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Les fabricants de puces pour mobiles à l'assaut de la 4G. LTE : les fabricants japonais progressent sur les chipsets. Les premiers réseaux mobiles LTE ( Long Term Evolution ) commerciaux devraient démarrer dès 2010 et le Japon sera l'un des pays à s'en équiper rapidement sous l'impulsion de l'opérateur NTT DoCoMo. Pour rappel, ce type de réseau doit fournir des débits maximum théoriques descendants de 100 Mbps et montants de 50 Mbps. Mais pour que le succès soit au rendez-vous, il est impératif que des terminaux soient disponibles en nombre suffisant. Et pour fournir une offre cohérente rapidement, rien ne vaut la standardisation par une plate-forme commune apportant les composants et les fonctions de base d'un système LTE.

C'est la tâche à laquelle se sont attelées quatre sociétés japonaises : NTT DoCoMo, NEC, Panasonic Mobile Communications et Fujitsu dans le cadre du projet LTE-PF, une plate-forme logicielle qui doit faciliter la création de terminaux compatibles. DEVELOPMENT OF IMT-ADVANCED: THE SMART APPROACH. Development of IMT-Advanced: The SMaRT approach Stephen M. Blust, Chairman of ITU–R Working Party 5D and Director of Radio Standards, AT&T, Inc. What is IMT-Advanced? International Mobile Telecommunications-Advanced (IMT-Advanced) systems are mobile systems which include the new capabilities of IMT that go beyond those of IMT-2000. IMT-Advanced systems will support low to high mobility applications and a wide range of data rates in accordance with user and service demands in multiple user environments.

As defined in Resolution ITU–R 56, both IMT-2000 and IMT-Advanced are known collectively by their root name of IMT. ITU–R is on track in its work towards completing the full set of documentation for this definition. Following the Radiocommunication Assembly in 2007 (RA-07), the work on IMT is now being addressed under the new Study Group 5 umbrella by Working Party 5D. The SMaRT view of the work SPECTRUM — which is the natural resource of wireless communications. Invitation to IMT-Advanced. Madagascar au « Mobile World Congress » 2010 de Barcelone. Du 15 au 18 février 2010 a eu lieu, à Barcelone (Espagne), le Congrès mondial de la téléphonie mobile ou «Mobile World Congress ». Il s’agit du plus grand Salon de la planète consacré à la téléphonie mobile et tout ce qui tourne autour. Le public est tout ce qui a de professionnel mais les jeux vidéo y ont aussi leur place.

Au centre, Augustin Andriamananoro et Patrick Pisal-Hamida Pour ce grand rendez-vous mondial, et pour vivre avec son temps, Madagascar y a été représenté par le ministre des Télécommunications, Postes et Nouvelles Technologies (MTPNT), Augustin Andriamananoro, le Directeur Général des Télécommunications et des Infrastructures au sein du MTPNT, Salma Hassanaly. Etait également du voyage, le Directeur Général de Télécom Malagasy ou Telma, Patrick Pisal-Hamida. Plus de 1.300 sociétés, issues des quatre coins de la planète, ont exposé leurs produits et technologies sophistiqués durant l'événement. Place au premier responsable malgache, le ministre Augustin Andriamananoro. LTE in Latin America: the discussion has already started | QuovisMedia. Quovis Media Wrap Up was off last week because our team members were in Rio de Janeiro, not enjoying Ipanema beach but attending Informa´s LTE Latin America 2010.

During the event operators from Chile, Argentina and Brazil explained how the technology will fit into their future business roadmap. LTE is seen by the operators as a capacity enabler more than a technology that would allow for faster speeds. Spectrum is the key issue surrounding the discussion in Latin America where spectrum harmonization with the rest of the world outside the 2,5 GHz will be very difficult or even impossible. IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) will become an important component once operators consider voice as an integral component of LTE deployments. Other Latin American story Chilean operator Entel announcement last week its plans to invest US$580 million this year. ISDB-T is consolidating itself as the digital TV standard. And finally, Movistar seeks to strengthen its ecosystem of application developers. 4G Americas. Consulting and Research: Telecoms, Internet, Media. The ultra-fast broadband market continues to develop quickly in most regions around the globe, in terms of both subscribers and homes passed.

At the end of 2009, there were close to 40 million FTTH/B subscribers around the world, or 15% more than the year before. Over the next five years, this momentum is likely to translate into a significant increase in the number of homes passed: by the end of 2014, there will be close to 306 million homes passed for FTTH/B, of which more than half will still be located in Asia and 18% in Western Europe. • On the matter of subscribers, Europe (including Russia) is home to 3.5 million FTTH/B customers, with some countries, such as Russia, Lithuania and Slovakia, boasting a particularly dynamic market. Eastern Europe is in fact expected to have more fibre subscribers than North America starting in 2012. • In 2014, 18 countries will have deployed optical fibre networks to more than 50% of homes, which is 10 more than at the end of 2009.

Mexico | LTE Will Arrive in Mexico in 2011. LTE tests already conducted in Mexico The LTE technology, recently shown in Barcelona at Mobile World Congress 2010 will arrive in Mexico next year. This technology allows connection speeds from 40 to 50 megabits per second. Now, with 3G, you get 1.5 to 2 megabits per second (Mbps). America Movil has announced its foray into the LTE (Long Term Evolution), which is part of the increased capabilities of the network to 4G. "This year we started testing with LTE technology, and in 2011 will be the year of commercial operations, said in an interview Marco Quatorze, director of value added services for Telcel. America Movil Quatorze get ignored when the tender to provide these services. The 4G network, said Quatorze, will benefit the optimization of its resources with the use of frequencies and power to offer the highest speed to their customers. At the time, America Movil is evaluating the suppliers of modems to provide its new broadband service.

"The same range of modems that we have in 3G to 4G. Et Telefónica réussissent les premiers appels 4G LTE en Amérique latine. LTE Latin America 2011.