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We Are Harry and the Potters. Fishingboatproceeds: alandistro: edwardspoonhands: OK…so we did it. It’s happening. Hank Green and the Perfect Strangers…our first album. It’s a thing, it’s happening now. It’s available for pre-order in both clean and explicit versions and it will ship in the beginning of May (hopefully end of April, but I’m padding the estimates.) I have heard this whole album and it is SO GOOD! I’m so excited. Only one version of Accio Deathly Hallows? Let’s make this happen​!

"You look up to your heroes and you shouldn’t be intimidated by them; you should be inspired by them. . — Dave Grohl at last night’s Rock and Roll Hall of Fame induction ceremony where he perfectly describes the role Nirvana played in my adolescence. Thehpalliance: Can’t believe we got actual Harry Potter to be our new spokesperson. There’s a new Harry Potter in town. Catch it in your mouth at the Quidditch World Cup!!! Make your #QuidditchWorldCup dinner plans with us. Joedegeorge: This is tonight! Bandcamp. DFTBA Records :: Don't Forget To Be Awesome.

Listen to the online radio Radio for Awesome on Radionomy : Experimental Rock, Chill-out, Electronic, Miscellaneous. Scales and emotions. See also a post about making chords from scales. So maybe you want to write a song or an instrumental in a particular mood or style, and you’re feeling overwhelmed by all the scales. Here’s a handy guide to the commonly used scales in Western pop, rock, jazz, blues and so on. Click each image to play the scale right in your browser with the aQWERTYon. These scales have a major third (E in the key of C), which makes them feel happy or bright. Major scale Happy; can be majestic or sentimental when slow.

Mixolydian mode Bluesy, rock; can also be exotic/modal. Lydian mode Ethereal, dreamy, futuristic. Lydian dominant mode Also known as the overtone scale or acoustic scale, because it is close to the first seven pitches in the natural overtone series. Phrygian dominant mode Exotic, Middle Eastern, Jewish. Harmonic major scale Majestic, mysterious. These scales have a flat third (E-flat in the key of C), which gives them a darker and more tragic feel. Natural minor scale (Aeolian mode) Dorian mode. We Heard That. How to Set Up the Ultimate Desktop Recording Studio. Consider it another marvel of the digital age--or the latest evidence that the beautifully difficult, soul-taxing art of music creation has irretrievably slid into the hands of talentless idiots.

Either way, with the help of a computer, a few peripherals, a variety of entry-level software and two weekends' worth of struggle, I have produced my first single. It's hardly a secret that musical production has been striding boldly into the digital age over the past three decades. Software that enables instruments to interface directly with PCs was pioneered in the 1980s, and current programs pack all the goodness of a full production studio into a laptop, with virtualized instruments, amps, effects, mixing boards and multitrack recording machines all onscreen. This has had a profound effect on the music industry--lowering the barrier to entry to the point where a small band with a computer, a microphone and a few instruments can produce studio-quality recordings. Multitrack Recording Plug-Ins. Find MP3 files with intitle index of and parent directory.

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Was ist Gooload und wie funktioniert die MP3-Suchmaschine? Richtig, Gooload ist eigentlich eine ganz simple Suchmaschine, so zumindest die Optik, die zum einfachen Bedienen einlädt. Besonders praktisch ist die Funktion, die dir auf Gooload mit der Artist Directory geboten wird. Das MP3-Format bedeutet Freiheit und Nutzbarkeit auf deinen digitalen Abspielgeräten Mit Gooload hast Du die Möglichkeit verfügbare MP3-Songs aufzustöbern und diese zu nutzen.