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His Camera Takes Us To The World 'We Must Preserve' : Goats and Soda. The photographer Sebastiao Salgado, in New York City on Thursday, says we are at a "special moment" — our world now needs to be protected from climate change and other forces.

His Camera Takes Us To The World 'We Must Preserve' : Goats and Soda

Misha Friedman for NPR hide caption itoggle caption Misha Friedman for NPR The photographer Sebastiao Salgado, in New York City on Thursday, says we are at a "special moment" — our world now needs to be protected from climate change and other forces. Misha Friedman for NPR A group of Waura Indians fish in the Puilanga Lake near their village in the Upper Xingu region of Brazil's Mato Grosso state. 2005 itoggle caption © Sebastião Salgado/Amazonas images-Contact Press Images Fierce winds keep even daytime temperatures low inside the Arctic Circle. 30 Years Ago They Retired at 35: An Update.

Don’t you love “Where Are They Now?”

30 Years Ago They Retired at 35: An Update

Stories? Well, have I got a doozy for you. In 1988, when I was an editor at Money magazine, I assigned a cover story on Paul Terhorst, a frugal Peat Marwick accountant who retired at 35 in 1984 and wrote a book about it: Cashing In On the American Dream: How to Retire at 35. Last week, I caught up with Paul, now 65, to find out how the past 30 years have gone for him and his wife, Vicki (also 35 when she retired) — and to learn his plans for, what could be, another 30 years. Can you imagine 60 years of retirement? 10 Things I Want My Daughter to Know About Working Out. Mid-way through a recent group exercise class, the teacher lost me.

10 Things I Want My Daughter to Know About Working Out

She didn’t lose me because of some complicated step sequence or insanely long set of burpees; I mentally checked out because of a few words she kept saying over and over. “Come on! Get that body ready for your winter beach vacation! Your Lifestyle Has Already Been Designed (The Real Reason For The Forty-Hour Workweek) What Happens When You Live Abroad. A very dependable feature of people who live abroad is finding them huddled together in bars and restaurants, talking not just about their homelands, but about the experience of leaving.

What Happens When You Live Abroad

And strangely enough, these groups of ex-pats aren’t necessarily all from the same home countries, often the mere experience of trading lands and cultures is enough to link them together and build the foundations of a friendship. I knew a decent amount of ex pats — of varying lengths of stay — back in America, and it’s reassuring to see that here in Europe, the “foreigner” bars are just as prevalent and filled with the same warm, nostalgic chatter.

But one thing that undoubtedly exists between all of us, something that lingers unspoken at all of our gatherings, is fear. There is a palpable fear to living in a new country, and though it is more acute in the first months, even year, of your stay, it never completely evaporates as time goes on. It simply changes. The Coolest Tattoo Artists In The World. French tattoo artist Loïc Lavenu, also known by the nickname Xoïl, has a very distinctive Photoshop collage aesthetic.

The Coolest Tattoo Artists In The World

The results are always surreal, sprawling, and highly experimental. Peter is incredibly skilled at creating many visual art styles, be it watercolor, cubism, or precisely shaded pencil drawings. He lives in a tree, doesn't wear shoes, and brushes his teeth with a pinecone. Talk about living off the grid.

He lives in a tree, doesn't wear shoes, and brushes his teeth with a pinecone

About 25 years ago, Mick Dodge shed his shoes, grew his beard, and left modern civilization (and a family) to live alone in the Pacific Northwest’s Hoh rain forest. Fail Safe: Debbie Millman's Advice on Courage and the Creative Life. By Maria Popova The seasonal trope of the commencement address is upon us as wisdom on life is being dispensed from graduation podiums around the world.

Fail Safe: Debbie Millman's Advice on Courage and the Creative Life

3 minutes to remind you how diverse and incredible the Earth truly is. Downsizing Your Life. Initial Cull On November 20, 2008 I casually announced, “I’m going to reduce my worldly possession to two suitcases, a carry-on and a computer bag.”

Downsizing Your Life

The declaration was delivered in about the same fait accompli tone as other people might mention they had decided to buy a new pair of shoes. At the time I was living in a two-bedroom terrace house in Sydney. I sold the furniture, gave my art to friends — it was quite an extensive collection — and donated everything that was left over to charity.

How to Photograph Strangers. As a photographer and photo editor for National Geographic Traveler, people often ask me how I approach strangers when I want to take their picture — especially when there’s a language barrier.

How to Photograph Strangers

Here are my thoughts: Taking a photograph of someone you don’t know is one of the most difficult things to do for many beginning photographers. Although many people think of the National Geographic Society as being home to wonderful pictures of wildlife, in truth most of the photos are of what we refer to as pictures of the human condition.

Photography is a powerful tool for showing what the world is like on a human level. 15 life lessons from 15 years of travel. Early February, 1998.

15 life lessons from 15 years of travel

I figured I’d be in London for a year or so, take a look around Europe, then return to New Zealand and settle down. That’s what everyone else did, after all. Life, though, had other plans. Last week I celebrated 15 years of travel. The One Thing Holding You Back In Life (And How to Overcome it) “The secret of happiness is freedom. The secret of freedom is courage.” -Thucydides Lisa was dazed and confused. Totally lost in life, she was feeling like she was in a life she hadn’t chosen, feeling listless and trying to figure out why she didn’t feel like herself. She told me about how messed up her current life was, and how nothing felt right.

Want to find his hidden treasure worth millions? Head outdoors. On the show Erika Angulo TODAY Feb. 27, 2013 at 9:45 AM ET A New Mexico multimillionaire wants you to get off the couch and go searching for hidden treasure. Forrest Fenn, 82, believes too many Americans spend their free time watching TV or playing video games. Lost Camera Floats From Hawaii to Taiwan. How Travel Makes You More Creative. Travel is one of the most creativity inducing activities you can do. While it may seem like travel is externally oriented and consists mostly of exciting, worldly adventures, travel has a long and successful history with encouraging a life of the mind. If you’re a career breaker, you’ve probably realized how important creativity is to professional success. If creativity is not a fundamental part of your job, it will be. Here’s why travel is an excellent tool for becoming more creative. The 109th Country. Editor’s note: We have been publishing transformational travel stories on BootsnAll for a while now, and up until today, they have all been first person accounts of how travel has changed or transformed that particular writer.

Today’s story is a little different in that the writer, William Blomstedt, writes about a man he met during his travels – a man in his eighties who is still out exploring the world – and how that meeting and his subsequent travels with his new friend impacted his experience. We only meant to spend a few minutes using the internet in the hotel lobby, but before I knew it I was running the four flights of stairs to our room for the third time, this trip to get the iPhone’s USB cable. The Aimless Twenty-Something Life: A Postgrad’s Tale of Travel & Taking Control. In May 2011, I was sitting across from four editors in the startlingly modern private boardroom of the Chronicle Herald newspaper in west end Halifax, Nova Scotia.

I’d prepared for this job interview all week. Do you have too much stuff? Collecting experiences instead of things. Jenn Miller has been on the road with her husband and four children for over five years and is well versed in all aspects of long-term travel. Each week Jenn will bring a unique insight into extended travel, touching on topics ranging from inspirational articles to practical trip planning to family travel to education on the road to interviews with interesting people she’s met along the way. When my grandmother died, I remember standing over her casket feeling that cavernous sense of loss that seems limitless until the quiet echo of your own screaming sorrow reverberates back from the cold hard limits of reality. Take a Hike to Boost Your Creativity. Believe In The Beauty of Your Dreams. Everyone is born with dreams that are meant to come true. Your dreams give your life purpose and meaning and connect you to the ideas and activities you feel passionate about.

Being able to articulate your dream empowers you with a sense of inspiration, motivation, excitement, creativity and courage. Pursuing your dream leads you on the most exciting journey of all -- the journey of self-discovery. Working A “Not A Real Job” Job. We Should All Be Hopeless Romantics. There's More to Life Than Being Happy - Emily Esfahani Smith. 15 life lessons from 15 years of travel. 42 Ways You Can Make Money and Travel the World. Have you ever asked yourself, “How will I possibly make money while traveling?” Admiring Wheat Fields. 4 Lessons on How to Find the Right Direction in Life. “Life’s blows cannot break a person whose spirit is warmed by the fire of enthusiasm.” ~Norman Vincent Peale “Something just doesn’t feel right,” I thought to myself as I walked into my house after a long commute from work, being greeted by my exhausted spouse who was trying to manage the kids after putting in a long day in her own job.

Work hard, save money, buy a house, and live happily ever after. How To Discover Your Life’s Path — And Achieve Mastery.