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Amaos! Is Jesus a spinoff of the Pagan gods? : matt fradd. Similarity Does Not Imply Dependence Before we look at some of these alleged parallels between Christianity and paganism (and why they’re false), it’s important to note that similarity does not imply dependence. That is, even if Christianity did have beliefs and practices similar to those of earlier religions, it doesn’t follow that there must be a causal connection between them. Similarities among religions shouldn’t surprise us. Most religions, after all, try to answer the same fundamental questions in life: “Where did we come from?” Jesus, Pagan Myth, & Antisemitism Claims that Christian beliefs about Jesus are adapted from pagan cults may be popular today, but they’re nothing new. Unfortunately for these critics, their arguments were not taken seriously by mainstream critics and their work fell into relative obscurity.

The fact is, there is no serious debate among the vast majority of scholars in the fields related to the question of the historicity of Jesus. A virgin birth? Vocaciones femeninas adultas. Carta de una lectora: Estimado Cordialiter, De casualidad, desde otro blog he llegado al de usted, y me he sorprendido mucho... pues al darle click me he encontrando "casualmente" con las hermanas del IVE. Tengo 42 años y me siento llamada por el Señor desde hace algún tiempo, solo que no he sido fiel a la gracia. Una religiosa hace un año más o menos me dijo que hasta que no me entregar al 100 por ciento al Señor, realmente no encontraré aquello que busco. Hace uno seis años casi fui religiosa carmelita descalza, pero eran otra epocas y yo no era una persona madura entonces y me salí, craso error porque hasta el día de hoy me arrepiento. No le negaré que en ocasiones tengo miedo... pero se que Dios, que todo lo puede, me ayudará.

Me emocioné mucho.. al leer todo esto!!!! Le agradeceré su ayuda, Un saludo en Cristo, Carta firmada Querida hermana en Cristo, Soy italiano y no hablo bien el español. Me alegro de que quiere entrar entre las Servidoras del Señor y de la Virgen de Matará. Cordialiter. All Documents -  The Lens. Catholic Sistas - perspective from the neck. Clear Creek Sisters. Contact | Starr County Benedictines. “All visitors who call are to be welcomed as if they were Christ.” - St. Benedict You are welcome to contact us by mail, email, and phone or by visiting.

It would be helpful for you and for us if you would call ahead about coming by. Sometimes we have a large group, a community meeting, or we may be on a Desert Day and therefore not be able to attend to you properly. We want to extend hospitality for you and your loved ones to the best of our ability. Benedictine Monastery of the Good Shepherd P.O. Phone (956) 486.2680 Location: On 115 acres of ranch land In the Diocese of Brownsville, TX, in Starr County, TX 8 miles from the Rio Grande River and Mexico Two miles west of Rio Grande City on Highway 83 Go north on Road 3167 six miles A large white cross marks our entry. Sinner's Guide - Index. St. Teresa of Avila stated that this work of Venerable Louis converted over 1,000,000 souls in her day. She, along with St. John of the Cross, St. Francis de Sales, St. Charles Borromeo, St. Front Matter Imprimatur, Apostolic Brief of Pope Gregory, Life of Venerable Louis Chapters 1 to 9 1. Chapters 10 to 19 10. Chapters 20 to 29 20.

Chapters 30 to 39 30. Chapters 40 to 48 40. The Sinner's Guide is available in paperback from TAN books. Observatory on Intolerance and Discrimination against Christians in Europe. St. Peter's List: Plants Have Souls: 5 Points of Inquiry. Plants via Wikicommons Roland zh Plants Have Souls: 5 Points of Inquiry by HHAmbrose on Oct 19, 2011 • 6:00 am No Comments Listers, today we continue our study of the soul by delving deeper into the Vegetative Soul or Plant Soul.

The following quotes are taken from Gilson’s Christian Philosophy of St. Thomas Aquinas. 1. “In its wide sense, soul is defined as the first act of an organized body capable of performing the functions of life;” thus, “like all form, a soul is an act.” Read More: SPL on Matter & Form SPL on The Soul 2. Three Types: Vegetative, Sensitive, and Rational Souls Vegetative: “At the bottom we find a power of the soul whose one object is the body to which it is united,” and “the vegetative soul only acts on its own body.” Sensitive: “There is another genus of powers of the soul corresponding to a more universal object, namely, to all sensible bodies, and not merely to the one sensible body with which the soul is united.” 3. 4. 5. Share this: St. Peter's List: Think Animals and Plants Do Not Have Souls? – 3 Lists to Make You Think Again. Ponies near Welwyn Garden City, Hertfordshire. Wikicommons via Christine Matthews Think Animals and Plants Do Not Have Souls?

– 3 Lists to Make You Think Again by HHAmbrose on Aug 29, 2012 • 12:13 am 4 Comments Listers, it is my experience that two immediate thoughts occur when a Catholic reads about Sacred Tradition holding animals and plants to have souls. An Introduction to the Soul – 6 Questions Listers, today we are going to take a look into Sacred Tradition and explore the reality of the soul. What Is the Soul? Do Plants and Animals Have Souls? More basic questions on the soul. Plants via Wikicommons Roland zh Plants Have Souls: 5 Points of Inquiry Listers, today we continue our study of the soul by delving deeper into the Vegetative Soul or Plant Soul. What Are the Different Types of Souls? Vegetative: “At the bottom we find a power of the soul whose one object is the body to which it is united,” and “the vegetative soul only acts on its own body.” More information on vegetative souls.

The Canonical Obligation of Spouses to Approach the Ecclesiastical Authority for a Separation | Anthony St. Louis-Sanchez. Canon of Scripture. ElCanon dela Escritura... ¿Quién Disparó el Tiro Decisivo? He leído muchos artículos Protestantes sobre el origen de los cánones del Antiguo y del Nuevo Testamento, ambos. Todos se quedan cortos sobre la realidad de lo que realmente sucedió. Lo que eligieron relatar solamente cuenta la mitad de la historia y aunque a primer vistazo, pareciera realzar su posición, fueron enlistados con desaciertos. Como ya he mencionado en otras páginas de este sitio del internet bajo el título de "Es la Mitad de la Historia Suficiente", "La MITAD de la VERDAD no es VERDAD NINGUNA". Como ya probablemente sabe usted, las Biblias Católicas tienen 73 libros, 46 en el Antiguo Testamento, y 27 en el Nuevo Testamento.

Para encontrar los detalles de las acciones de Martín Lutero al hacer esto, por favor leer, "El Origen de Sola Scriptura", en este mismo sitio. Vale tener en cuenta el hecho de que estos siete libros han estado en las Biblias usadas por todos los Cristianos desde la misma fundación de la Cristiandad. Sobre el distributismo - The Distributist Review. (Este artículo fue escrito por Don Pedro Jiménez de León) ¿Hay alguna alternativa al neoliberalismo y al socialismo? ¿Hay algún método de producción leal a la condición humana y su naturaleza? Una mirada por encima al distributismo. ¿Qué es el distributismo? El distributismo nace entre finales del XIX y principios del XX a raíz de las premisas vertidas en la encíclica Rerum Novarum, en la cual el Santo Padre León XIII hace un repaso a la situación social del momento, incidiendo en las condiciones inhumanas en que se encuentran los trabajadores por obra del sistema capitalista.

Basándose en ésta, G.K. Premisas básicas Podemos ver tres puntos básicos en el distributismo, que serían: La propiedad privada como punto de partida, pero no cualquier propiedad privada. El distributismo sigue el principio de subsidiariedad, esto es, dicho de una manera sencilla, que lo que puede hacer una entidad más pequeña no lo haga una entidad más grande.

La tercera premisa, y muy importante, es la solidaridad. El distributista. Catholic Apologetics Academy | The Envoy Institute's Catholic Apologetics Academy. Patrick Madrid : Patrick Madrid. Beginning Apologetics | Series. How do series work? To create a series or add a work to it, go to a "work" page. The "Common Knowledge" section now includes a "Series" field. Enter the name of the series to add the book to it. Works can belong to more than one series. Tip: If the series has an order, add a number or other descriptor in parenthesis after the series title (eg., "Chronicles of Prydain (book 1)"). What isn't a series? Series was designed to cover groups of books generally understood as such (see Wikipedia: Book series). Also avoid publisher series, unless the publisher has a true monopoly over the "works" in question.

The Official Peter Kreeft Site - Introduction. Amparo, exrevolucionaria y funcionaria de la ONU: «Mi trabajo era destrozar la fe de los católicos» Amparo lo tuvo claro. Era la Virgen María quien le hablaba. Todo sucedió cuando recibió un disparo de la policía en plena refriega. Cuando despertó en el hospital decidió que su vida debía cambiar radicalmente. Su “enfangada” vida debía dar un giro de 180 y dejar de lado su servilismo político y su vida de pecado, y dedicarse a las mujeres y a los niños buscando su auténtico bien. Un abuelo católico Ella había nacido en una familia muy normal de Ecuador. En cierta ocasión, siendo Amparo adolescente y de camino hacia el ateísmo, su abuelo le dejó unas palabras que no habría de olvidar nunca. El resto fue una caída libre: expulsada del colegio por pelearse con una monja, y un encuentro con evangélicos que acabaron de rematar su camino rebelde y ateo.

Si algo no se le puede reprochar a Amparo es que no fuera una persona coherente con sus principios. Se radicaliza en EspañaComo la situación política en Ecuador se complicó, su padre la envió a España a estudiar Pedagogía Social. The Innocence of Common Sense and the Deconstruction of Marriage | Catholic World Report. The world needs to hear the deep, life-giving, theological resonance of God’s plan for marriage and family Recently, Archbishop Cordileone of San Francisco, chairman of the U.S. bishops' Subcommittee for the Promotion and Defense of Marriage, gave an address at the March for Marriage in Washington, D.C. He focused on the common sense argument that all children deserve mothers and fathers. First, though, he effused peace and well-being: “We love you (the opposition)… and want you to be happy… we don’t hate you… we want to be your friends… try to understand our position, as we will try to do the same for you.” Those disarming, unfeigned words reminded me of Herman Melville’s classic tale of innocence, Billy Budd.

Billy Budd sees everything through a perfectly smooth lens, neither convex nor concave. Archbishop Cordileone has a depth and charism that the character Budd does not have. Archbishop Cordileone summed up his argument in a quotable declaration: “marriage matters to kids.” Why Do Women Do That? | Lighthouse Catholic YouthLighthouse Catholic Youth. Chris Stefanick - Chastity Speaker - Real Life Catholic. Libros del Padre José Antonio Fortea. José Antonio Fortea Cucurull (Barbastro, España, 1968) es sacerdote y teólogo especializado en demonología. Cursó sus estudios de Teología para el sacerdocio en la Universidad de Navarra. Se licenció en la especialidad de Historia de la Iglesia en la Facultad de Teología de Comillas.

Pertenece al presbiterio de la diócesis de Alcalá de Henares (Madrid). En 1998 defendió su tesis de licenciatura "El exorcismo en la época actual" dirigida por el secretario de la Comisión para la Doctrina de la Fe de la Conferencia Episcopal Española. Actualmente está en Roma realizando su doctorado en Teología. Descarga GRATIS sus libros completos en PDF: La Vestición del ObispoDécimo LibroNoveno LibroLa Construcción del Jardín del EdénEl JuicioMemorias del último Gran Maestre TemplarioHistoria de la Segunda Secesión de los Estados Unidos de AméricaCiclvs ApocalypticvsUn Dios MisteriosoTorres GóticasExorcísticaSumma DaemoniacaLa Mitra y las ÍnfulasHistoria del Mundo Angélico. Padre Raniero Cantalamessa. The Preacher to the Papal Household (Concionator Domus Pontificalis), formerly known as the Apostolic Preacher, is the preacher chosen by the Supreme Pontiff to deliver a sermon on designated days in the presence of the Pope, the Cardinals, Bishops and Prelates of the Roman Curia, and the Superiors and General Procurators and other members of the Papal Household.

Since Advent 1995, by order of John Paul II, a few women religious and laywomen who work in the Vatican have also been admitted to the sermon. [...] Read all. Welcome to the CCEL - Christian Classics Ethereal Library. Omar F. A. Gutiérrez. A Question I Never Tire of Answering | John C. Wright's Journal. A reader I hope is young and not being serious asks: Let me get this straight: you, a presumably rational individual who writes science fiction stories for a living, sincerely believes that the creator of our 13.7 billion year-old universe of 70 sextillion stars magically impregnated a human female about 2000 years ago – a woman who then gave birth to a son named Jesus who performed miracles, rose from the dead and served as the creator’s messenger to humanity? This might make for a mildly interesting, if outlandish, science fiction story, but the source of your belief system?

If you’re going to base your life philosophy on absurd myths, why not choose something a bit more interesting? Why not master the Dark Side of the Force or the Golden Path, becoming a Sith Lord or a God-Emperor and strive to rule a Galaxy? Why choose something as ridiculous and wretched as Christianity? I must admit I am rather perplexed… My answer: For the first time in my life, I prayed, and said. I was converted. Consolidated Electronic Catholic Resources. SPSE Training | Just another St. Paul Street Evangelization Sites site. Dear Catholic Evangelist, Welcome to the home of our St. Paul Street Evangelization’s training & members website.

This website has been carefully prepared to ensure that all Catholics, especially those with a heart for evangelization, will be able to increase their knowledge of the faith and learn how to effectively share it with those that they meet out on the street and in everyday life. We firmly believe that evangelization is not just the work of apologetical and theological experts or clergy, but of each Catholic by the nature of their baptism.

You and I have been called to be agents of the New Evangelization and spread the Good News of Jesus Christ. As evangelists, we believe that each person we meet should be treated with the dignity they possess as a person created in the image and likeness of God. On the Introduction tab you will find an outline of the training, certification levels, and how to proceed. Supporting members have access to: In Christ, Adam Janke Program Director. Radios Católicas. Estudios bíblicos y apologéticos - Vol 25, No 1 (2012) THE REMNANT NEWSPAPER: Prophetic Words of Bishop Fulton J. Sheen. Salvifici Doloris, Juan Pablo II, 11 de febrero de 1984 - Carta Apostólica. Instrucción general del Misal Romano.

Errores más frecuentes cometidos en la Celebración Eucarística. Strange Notions. Reflexiones Católicas. Catholic Tech Talk | Gear. Gadgets. Social Media. Vatican Ban on Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion | Filii Ecclesia. Vatican Ban on Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion (Part Seven) | Filii Ecclesia. Pope on Ash Wednesday: It is never too late to return to God. Spanish Inquisition and Christianity. St. Peter's List: The 8 Prayers Every Catholic Should Know in Latin. Mantilla. Alexander J. Stein. 10 Ways to Put MegaChurches Out of Business - Taylor Marshall. Home - Catholic Bible 101. Women for Faith and Family Home Page. My library. EntreCatholic | Creating Success as Catholic Entrepreneurs. Saint's Name Generator. Saint Francis of Assisi - Book. Building a Catholic eBook Library on the Cheap | Loome Theological Booksellers. eBooks - Libros eléctronicos. Distance Learning | Holy Apostles College & Seminary.

Audio Sancto Sermons Series. United States Conference of Catholic Bishops. El filósofo ateo más influyente del mundo acepta la existencia de Dios. Avisos sobre la Nueva Era. Los "ángeles" de la nueva era. CRISTO O LOS GURUS: DOS CAMINOS IRRECONCILIABLES: Answering Atheism | Available Now from Catholic Answers. Being a Member of the Church Militant. Eve Tushnet — Conservatism reborn in twisted sisterhood. Catholic Resources for Catholics | Equipping Catholic Families. Mariologia, todo acerca de María. Miracoli Eucaristici. Sección de descargas - El Misterio de la Masonería - Sacerdotes Católicos.


La Exégesis polémica, doctrinal y espiritual de San Atanasio. de Hipona - Replica a arrianos.pdf. Catholic News Service MOVIE REVIEWS. Igreja Católica. May Feelings | Pray Online. Vatican City and Age of Consent. Microsoft Word - CORPUS CHRISTI ROSARY - Complete - CORPUS_CHRISTI_ROSARY_-_Complete.pdf. IBreviary. Lay Missionaries of Charity. LAICOS MISIONEROS DE LA CARIDAD. TV Canção Nova | Mais que uma TV, um programa de vida. Jesus of Nazareth Crucifixion Photo Gallery 17 - Medical drawings of crucifixion.

Fr. Robert Barron's Word On Fire - Fr. Barron comments on Ross Douthat's "Bad Religion"