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Copenhague 2009 - COP15

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The Climate Petition. World leaders, meeting in Copenhagen this December, will be presented with the Climate Petition. The Climate Petition is a consolidation of global appeals for a definitive agreement on Climate Change. Choose this historic moment to make a difference. Add your voice to the Climate Petition "We the Peoples of the World Urge Political Leaders to: Seal the Deal at COP 15 on a climate agreement that is definitive, equitable and effective. Set binding targets to cut greenhouses gases by 2020. Establish a framework that will bolster the climate resilience of free football picks vulnerable countries and protect lives and livelihoods. Support developing countries' adaptation efforts and secure climate justice for all. " Mr Martin Gitau , United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Miss veronica ledezma , Argentina Mr dr richard gorrara Last Name , Italy Mr Carlos Carvalho , Brazil.

Earth Hour. Green Walk...: Copenhague 2009. En décembre 2009, l’ONU se réunira à Copenhague afin de traiter d’un projet politique mondial, pour lutter contre le réchauffement climatique. Outre leurs divergences d’intérêt, les dirigeants, et pays pollueurs devront trouver une solution face à la menace qui se profile, dans le bien et l’intérêt de tous et de notre planète. Les associations les plus importantes formeront une coalition afin de porter d’une seule voix toutes leurs revendications, et de contraindre les pays à s’engager face à un constat alarmant.

On retrouvera parmi elles des associations qui luttent pour l’environnement et les animaux telles que GreenPeace ou le WWF, mais pas exclusivement, puisque l’on retrouvera également Action contre la Faim ou le Secours Catholique. Le 25 mai à Paris, elles se réuniront afin de préparer leur campagne. Pour plus de renseignements, je vous invite à aller sur le site officiel de Copenhague 2009. Train to Copenhagen - Train to Copenhagen. Take the train to the United Nations Climate Change Conference 2009 in Copenhagen The Train to Copenhagen team has one goal: bringing people to Copenhagen and bringing COP15 to the people. Taking the train is part of the solution in combating global warming. Trains are the most environmentally friendly mode of transport, so why would you travel by any other means to the one event in 2009 that can make a difference to the planet’s future? The International Union of Railways ( UIC ) and its members and partners (see ) are organizing the Climate Express from Brussels to Copenhagen on 5 December, a 12-hour on-track conference about transport and climate change where the aim will be to find out how we can solve the challenges posed by the transport sector with regard to global warming.

Events will be organized all over the world as part of this project to show how you can travel in a sustainable way. Copenhague2009.