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Product Overview. Powerbullet is a small, simple program for creating presentations in the Flash format.

Product Overview

You should have minimal startup time in getting your first presentation together if you're familiar with using a basic word processor. Most commonly-used operations are available with a button click or two, and there are handy keyboard shortcuts for most operations. For instance, using the up and down arrow keys - in conjunction with the Control and Shift key - dynamically increases or decreases the font size, giving you instant feedback.

Powerbullet Presenter is specifically designed for creating multi-page presentations that are commonly used in electronic sales brochures and catalogues, splash screens, tutorials, slide-shows and student projects. You can also create a self-running show, specifying delays on each page, or you can link the timing to the sound attached to each page. Create standard presentations easily or customize Unusual fonts Online or Offline Presentations. Home - Art of Illusion. Welcome to Zoho Show - Online presentation tool. Welcome to Zoho Show - Online presentation tool.

S Guide to...Free Graphics Software, Images, Clipart, etc. Scribus - 15 Must-Have Freeware Programs for Filmmakers. Visio. Open Source Talk » enterprise2.0. Alfresco 2.2 has focused on offering content management and collaboration for everyone in the enterprise and has used web 2.0 technologies to bring together content management, collaboration, office and email integration all within one repository.

Open Source Talk » enterprise2.0

Many industry leading clients are using Alfresco to provide next generation user experiences, creating communities around their products, and delivering this at dramatically lower cost through the benefit of open source. These new community oriented product micro-sites need to be highly-scalable with the ability to integrate rich media with user generated content, and support rapid content update for a fresh customer experience, while promoting a consistent brand. Experience with this next generation of websites has driven the enhancements in Alfresco 2.2 including: Alfresco has continued its focus on collaboration and management for the whole enterprise in version 2.2 with enhancements delivering the following capabilities: Have fun ian. PeopleAggregator - An Open Source Social Network. 6 Open Source Social Networking Projects - Flock, Elgg, Jcow - Reviews. Flock, Elgg, Jcow October 18, 2010 By Eric Geier The big social networking sites like Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn all us open source software to power their services.

6 Open Source Social Networking Projects - Flock, Elgg, Jcow - Reviews

Eric Geier rounds up a batch of open source social networking projects that you can deploy in your own organization, plus one open source social networking aggregator. Social networking sites like Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, and LinkedIn have taken off. They are now among the top sites visited among the entire World Wide Web. There are basically two types of applications when it comes to social networking. Here is a list of 6 open source projects: one aggregator and five development platforms: Flock Social Web Browser This social network aggregator is basically a web browser with a built-in sidebar. Prior Flock releases (2.x) were based on Mozilla and include support for more services and have much more functionality. Open Source Social Networking. 12 Best Open-Source Social Networking Software. The 5 Best Open-Source Social Networking Software. Previously, Abhijeet has highlighted three awesome sites where you can create your own social network easily.

The 5 Best Open-Source Social Networking Software

However, if you are one of those who wants more control of the site, including the branding, the domain name, the features, the design, the community rule, or even the database, the best way is to install and run a social networking software on your server. While there are plenty of scripts (both free and paid) that you can use to run your own social network, there are only a few that are stable, good and easy to use.

Here we have handpicked 5 of the best open-source social networking software for you to choose from. 1. Elgg Elgg has just won the best open source social networking platform for the year 2008, so there is no doubt about the usability of this software. Elgg operates on a LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySql and Php) environment and it is easy to install and configure. Before you install Elgg, try out its demo site. 2. Check out the demo site 3. Try out the demo site. 6 Promising And Open Source Social Networking Softwares To Create Your Own.