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iStrat Internet Radio Guitar! - My absolutely final entry into the Give Your Hardware A Home Challenge! I had my time zones crossed and managed to squeeze in one last design this evening I have called this the iStrat ("i" because apple and "Strat" because the Fender Stratocaster!) The basic design concept is to have something cool and ornamental, whilst having the modern functions of an internet radio.

The controls are rearranged to fit as the pole pieces of the pick up. All other parts are just for fun. With in the design i also produced a stand for it to sit on, but of course you could just hang this on the wall! There will probably need to be a few tweaks to the design when it's printed or CNC'd but those changes should be minimal. As a huge music fan, i could think of nothing better than having one of the most iconic guitars in my living room, and as an added bonus, this design has be certified "Wife Friendly" (by my Mrs!) The file can be downloaded here Have fun! Dave UPDATE: Can't believe I won! DTtoolkit v1 062711. The Design Process - A model for Digital Design Success. LED series parallel array wizard.

Make: - Volume 42 - Front Cover. Trinket / Gemma Space Invader Pendant. Pac Man is my spirit animal. Okay, not really. But as a child of the 80’s, video arcade games were a huge cultural phenomenon of my formative years. Tiny affordable microcontrollers are a cultural phenomenon of today’s generation. This project bridges the generations to create an animated LED necklace or charm that you can customize to create a retro-style personal “totem video game creature.”

It’s a small project, good for electronics novices and group workshops. This is a soldering project, albeit a small one. Adafruit Trinket or Gemma microcontroller board (if Trinket, either the 3.3V or 5V type works)Mini 8x8 LED Matrix w/Backpack (any color — we have several! Trinket or Gemma: which one should I use? Visually the effect is identical, and the boards cost the same. Can I use a “small” (1.2 inch) LED matrix instead of the “mini” (0.8 inch) version? Sure can! Can I use other color matrices? Yes! Can I use the bi-color matrix backpack? Weekend Projects 2014. Even having seen photos of the Optical Tremolo 2.0 in pre-production, when I first saw Make executive editor Mike Senese hold up the project in the above video, I couldn't help but laugh out loud. Not because it's funny, but because the project build is so solid, so impressive, and that's just how I'm wired to react. Make technical editor Sean Ragan is an accomplished builder and maker, and has been a backbone of the Weekend Projects series for years now.

I have insights to how he works, and knew elements of the 2.0 build were discussed after the incredibly popular original Optical Tremolo hit the feeds. But I still had a few questions lingering about his upgrade process, so I shot him some questions, and wanted to share his responses with you all. The takeaway for me is to keep iterating your ideas, and to share them. Sean Ragan: The principle of the project — how it might work — is quite clear from Make: Electronics. But all that came out of a relatively elaborate prototyping process. 123D Circuits.