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Charles Darwin - Descent of Man - Chapter 5. You must acknowledge that you have read the following disclaimer in order to view documents in the Historical Library.

Charles Darwin - Descent of Man - Chapter 5

The Historical Library contains writings written before 1970, only. For material written during or after 1970, please refer to the Modern Documents section of the Secular Web Library. This Historical Library is provided for those doing research into the history of nontheism. It is not intended to be--and should not be used as--a source of modern, up-to-date information regarding atheistic issues. Those looking for modern critiques of theism should go to the Modern Documents section of the Secular Web Library. All of the Historical Library authors are dead--and in many cases have been so for several decades.

To acknowlege that you have read and understand the Historical Library Disclaimer and that you will not contact us about any Historical Document in our Library, enter the word "yes" in the box and click . Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed. You wouldn't expect Scientific American to take a particularly positive view of a movie that espouses intelligent design over evolutionary biology.

Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed

Then again, you wouldn’t expect the producers of said film—in this case, Ben Stein’s Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed—to offer the editors of said magazine a private screening. Associate producer Mark Mathis showed up at our offices with a preview of Expelled in hand. That's right, the unexpected screening happened. The unexpected positive reviews did not. As part of this special package of reviews and commentary, our Skeptic columnist, Michael Shermer, who appears in Expelled, starts with his own links to the film—in the 1970s he was a student at Pepperdine University, where the movie begins—but ends up dumbfounded by the movie's dishonesty. Also, this week's Science Talk podcast features Steve Mirsky interviewing Rennie and Eugenie Scott, director of the National Center for Science Education. Have your own review? Expelled Exposed: Why Expelled Flunks » Caroline Crocker. Summary Expelled claims that Caroline Crocker was fired because she mentioned Intelligent Design in a class she was teaching.

Expelled Exposed: Why Expelled Flunks » Caroline Crocker

However, the evidence says otherwise. While there may have been grounds to fire her with cause, Crocker was not fired and continued to teach her course after student complaints; in addition, she did not just “mention” intelligent design, but rather was teaching demonstrably false creationist material. We do not know for certain why Crocker was not re-hired for her non-tenure track job. Such positions carry no promise that contracts will be renewed. The Claim “After she simply mentioned Intelligent Design in her cell biology class at George Mason University, Caroline Crocker’s sterling academic career came to an abrupt end.” The Facts Expelled makes it sound as if Crocker was immediately removed (expelled, even) from the George Mason University classroom. Neither Expelled nor Crocker offer any basis for the claim that she was blacklisted.

Contrary to what Dr. Remarkable exchange between Michael Ruse and Daniel Dennett. As Michael Ruse remarked when he gave me permission to quote the following exchange between him and Daniel Dennett: “feel free to quote — after all, I am in deep sh** already!!!”

Remarkable exchange between Michael Ruse and Daniel Dennett

HIGHLIGHT OF THE EXCHANGE: “I think that you and Richard [Dawkins] are absolute disasters in the fight against intelligent design – we are losing this battle, not the least of which is the two new supreme court justices who are certainly going to vote to let it into classrooms – what we need is not knee-jerk atheism but serious grappling with the issues – neither of you are willing to study Christianity seriously and to engage with the ideas – it is just plain silly and grotesquely immoral to claim that Christianity is simply a force for evil, as Richard claims – more than this, we are in a fight, and we need to make allies in the fight, not simply alienate everyone of good will.” =-=-=-=-=- From: Dennett, Daniel C.