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Pop Up Paper - The Art of Paper Pop Ups. Kaleidocycle {aka folding paper toy!} Have you ever made a kaleidocycle before?

Kaleidocycle {aka folding paper toy!}

They are pretty fun. All you need is some glue, paper and 5 or 10 minutes! There is an animated gif at the bottom on the post so that you can see what they do. Récup & Recyclage, Esprit Cabane. Come with a Story and Leave with Another by Lowe-SSP3. Cool poster series entitled “Come with a Story and Leave with Another” by Colombian graphic design studio Lowe-SSP3.

Come with a Story and Leave with Another by Lowe-SSP3

The campaign was created for Colsubsidio Book Exchange. Lowe-SSP3 created clever illustrations featuring Snow White and Sherlock Holmes, Harry Potter and Troy, Llttle Red Riding Hood and Moby Dick. Créatif tu seras. Look For Less: Anthropologie-Inspired Starburst Mirror. Sometimes all you need to make a room stand out is it a little shimmer from a mirror!

Look For Less: Anthropologie-Inspired Starburst Mirror

When I saw the Queen Anne's Lace Mirror from Anthropologie, I swear I felt a little pitter patter from my heart. I thought the mirror was absolutely stunning. The gold bent wires that came out from the mirror were so delicate looking, even though they were made out of wire. I took on the challenge of creating my own version of this eye-catching piece using supplies we sell here at Blitsy. DIY Concrete Planters - erin made this. Oh, hey craft.

DIY Concrete Planters - erin made this

Nice to see you again. It sure has been a while. Some of you guys are probably all “WTF, since when is this a craft blog?” Since always guys, relax, OK? DIY: Hand-Lettered Stitched Photo Canvas. I’ve been wanting to try my hand at a photo canvas for some time, but I haven’t loved the finish on the photos from modgepodge or other methods I’d found.

DIY: Hand-Lettered Stitched Photo Canvas

I’m excited that this version of a DIY hand-lettered, stitched photo canvas doesn’t have any messy wrapped edges, the finish is a perfect matte, and the stitching makes it double the fun. Thread&needles - La communauté couture. Mark Montano: Duct Tape Succulents and Faux Pinch Pots! Just in case you don't already know it, I have a black thumb.

Mark Montano: Duct Tape Succulents and Faux Pinch Pots!

Yes, it's true. The only thing I can grow successfully is mold in the bathtub. Thankfully I have other talents like melting things on the stove and gluing random things together! Today we're making the ever popular succulent out of duct tape and decorative paper. Transformer un lit pour enfant en cabane ... Faux Shell Wall Hanging. This is the project I shared over at the Country Chic Cottage’s Beach Bash last week.

Faux Shell Wall Hanging

Ain’t she purty? It was inspired by a beautiful piece of art I saw a several months ago in House Beautiful: See that sparkly loveliness on the mantle? Here’s what the magazine has to say about it: “A framed grid of shells on fishing wire ‘sparkles and catches the light from the windows and the fireplace.'”

10 Easy DIY Wall Art Ideas. 1.

10 Easy DIY Wall Art Ideas

DIY Chevron Striped Wall Art (Source) Although this blogger doesn’t give any instructions, striped wall art is easy to create using painters tape to make the design you are looking for. 2. Geometric Canvases (Source) This could not be simpler, but it ads a great pop of color to this room. DIY Lighting. Back in 2011 Holly of The Adventures of an Almost 40 Year Old Intern contacted me about a fun pendant light DIY she had made.

DIY Lighting

The result was this cute little set shown here and how fun that there was a similar one you could buy at West Elm, about a year later. Continuing with our Best of DIYs, here is her popular tutorial that she so kindly shared with our readers back then. Veneer Pendant Lights by Holly of The Adventures of an Almost 40 Year Old Intern Recently I visited one of my favorite stationery stores in town and saw these beautiful wooden sheets of paper; a thin veneer made from so many different types of wood (cherry, walnut, birds eye maple, aspen, red cedar, you name it!)

And was really inspired by it. If you like what you see above, here are the directions on how to create your own: Materials needed: While that part is drying cut 1" strips of paper that are each 17" long. After finishing with the large hoop, move on to attaching each end to the smaller one. Le blog des bonnes idées déco pas cher. Vous connaissez le problème classique: installer une suspension ou un lustre lorsque le plafonnier (la sortie électrique) n’est pas exactement à l’endroit où vous souhaitez le placer ?

Le blog des bonnes idées déco pas cher

S’il est décalé de 50 cm ou plus, cela peut devenir un véritable casse-tête. Je parle en connaissance de cause car c’est exactement la situation avec laquelle j’ai vécue dans notre salle à manger. Beyond The Picket Fence. Quatre petits cadeaux et une famille. Pour des amies qui me sont chères. Cette famille-là est pour Vio et son mari qui ont une très jolie petite fille. Un peu de cocooning en famille, ça fait pas de mal. Christmas Spider Giveaway Winner! Thank you to everyone for their kind words last week as I celebrated my first blogiversary. I was really excited to hear from readers who hadn't commented before and am thrilled to have many new readers following along. For fellow bloggers who are now friends of Dans le Townhouse, I'm looking forward to checking out your blogs!

I was nervous about hosting this giveaway because the gift is handmade, so I am so pleased (and relieved!) It was well received. Without further ado (because I can be a little blah, blah, blah), I used to generate a winning comment and the lucky person is . . . . Tamsyn, of Max & Me (comment #45)!! Tamysn, email me at and tell me what colour/colours you'd like your Christmas spider to be. DIY Candlestick - Morning Creativity. Copper is just great. Craftsy: Learn It. Make It. L'effet Créa. Présentation... Anniversaire, Mariage, Naissance, Fêtes, Quotidien... Parce que toutes les occasions sont bonnes pour décorer et bricoler, voici mon petit blog DIY !

Qui ? Emmanuelle, mariée, enseignante - Où ? Pinterest : découvrez des idées créatives et enregistrez-les. Look to inspire. Craftsy: Learn It. Make It.