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How to Handle Family Dynamics Around a Dying Loved One | Huffington Post. While there are times when the motivations of family members for asserting their particular point of view regarding the “well being” of a critically ill loved one are self-serving at best, more often the motivation is love. Yet, terrible things are done in the name of love and the dynamics of power and influence that can develop among family and loved ones can be shocking. All too often, tensions escalate as judgments and discord fester, while no one knows how to step forward and lance the family wound by talking honestly and respectfully about differences of opinion and differing styles of response to the situation.

Frequently, childhood politics surface and you suddenly find yourself the seven-year-old kid who used to be bullied by her older sister. While everyone might sincerely believe that they all have the patient’s best interest in mind, they may have diametrically opposed views about what that would look like and how it is to be accomplished. There are exceptions. Accueil | Hôpital universitaire Robert-Debré. IMM | Institut Mutualiste Montsouris. Dealing With a Parent's Terminal Illness. 002599 pdf. La santé, les soins et l'hôpital expliqués aux enfants - Sparadrap. L’UDAF de Paris. Tumeur au cerveau, bienvenue sur le site de l'ARTC.