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How-To Decrypt DVDs with HandBrake (So You Can Rip Them) Ripping DVDs is a great way to keep a backup and stream videos over your network. The process typically takes 2-3 different programs to accomplish the task. Here’s how you can skip a step and decrypt DVDs using HandBrake. HandBrake has long been a favorite of How-To Geek and we have shown you a couple different ways that you can use it to rip DVDs and TV shows to your hard drive for storage and playback. This process always involves installing a DVD decrypter first to break the Content Scramble System (CSS) copy protection so your transcoder (HandBrake) can read the information and copy it to a self contained video file. This method works fine but it means that your decrypter needs to be able to decrypt anything that you want to rip. DVD Players (libdvdcss.dll) DVD playback software is 100% legal and there are plenty of free ones you can get to play DVDs on your computer.

In many versions of Windows, DVD playback functionality is either not included or limited to specific programs (e.g. OpenStreetMap. Cloud Roundup for January 16, 2012 - ReadWriteCloud. Today's links include some thoughts from Bruce Schneier on surveillance, the latest update from OpenStack on community work and a post from Neelie Kroes (vice president of the European Commission) about cloud computing and data protection reform. Also, an easy blackout plugin for WordPress for sites participating in the SOPA/PIPA protest on January 18th.

Going Dark vs. a Golden Age of Surveillance – Schneier looks at the "policy debate that's been going on since the crypto wars of the early 1990s. " Namely, law enforcement claims that it's losing its ability to snoop on communications due to encryption, etc. The counter to that is that there's a much greater ability to snoop. Mining of Massive Datasets – By Anand Rajaraman and Jeffrey D. OpenStack Community Weekly Review (Jan 6 - 13) – OpenStack updates for last week.

Cloud Computing and Data protection reform – Post from Kroes heading into proposed reform of the data protection directive. Have a cloud news tip for me? Dating a Geek? Take This Compatibility Quiz. Dating a geek can be a lot of fun: we all want our live-in tech support. Let's face it, geeks can be sexy too. But how do you know when you have a ringer or the real deal? And what if one of you is a PC and the other is a Mac? Time to take our quiz. Ask your geek these questions and add up the score to see whether you are truly compatible in tech.

What kind of home Internet connection are we talking about? S/he is still is on dial-up. For each "a" answer, award 0 points For each "b" answer, award 1 point For each "c" answer, award 2 points Bonus round: Add half a point for every service that your companion uses that you don't. Klout Twitter Github Instagram Pinterest Now add up your points. If you got less than 10, your guy or gal doesn't have any geek cred. Between 11 - 20, you still rule in the tech department. Over 25, you got a real gem here and try to overlook the personal grooming deficiencies. Our opening icon is from. How to Auto-Update Your System Utilities or Web Files with a Script. One of the great things about most system utilities is their portability. Many simply are distributed directly as an exe or in a zip file and are ready to use with no install required. Because of the simplicity of use, these types of applications are easily updated, however many lack any form of auto-update capability.

Our UpdateFromWeb script solves this problem as it makes installing updates to portable applications, or any file available via the web for that matter, an automated process. Usage The UpdateFromWeb script usage is pretty simple and we have provided several examples below. Features include: There are more features included which are documented in the script file. The UpdateFromWeb script makes use of a couple of external tools which will need to be on your system prior to use.

Not Just for Tools or Applications As mentioned above, the UpdateFromWeb script can be used for any file which has a consistent URL. Examples Command line: Hardcode: Download Update From Web Script.


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