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Shared Value - Value driven communities

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Radio Chablais - Le projet "Shared Value" de la HES-SO Valais vise à redynamiser le tourisme à l'échelle cantonale. Live Hangout with Shared Value Thought Leader Mark Kramer: Thursday, Sept. 4th | Shared Value Initiative. In the recent Shared Value Initiative community survey, nearly 50% of responders said that feedback from an expert was at the top of their list. So, we’re pleased to announce a live question and answer session with “Creating Shared Value” coauthor Mark R.

Kramer, the Initiative’s senior advisor. Mark will be available in a Google Hangout later this month to answer the burning shared value questions you post on this thread. What’s been on your mind? Reinventing Our Economy: Part III — Long-term Focus on Value Creation - The Lunch Is Free. Ownership is an important value, but it’s clear that ownership doesn’t guarantee a properly functioning economy. Many people have equity through mortgages and stocks, but these markets are subject to a high level of speculation.

We need another core value: long-term focus on value creation. This is perhaps easier to understand when we consider its opposite: short-term focus on wealth extraction, which is basically the definition of speculation. It’s easy to lambast Wall Street as the culprit of all speculative investing. The speculative mentality can be found in many places. Conventional wisdom says, “Let your money work for you.” Many people invest in stocks through their 401(k)s, but how many people actually know what companies they have invested in? Publicly-traded corporations feel this pressure every day. What is Speculation? At the heart of the speculation problem is a flaw in our perception of what investment means: Restoring Dividends What is money?

The Problem with Growth. Value Co-Creation Canvas. Friction is Your Friend: Why Sharing Values isn’t always Valuable. I hear about it all the time… Collaborate with people who share your values. Really? You know why they say this? Because it is pleasant and easy. When you are around people who share your values you can agree all the time, because you are using the same basis for your judgements.

Friction Friend But friction can be your friend. Let’s take business for example. Share Sharing is great. A friend of mine, Steve Crandall, worked at Bell Labs. Value Time There are certainly times when you should connect on your values. As I learned from Valdis Krebs, “connect on sameness and profit from your differences.” Seven Value Propositions of Enterprise Social Networks. Ebayink / / CC BY-NC-ND By now most companies are aware of the value of social media marketing.

Many companies have set up their presence on the public social networks: Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube… Some are even taking advantage of the newer social networks such as Pinterest, Instagram and Tumblr. Marketers are busy monitoring their brands and writing remarkable content in the hopes of engaging with their customers and prospects. A few companies, however, are taking advantage of social technologies in a completely different manner. They are deploying internal social networks, usually called Enterprise Social Networks (“ESN’s) in order to harness the power of social and enhance the collaboration and knowledge sharing of their employees.

Theses companies have realized that a properly deployed ESN can really change the way employees work and make their work processes more efficient. Improving Collaboration and Breaking Down Silos Improving Organizational Speed and Agility. Michael_Porter_Creating_Shared_Value.pdf. Dix règles pour l'entreprise résiliente de demain. Comment créer des entreprises résilientes, durables et saines pour l’économie dans son ensemble ? Pour Simone Cicero, plus qu’une simple adaptation de leurs modes de management et de communication, les entreprises qui veulent survivre au XXIème siècle doivent repenser la façon même dont elles créent de la valeur en abandonnant leurs avantages compétitifs. Article traduit de l’anglais par Flore Berlingen De nos jours, il devient difficile d’ignorer que les mécanismes par lesquels nous produisons et consommons notre richesse montrent enfin des signes de changement. Les bulles spéculatives, les enjeux environnementaux et les inégalités sociales croissantes sont autant d’alertes (parmi d’autres !)

Signalant l’urgence du changement. Et qui nous poussent in fine à commencer à questionner le “marché”, qui est une entité abstraite et mal comprise. Pair à pair. Quatre de ces cinq raisons sont liées à la sphère empathique et communautaire, avec des implications naturellement sociales. 1. Michel Bauwens's Answers on OuiShare. Consultancy Collective by Evolutionize It on Prezi.