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Fonda LaShay | Intricate Tattoos by Dr. Woo Dr. Woo is kicking-a$$ with these amazing detailed tattoos out of Shamrock Social Club. The level of intricate detail he is able to fit with precision in a small space is mind-blowing! Tott’s Tiny Tattoos I have been seeing these cute “Tiny Tattoos” popping all over Pinterest.. so I had to check them out!

A Fashionable Woman: Swimsuits Fashion is a great thing, you can tell the world something about who you are in just one glance. Photoshop eraser street art Awesome photoshop style graffiti art in London! Pregnant & Tattooed Here are a few gorgeous pregnant ladies with some lovely tattoos on proud display! Dark Opulence with Yellow Look at these dark, grungy yet opulent photos for Ikea. The raging sea… .. is not always so raging but calm. Slow Life “Slow” marine animals show their secret life under high magnification. BOOOOOOOM! - CREATE * INSPIRE * COMMUNITY * ART * DESIGN * MUSIC * FILM * PHOTO * PROJECTS. BrooklynVegan. HIPSTER RUNOFF.

The Daily What.