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HATEOAS: ¿qué y por qué? - Charlie don't code. Hace un tiempo di una charla en el PyDay de Córdoba sobre cómo construir APIs REST usando Tastypie .

HATEOAS: ¿qué y por qué? - Charlie don't code

En uno de los slides menciono que una de las características de una API para ser considerada RESTful (que no es lo mismo que REST) debe ser HATEOAS. La R de REST es de "Recurso" Primero pensemos en qué es REST. REST es un "estilo de arquitectura". La clave de REST es que es "orientado a recursos" en vez de ser "orientado a acciones" como lo es, por ejemplo, SOA. Veamos un ejemplo para entender todo esto. "A través de nuestra API podés comprar un producto de la siguiente manera: POST /productos/? Horrible, ¿no? Para hacer que nuestra API sea RESTful debemos concentrarnos en el recurso. Fast scraping in python with asyncio.

Web scraping is one of those subjects that often appears in python discussions.

Fast scraping in python with asyncio

There are many ways to do this, and there doesn't seem to be one best way. There are fully fledged frameworks like scrapy and more lightweight libraries like mechanize. Do-it-yourself solutions are also popular: one can go a long way by using requests and beautifulsoup or pyquery. The reason for this diversity is that "scraping" actually covers multiple problems: you don't need to same tool to extract data from hundreds of pages and to automate some web workflow (like filling a few forms and getting some data back). L'œil de Skilly - Toutes les nouveautés High Tech pour les développeurs ! Zen Productivity. By Leo Babauta This morning I had a ton of work to do, and I felt the anxiety building, the moment I woke up and started thinking about all that work.

Zen Productivity

Oliver Emberton. We are not normal people. ← Back to main Written by Justin on January 29, 2014 When it comes to building products, the biggest problem technical (and creative) people have is this: increasing the technical challenge while creating a product does not increase the chance for more sales This surprises us.

We are not normal people

We get an idea for a thing, think about the technology we’d use to build it, and get excited. “I could build this on the Twilio API!” The problem is that all of this is focused on us, the creator, and not on the customer, the consumer. The Magic of strace - Chad Fowler. Early in my career, a co-worker and I were flown from Memphis to Orlando to try to help end a multi-day outage of our company’s corporate Lotus Domino server.

The Magic of strace - Chad Fowler

The team in Orlando had been fire-fighting for days and had gotten nowhere. The Moderately Enthusiastic Programmer. I feel like I’m practically the poster child for the “passionate programmer”.

The Moderately Enthusiastic Programmer

I code for fun, always have. I’m like the stereotype of the guy who’d be programming even if it didn’t pay. I play with new programming languages for the sheer hell of it. I write and speak about the joy of coding, and try my best to pass that joy along to others as best I can. And yet… I find myself increasingly uncomfortable with the rhetoric of passion in programming. The Spring Blog. Fallacies. Dr.


Michael C. Labossiere, the author of a Macintosh tutorial named Fallacy Tutorial Pro 3.0, has kindly agreed to allow the text of his work to appear on the Nizkor site, as a Nizkor Feature. It remains © Copyright 1995 Michael C. Labossiere, with distribution restrictions -- please see our copyright notice. If you have questions or comments about this work, please direct them both to the Nizkor webmasters ( and to Dr.

Other sites that list and explain fallacies include: Workstation Popcorn: How To Become Uber Productive While Working For Yourself. Parallelism in one line — Building Things on the Internet. Introducing: Map Map is a cool little function, and the key to easily injecting parallelism into your Python code.

Parallelism in one line — Building Things on the Internet

For those unfamiliar, map is something lifted from functional languages like Lisp. It is a function which maps another function over a sequence. e.g. Hacker News. React: Finally, a great server/client web stack - Eric Florenzano’s Blog. We started with static websites, simple pages that could link between each other.

React: Finally, a great server/client web stack - Eric Florenzano’s Blog

Then we started constructing those pages on demand, customizing the contents of the page for each individual user. Next we started using Javascript to add more interactivity, and these pages started to become more like applications. But now we have XMLHttpRequest, and most new projects are moving towards building their pages entirely in the browser. Create a Github Repo from the Command Line. As a developer, a majority of my day is spent at my computer cranking away on various things.

Create a Github Repo from the Command Line

Inspired by a RubyRogues episode (Sharpening Tools with Ben Orenstein), I’ve taken an interest lately in making my day-to-day tasks more efficient, scratching the itches that are the minor annoyances in my development days. I thought I’d share the progress I have made in the hope that it will help others, so without further ado, I present: creating a Github repo from the command line.

Y Combinator Posthaven.