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What I learned about selfishness after using the “prisoner’s dilemma” on my college class. In my social psychology class, I pose an extra credit question where students choose between having two points or six points added onto their final term paper grade, with the stipulation that if more than 10% of the class chooses six points, no one gets any points.

What I learned about selfishness after using the “prisoner’s dilemma” on my college class

This exercise is a classroom demonstration of the commons dilemma, and similar to the prisoner’s dilemma. Essentially, people are forced to choose between what would maximize their personal outcomes (more points) and what would be best for the group as a whole (fewer points). 5 ensaladas ricas en proteínas. Miracles of Human Language: An Introduction to Linguistics - Universidad de Leiden.

Acerca del curso The Miracles of Human Language introduces you to the many-faceted study of languages, which has amazed humans since the beginning of history.

Miracles of Human Language: An Introduction to Linguistics - Universidad de Leiden

Together with speakers of many other languages around the world, as well as with famous linguists such as Noam Chomsky and Adele Goldberg, you will learn to understand and analyse how your native tongue is at the same time similar and different from many other languages. You will learn the basic concepts of linguistics, get to know some of the key features of big and small languages and get insight into what linguists do. This course gives an introduction into the study of languages, the field of linguistics.


Contemporary Japan: The Japanese Family. Theodore Bestor :: This kind of traditional Japanese family system — the multigenerational family organized around primogeniture, that is to say passing the entire estate of the family, the social role, the financial assets, the occupation, the profession, from father to the eldest, usually the eldest son — is a distinct characteristic of the Japanese kinship system.

Contemporary Japan: The Japanese Family

But, it’s not unique to Japan by any means. Many other societies, including many societies in Western Europe, have a similar kind of a kinship system. And indeed, one explanation for some of the colonization of the United States is that eldest sons were inheriting family farms in Europe, and younger sons were being sent off to settle the “New World.”

Monografías 2015

Essential Skills. The 20 funniest French expressions (and how to use them) Photo: Ben Raynal 1.

The 20 funniest French expressions (and how to use them)

The French don’t “piss you off”…they “shit you off” (Faire chier quelqu’un). Pragmatica_linguistica_intercultural.pdf. LENGUA IB. LENGUA AA. ISEN. ENGLISH WITH MR. AUAD. LENGUA MARK TWAIN 3RO AÑO. GP SECOND YEAR. POSIBILIDADES. GP TERCER AÑO. TESIS. COMEX. Viaje vacaciones. The Global Conflicts to Watch in 2015. A survey shows which countries matter more to U.S. policymakers—and which matter less Center for Preventive Action/Council on Foreign Relations Foreign policy often involves making difficult and debatable choices about which parts of the world matter more to a given country—and which, by extension, matter less.

The Global Conflicts to Watch in 2015

It's about defining national interests and determining where those interests are most evident and endangered. This is why the United States has done far more to stop ISIS in Syria and Iraq than, say, sectarian war in the Central African Republic. Se aprobó el concepto de ciudadanía suramericana. 5 Stupid Job-Interview Mistakes You'll Live To Regret. As this new, social generation of young people begin graduating from college and entering the workforce, there are a few tips I’d like to share, to help them avoid some common mistakes.

5 Stupid Job-Interview Mistakes You'll Live To Regret

IB Spanish B: Obras literarias. Are_digital_natives_a_myth_or_reality_.pdf. Bolivia closes McDonald’s restaurants in attempt to seek healthy outlook. McDonald's no longer exist in Bolivia.

Bolivia closes McDonald’s restaurants in attempt to seek healthy outlook

©Insidecostarica Bolivia has become the first Latin American nation to become McDonald’s free, as the eight remaining stores that have struggled for over a decade to make a profit have finally closed their doors. This rejection of fast food has been regarded as Bolivia’s rejection of improper food, a nation that prefers traditionally cooked food on a cultural scale.

Globalisation shakes the world. Globalisation is a word that is on everyone's lips these days, from politicians to businessmen.

Globalisation shakes the world

BBC News is launching a major examination of the subject. Few places in the world have seen the dramatic effects of globalisation more than Bangalore, the Silicon Valley of India, which is experiencing an unprecedented IT boom that is transforming the prospects of the Indian economy. For Santosh, a tour guide in Bangalore, life is good. Everything you know is wrong. Espana%20-%20Carlos%20Moneta.pdf. Animación a la lectura 2.0 - Formación Permanente - El Programa de Postgrado acoge los cursos que dan derecho a la obtención de un Título Propio otorgado por la UNED.

Animación a la lectura 2.0 - Formación Permanente -

Cada curso se impartirá en uno de los siguientes niveles: Máster, Diploma de Especialización, Diploma de Experto y Certificado de Formación del Profesorado. Máster: mínimo de 60 ECTS. Diploma de Especialización: mínimo de 30 ECTS.

Nyti. Photo.

nyti E INMIGRANTES DIGITALES (SEK).pdf. Señas de identidad del “nativo digital”. Una aproximación teórica para conocer las claves de su unicidad. Rich countries and the minorities they discriminate against, mapped. Unconscious bias plays a bigger role than we like to admit in company decisions about hiring (pdf). Case in point: Multiple studies have found that having a name associated with a minority group leads to substantially fewer callbacks from potential employers. But which minority group? Well that depends on what country you’re in. The OECD’s most recent report on international migration compiles a wide variety of research on résumé discrimination in member-countries. All these studies use a particular metric to look at workplace discrimination. A ratio of two means someone would need to make twice as many applications for a job to get a callback, compared to an applicant with a name associated with the country’s majority population.

There’s a wide amount of variation in the studies, which makes direct comparison between countries very difficult. The role played by social media in political participation and electoral campaigns. Social Media has rapidly grown in importance as a forum for political activism in its different forms. Social media platforms, such as Twitter, Facebook and YouTube provide new ways to stimulate citizen engagement in political life, where elections and electoral campaigns have a central role. © Ronda / Fotolia Personal communication via social media brings politicians and parties closer to their potential voters. It allows politicians to communicate faster and reach citizens in a more targeted manner and vice versa, without the intermediate role of mass media. Reactions, feedback, conversations and debates are generated online as well as support and participation for offline events. Although the presence of social media is spreading and media use patterns are changing, online political engagement is largely restricted to people already active in politics and on the Internet.

Case study: The European Commission's EMPL presence on Twitter in 2012. UH - Digital History. The Global Transformations Website. © The authors, March 1999 1. Introduction Globalization - the 'big idea' of the late twentieth century - lacks precise definition. Global Sociology / Dimensions of Globalization. Political Globalization As we saw previously, the political form that dominated the modern era is the nation-state. El Facebook del embajador o el uso de las redes sociales en las relaciones diplomáticas. L día 22 de febrero de 2014, a las 20:42 (horas de México DF), Enrique Peña Nieto, Presidente de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos, comunicó desde su perfil oficial en Twitter la captura de uno de los criminales más buscados del mundo, Joaquín “El Chapo” Guzmán.

Unos minutos más tarde y de forma frenética, los medios de comunicación más influyentes a lo largo y ancho del planeta se hicieron eco de la noticia, destacando también la forma en la que el Jefe del Estado de aquel país había decidido utilizar para trasladar una información tan relevante. Alfredo Alfonso Torrealba. Postdata - Veinte años de constructivismo en relaciones internacionales. Del debate metateórico al desarrollo de investigaciones empíricas: Una perspectiva sin un marco de política exterior.

Case study: The European Commission's EMPL presence on Twitter in 2012. The role played by social media in political participation and electoral campaigns. Use of social media in EU communication - European commission. Social media refer to online technologies and practices that are used to share opinions and information, promote discussion, and build relationships. They use a variety of different formats, including text, pictures, audio and video. More and more EU citizens are active on social networks.

The European Commission therefore uses these platforms to reach out and connect with citizens and stakeholders in addition to the communication which takes place via more traditional channels such as written press, broadcasters and EU publications and websites. A Guide to MERCOSUR Legal Research: Sources and Documents. A Guide to MERCOSUR Legal Research: Sources and Documents by Edgardo Rotman[1] Edgardo Rotman is Foreign and International Law Librarian and Senior Lecturer in International & Comparative Law at the University Of Miami School Of Law. He holds an LL.B (in law, 1959) from the National University of Buenos Aires, LL.M. (in criminology, 1975) from the National University of Buenos Aires, and Ph.D.

(in law and social sciences, 1973) from the University of Buenos Aires. Published September 2005Read the Update! Aplicación que tiene en diferentes generaciones - Tipos de redes sociales. El texto narrativo. Estructura y elementos del texto narrativo. La finalidad del texto narrativo consiste en contar hechos, reales o ficticios, que suceden a unos personajes en un espacio y en un tiempo determinados. Generalmente los hechos narrados se estructuran en tres partes (planteamiento, nudo y desenlace) y normalmente siguen un orden cronológico lineal; es decir, se presentan los hechos a medida que van sucediendo en el tiempo. Observa todas estas características en el siguiente texto: “A la medianoche, una turba tumultuosa, animada con todas las voces de un motín y todos los alaridos de una bacanal, invadía las calles de San Bernardino.