ne soit plus à jour.

Facebook, Twitter : Il faut passer à la caisse !!

Les informations proposées sont donc peut-être expirées. En 2009, Forrester définissait les trois types de présence online pour les marques. » 6 Tips for a Successful Video and Viral Marketing Nonprofit Fundraising Campaign. I recently found myself with unexpected time on my hands while nursing a sprained ankle so I decided to watch the Kony 2012 video as I hadn’t seen it yet.

» 6 Tips for a Successful Video and Viral Marketing Nonprofit Fundraising Campaign

I had intended to watch it earlier but kept putting it off because the 30 minute time investment always seemed to exceed what I had available. Although I had heard some of the controversy surrounding the administration and tactics of the Invisible Children charity and the Kony 2012 campaign, I never took the time to investigate it enough to form an educated opinion. All the hype definitely lent to the video’s must-see value for me though and overall it did not disappoint. From a purely production standpoint, the campaign ticks a lot of boxes in terms of effectiveness that I’ll be exploring in this blog post but I’d first like to qualify that statement. This post is by no means a testament to Invisible Children or the Kony 2012 campaign. Powerful Story. Go Viral. How B2B Marketers Use Social Media: New Research. Do you primarily market to other businesses?

How B2B Marketers Use Social Media: New Research

Le buzz vidéo : provoquer plus, pour gagner plus ! Le Web au service des consommateurs et des marques ! Cet article a été publié il y a 2 ans 17 jours, il est possible qu’il ne soit plus à jour.

Le Web au service des consommateurs et des marques !

Les informations proposées sont donc peut-être expirées. Le web est un outil qui permet aujourd’hui d’équilibrer la balance entre les consommateurs et les marques. En effet, l’émergence des réseaux sociaux dans notre monde numérique a permis aux consommateurs d’exprimer leurs avis, et plus important encore, de les partager directement auprès de leur entourage, mais également, directement auprès des marques. Les entreprises présentent sur le web ont alors la possibilité d’étudier minutieusement ce que l’on dit sur elles, mais surtout, cela permet aux marques d’amener directement le produit aux consommateurs après étude de ce qui a été dit sur le net, et d’ainsi répondre à des besoins latents, voire d’en créer de nouveaux.

La marque australienne Ice Break, boisson fraîche au café, est distribuée sur tout le territoire à l’exception de la côte ouest Australienne (Western Australia). COOL TOOLS: 10 Favorite Social Media Tools for Marcom Pros. Included in the June 2012 BIZ Builder Magazine Issue - Click to Read Online We all love our online gadgets and tools.

COOL TOOLS: 10 Favorite Social Media Tools for Marcom Pros

Some help us breeze through the day. Some help us look like social media superstars. Some are just plain fun. Practical or not, tools help. We scoured the Web and asked our friends and colleagues about their favorite social media tools—especially those that help marketing and communication professionals. Facebook Timeline and What Marketers Need to Know. Are you wondering how Facebook’s Timeline will impact your business and marketing?

Facebook Timeline and What Marketers Need to Know

Right now Timeline is currently limited to personal profiles and with no schedule set or promised for brand pages. However, given Facebook’s history with design changes and how changes of this sort first get released to users and later on get applied to brands, it’s likely that Timeline is on the horizon for business pages as well. This article will explore what the timeline means for marketers. Timeline for Users User profiles have been completely overhauled into a sleek new page with large cover pictures, featured actions, certain aggregated information and more. 9 Social Media Marketing Tips From the Pros. Are you looking for some new ideas to simplify your social media marketing?

9 Social Media Marketing Tips From the Pros

Do you wonder how others use social media to attract customers? We asked the pros for their hottest social media tips. Here’s their advice to help you power up your social media marketing. #1: Draw Attention to Your Custom Tabs in the New Facebook Timelines Andrea Vahl @AndreaVahl If you have a special offer on your website, why not use Facebook to showcase your freebie?

With the new Facebook Timelines fan pages, you can no longer have a custom tab as a default landing tab, so now you will have to draw attention to your freebie with the custom tab photo and the custom tab name. HubSpot has done a great job of that with their custom tab photo advertising their free ebook and the Customer Case Studies title on one of their other apps. Notice the images on the four icons under the header image. INTERNET MARKETING - ebg - Electronic Business Group. Marketing social : fin de la gratuité pour les annonceurs ? Les billboards interactifs, nouveau lien avec les consommateurs ? 8 Tips for Training Social Media Marketers. Does your business have a plan for bringing on social media marketers?

8 Tips for Training Social Media Marketers

Are you wondering how to work with experts outside the company while maintaining a consistent brand experience? Before you jump in headfirst or turn over the social media reins , . #1: Create a Social Style Guide Agreeing on a style for outward-facing content helps solidify your company’s identity and character, and is the starting point of good social media employee training, because it puts all agents on the same page. Perhaps the biggest hurdle in creating a style guide is to . If you’re working business to business in, say, the medical field, you’ll likely want to employ a professional voice. . #2: Define Social Goals When creating your style guide, keep your goals in mind.