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Drawings, paintings and images

Facebook Twitter - artwork by lawrence yang. Tall Painting. 4d3999685cc4e2803fa7a5dfe1080912.jpg (JPEG Image, 900x11845 pixels) - Scaled (5%) Ngpc-wp-wk-4-5_27678. Albert-camus-freedom-quote.png (PNG Image, 350x517 pixels) 50 Mind Blowing Sketches. Critic, “I’m an artist myself and” Argument from authority – always a logical fallacy, but even worse when it’s in a subjective field where there arguably can’t be any authorities.

50 Mind Blowing Sketches

“I hate it when people who aren’t artists assume anything someone puts out there is ‘mind-blowing’.” – incredibly condescending, don’t you think? And besides, “assumes” that it is mind-blowing? If the person who posted these pieces had his mind figuratively blown by them, then how can they not be mind-blowing? Who are you to say that they are not, in the face of reality and facts?