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Meet The Woman Who's 'Decolonizing' Body Positivity For Women Of Color. Lena Dunham's Magazine Cover Was Photoshopped And She's Not Okay With It. Lena, unphotoshopped (via Instagram) Lena Dunham: actress, writer, producer, director, activist, feminist.

Lena Dunham's Magazine Cover Was Photoshopped And She's Not Okay With It

She's okay with being all of those things. What is she not okay with being? Dishonest. This morning Lena took to Instagram to express her disappointment about being majorly photoshopped on the cover of Spanish Magazine Tentaciones. “Oh hello El Pais! After Lena expressed her frustrations, the magazine sent her an uncropped picture of the cover. “Hey Tentaciones—thank you for sending the uncropped image (note to the confused: not unretouched, uncropped!)

F*ck Your Beauty Standards: 16 Body Positive Illustrations to Boost Your Self-Love. Cette femme avait le “corps parfait”. Mais cette photo a créé une sensation mondiale. 5 New Directions for the Body-Positive Movement. Average Women Get Photoshopped To Look Like Cover Models. 5 New Directions for the Body-Positive Movement. Le culte de la beauté : voyez 7 films sur l'apparence physique. Chirurgie plastique, injection de botox, musculation, aérobie, épilation au laser, teinture, manucure, pédicure… Nous sommes prêts à tout pour s’embellir et se rapprocher d’un modèle idéal de beauté.

Le culte de la beauté : voyez 7 films sur l'apparence physique

Nous vivons dans une société où les apparences physiques comptent, où la publicité nous bombarde d’images de modèles de beauté inatteignables à atteindre et où les personnes physiquement attirantes sont constamment mises en valeur et avantagées. Rien pour améliorer les problèmes d’estime de soi, d’intimidation et de maladies graves, telles que l’anorexie ou la boulimie, chez les jeunes. Imparfaite by Andrea Dorfman. New York City's "I'm A Girl" Campaign Falls Short. Beautiful. Jeux - Derrière le miroir. A Very Different Type of Barbie Hits Shelves to Revolutionize How Girls Think About Their Body. A few months ago, one of the most iconic toys in the world got a modern makeover so revolutionary that it went completely viral.

A Very Different Type of Barbie Hits Shelves to Revolutionize How Girls Think About Their Body

If, like millions of others netizens, you loved the pictures of "Average Barbie" circulating across the web, you'll love what Nickolay Lamm, the designer of the creative project has in store next. Image credit: Nickolay Lamm Motivated by a strong desire to show that "average is beautiful," Lamm has decided to make his designs come to life with a doll called "Lammily. " Lamm decided to take matters into his own hands after being bombarded with questions about where to buy a Barbie of normal size. The entreprenuer is offering prototypes of his toy to the first people to donate to his CrowdtiltOpen campaign, but his plan is to eventually be able to distribute the doll widely online and in retail. The Lammily doesn't just have the realistic proportions of the average 19-year-old woman — she also has articulated wrists, knees, elbows and feet. Cortnie. Selfie. American Eagle arrête de retoucher ses mannequins.

Pondu par PerrineP le 20 janvier 2014 La marque American Eagle lance une nouvelle campagne de pub certifiée sans retouche Photoshop pour mettre en valeur les « vrais corps » de ses mannequins lingerie !

American Eagle arrête de retoucher ses mannequins

En 2013, la mode a commencé à comprendre que les retouches numériques pouvaient avoir un impact dangereux sur les femmes : complexes liés à la transformation des corps, obsession de la minceur, atteinte impossible de la perfection…. les effets Photoshop montrent des corps irréels ou inhumains auxquels il est impossible de ressembler, ce qui crée des phénomènes dangereux comme l’obsession du thigh gap par exemple.

Heureusement, certaines marques ou magazines comme Debenhams et Verily ont choisi le retour au naturel en décidant de ne plus retoucher leurs mannequins (voir l’article La mode en 2013 : bilan des bonnes nouvelles). Plus récemment, c’est la marque American Eagle qui annoncé l’abandon de Photoshop concernant sa collection de lingerie Aerie. Révolution corporelle - Blogue - ÉquiLibre. Nous étions en direct.

Révolution corporelle - Blogue - ÉquiLibre

Il me regardait avec stupéfaction. Catastrophe de beauté. Artist Creates “Normal Barbie” Using Official CDC Measurements [Pics. Using Photoshop,a 3-D model and printer, and the official measurements from the Centers for Disease Control for the average 19-year-old female, artist Nikolay Lamm of created the “Normal Barbie.”

Artist Creates “Normal Barbie” Using Official CDC Measurements [Pics

I created normal Barbie because I wanted to show that average is beautiful,’’ Lamm wrote in an email to What Guys Look For In Girls - A Slam Poem. The body image revolution will be selfie-fied!   CMQM YouTube Partie 1.mp4. Concours ''et si j'étais moi?'' Vidéo final. Am I pretty or ugly? Exploring an unfortunate YouTube phenomenon. Live artist Louise Orwin has created a show—Pretty Ugly—based on her research into the phenomenon of teenage girls discussing body issues on social media.

Am I pretty or ugly? Exploring an unfortunate YouTube phenomenon

"OK, guys, this is a serious matter… I want to know whether I'm pretty or not," says a teenage girl with a high-pitched voice and heavily made-up eyes going by the name of girlsite101. She goes on to explain with pageant participant peppiness that her classmates say she is pretty and she "wins homecoming queen every year," but that she's not convinced. The only way to settle the situation is to ask the impartial commenters of YouTube. The video has notched up more than 110,000 views and the comments are, frankly, brutal: "Bitch" and "You have an ugly personality and you're making this shit up. 7 Things To Look At When You Feel Bad About Your Body.

Everyone has days where they feel terrible about their bodies.

7 Things To Look At When You Feel Bad About Your Body

Whether it's prompted by a careless comment, a glimpse in the mirror, or just waking up feeling like crap, we've all been there. And body image issues can impact almost every part of your life. They can make your sex life less enjoyable, increase stress and anxiety and of course affect how and what you are eating. Luckily, sometimes all it takes it a dose of reality or some kind words to snap you out of your body-hating downward spiral.