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Mooc creative use of tablets in school

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Estructura de un Mooc. Success in a MOOC. MOOC: Pasos básicos para un aprendizaje personalizado en el aula – Innovación Educativa. Imagínense un aula donde solamente hubiese un profesor y un alumno ¿mejoraría su aprendizaje?

MOOC: Pasos básicos para un aprendizaje personalizado en el aula – Innovación Educativa

Pues depende: Si el profesor imparte docencia como si la estuviese impartiendo en un aula con 40 alumnos, entonces el resultado del aprendizaje no variaría, sería el mismo que si ese alumno estuviese en una clase normal.Si el profesor realiza una evaluación diagnóstica y adapta los recursos, la estrategia formativa y el ritmo de aprendizaje al alumno, entonces su aprendizaje será mucho más eficaz. Plataformas para crear tus propios MOOCs - Página 5. La formación virtual se multiplica cada año: 50 millones de alumnos en el 2016. «En los últimos años ha habido un cambio en el imaginario colectivo y la formación on line se considera de la misma calidad que la presencial».

La formación virtual se multiplica cada año: 50 millones de alumnos en el 2016

Así resumía Carmen Fernández Morante, decana de Educación de Santiago y especialista en formación virtual, la revolución de los cursos por Internet. De este asunto hablaron ayer varios expertos en la Jornada de Innovación Formativa en un Entorno Digital, que se celebró en el Museo Santiago Rey. Ángel González es responsable de MiríadaX, la plataforma de cursos de Telefónica y el Santander que tiene 600 títulos, tres millones de alumnos y cada semana que pasa gana 23.000 más.

Habló de lo que suponen los MOOC y explicó que tras algunas vacilaciones se ha detectado que «el modelo conductivista ha triunfado, porque los usuarios lo han acogido de forma masiva», quitando importancia a que solo el 23 % de los alumnos termina el curso; para él es más interesante saber que quien hace un curso, repite (un 92 %). Pros y contras. Isabel Ruivo - a learning diary for CREATIVE USE OF TABLETS IN SCHOOL.

UNESCO's educational goals for the 21st century clearly underline that school organisations can and should be the energiser of societal change: by differentiating learning, by promoting autonomy, creativity, by enhancing life long learning, by building upon collaboration, by growing resilience and change managing and adaptive profiles.

Isabel Ruivo - a learning diary for CREATIVE USE OF TABLETS IN SCHOOL

The use of tablets in teaching and learning is a mean of bringing to life that new societal project. Learning becomes more engaged; project development, with students' empowerment, can grow and feed life projects; collaboration, supporting others and sharing will enhance acceptance and tolerance. Chiara's Learning Diary. Day 1 19.04.15 Here I am... finally and usual!!!

Chiara's Learning Diary

:( Dear Diary, let's introduce ouselves..... I'm Chiara Torchia a foreing languages teacher from the south of Italy. I really love my job! Spending a lot of time with young people, makes me feel young too! A part from my job I'm really fond of cats and technologies and I like to spend my free time (well, do I still have any spare time left after work??? About the course, a part from being late (!!!!) Will I be able to do all the activities required to achieve the final goal? Diario de aprendizaje del curso "Creative use of Tablets in Schools" / Eurpean Schoolnet Academy. 3.

Diario de aprendizaje del curso "Creative use of Tablets in Schools" / Eurpean Schoolnet Academy

Nuestro reto / Our challenge: ¡¡¡Motivar a los profesores: creatividad!!! Manuela Baptista - MOOC: Creative use of Tablets in Schools. Q1 - Why do I want to use tablets in my teaching?

Manuela Baptista - MOOC: Creative use of Tablets in Schools

R.: Students are very enthusiastic when we propose them to use tablets in class. I think the motivation is essential for learning and therefore I believe that this is a resource that can provide many benefits... Q2 - What whole-school challenges do I anticipate facing when using tablets? R.: Tablets are expensive and, therefore, the schools do not have money to buy. However, at least in my country, there are programs, though few that allow the presentation of educational project applications and this could be a way to getmoney to buy some tablets. In addition, not less important, is the need to train teachers to use the tablet as an educational tool.

Q3 - What classroom challenges do I anticipate facing when using tablets? R.: - Need to make a good planning of lessons using the tablet, so that students remain focused on what the teacher wants. Diario de aprendizaje del curso "Creative use of Tablets in Schools" / Eurpean Schoolnet Academy. Creative use of Tablets in Schools.

Creative use of tablets in schools. Why do I need tablets in my classroom?

Creative use of tablets in schools

In my language department, they have bought a set of iPads to be used in a lab or classroom. Although there is no a clear plan on how to use them, I think it is a first step to help students use the languages they are learning in innovative ways, collaborative projects, and different communication modes. They can also facilitate students achievement of the national standards for learning languages in the U.S.: communication, connections, comparisons, culture, and communities. Whole school challenges I may face when implementing tablets In my case, I think is the use of an ad-hoc approach: we buy the devices and then we will figure out what will do with them. Implementation or a pilot implementation to explore how to do it. Another issue is to believe that training should be limited to know a group of apps without considering: issues of e-safety, access to content, how to upload and share students’ work, data privacy, school policy of tablet use, etc.

Creative Use of Tablets in School: Michèle Kessler's Learning Diary. Strategy and planning: The need for tablets has come after a change in our teaching mode so I think the questions are already answered.

Creative Use of Tablets in School: Michèle Kessler's Learning Diary

Bringing tablets into the lessons: Like Maxime Drouet said, the school hasn't got the technical management of the tablets,thus it's sure going to be one of the biggest issue when we have tablets. Professionnal development: We found solution ahead of the arrival of the devices with support from educational offices (CARDIE and DAN), but we'll have to motivate reluctant teachers by sharing more and more practice and by encouraging observation, the latter we are already doing with quite a success.