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HotChalk. Title – What to Do? By – Jaime Lemons Primary Subject – Language Arts Secondary Subjects – Computers / Internet Topic: Writing Grade Level – 3-4 Objectives: The student will be able to look at a picture of a deserted island and tell the teacher in a story form, using Microsoft Word, what they would do if they were stranded on the island. They will include what they use for survival, for entertainment, for shelter and for a way to get off the island. It is kind of a “Gilligan’s Island” writing assignment. Materials: Teacher materials: A picture of a deserted island, music of waves to help the students to get their creative juices flowing Student materials: Paper and pencil and access to the computer lab. Introduction: “I want everyone to close your eyes.

Transition: “Now that you have survived the jump and are now on the island, I want you to write and tell me in story form what you are going to do on your island. Closure: Read each student’s story. E-Mail Jaime Lemons ! Inspiration. SMART Exchange. Discovery Education. Thinkfinity. Browse Resources Verizon Foundation proudly partners with some of the country’s top educational organizations to provide you with the latest topics, tools and trends in education. Created by the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts, ARTSEDGE provides resources and examples for teachers to teach in, through and about the arts.

The site includes lesson plans, advocacy and professional development resources, and up-to-date information on arts programs from around the world. Visit ARTSEDGE Developed by the Council for Economic Education, EconEdLink provides teachers and students with lessons and classroom learning activities based on economics topics in the news and real-time economics data. Visit EconEdLink Presented by the National Endowment for the Humanities, EDSITEment features lesson plans and additional classroom resources about art and culture, literature and language arts, foreign language, history and social studies. Visit EDSITEment Visit Illuminations Visit ReadWriteThink.