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Homme et féminisme

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Pourquoi, en tant qu'homme, je la ferme lors des réunions féministes. Un samedi, vers 18 heures.

Pourquoi, en tant qu'homme, je la ferme lors des réunions féministes

Dans le sous-sol d’un bar parisien réservé pour l’occasion, une petite dizaine de personnes se réunit. Des femmes, en grande majorité: ici tout le monde ou presque s’est rencontré sur Twitter, en évoluant dans les mêmes cercles féministes. Laver ses péchés de féministe frustrée dans un bain de larmes d’hommes cis. L’homme cis blanc hétérosexuel s’autoproclamant proféministe est un spécimen plein de surprises.

Laver ses péchés de féministe frustrée dans un bain de larmes d’hommes cis

Souvent plus plates les unes que les autres. Le 31 mars dernier se tenait une manifestation de soir féministe portant sur des enjeux spécifiquement féminins. Des hommes, féministes. Feminists are not responsible for educating men. As a vocal feminist with many intelligent, lovely male friends, I’m often met with indignance when I choose not to engage with them about feminism.

Feminists are not responsible for educating men

Surely if I really cared about changing our culture of discrimination and inequality, I should be trying to educate men? Isn’t that an activist’s job? Shouldn’t feminists be grateful when men want to bounce questions off us, because it shows that they are at least trying to understand? Abusive Feminist Men Exist — Here Are 6 Things Men Can Do To Stop Them. Il ne comprend pas pourquoi il n’a pas été félicité pour ne pas avoir été sexiste aujourd’hui. Toulon – Un jeune se dit profondément déçu après qu’il a passé une journée à ne pas être sexiste.

Il ne comprend pas pourquoi il n’a pas été félicité pour ne pas avoir été sexiste aujourd’hui

Il prétend n’avoir en retour reçu aucune félicitation de la part des femmes ou même un encouragement. Reportage. Grégoire a 32 ans. Toujours très au courant des évolutions sociétales, il sait que la société qui l’entoure et dans laquelle il vit est profondément sexiste. « Hier matin, en me levant, j’ai voulu tenter une expérience sociologique en limitant au maximum mon comportement sexiste » a-t-il expliqué dans Var-Matin. Why I (a Dude) Need Feminism. Why The Men’s Rights Movement Is Garbage. "On peut tous être des crocodiles à un moment donné. Ce qui compte, c'est de faire sa mue" Tired of Talking To Men. I am tired of talking about feminism to men.

Tired of Talking To Men

“Why Won’t You Educate Me About Feminism?” He doesn’t hate women.

“Why Won’t You Educate Me About Feminism?”

Above and beyond everything else, he wants you to know this: he does not hate women. He has two daughters, for god’s sake, and a wife that he adores beyond anything else, and a sister that he texts every day and a mother who is the strongest person that he’s ever known – yes, stronger than any of the men he’s met. So don’t think that this is because he hates women. If anything, his real problem is loving women too much. See, he just wants his daughters to grow up safe and happy. Ms Opinionated: How Do I Deal With a Fake Feminist Dude? Welcome to Ms.

Ms Opinionated: How Do I Deal With a Fake Feminist Dude?

Opinionated, our weekly advice column dealing with questions of life, love, feminism, and pop culture. This week, Nicole Georges takes on a question we've all had: How do you deal with an intolerable dude who constantly applauds how enlightened he is? Hiya, I have a guy who is in my circle of friends who is quite loud an opinionated. As Always, it Started With Star Trek: A Study On Geek Girls. For many years, whenever people would tell me that girls are rare in geek culture, my instant reaction would always be: ”well, no”.

As Always, it Started With Star Trek: A Study On Geek Girls

I would be surprised and a little puzzled at their assumption and would instantly think of all the women who were fans or contributors to the Star Trek franchise. Having been a Trekkie for as long as I can remember, I have read several books and watched documentaries about the fandom: Jeff Greenwald’s Future Perfect: How Star Trek Conquered Planet Earth and Trekkies and Trekkies 2 are obvious examples. News reports about conventions around the world, although particularly in the United States of America and England, showed numerous women taking part in the events. Sometimes, the whole family was there, sporting their Starfleet uniform. As Always, it Started With Star Trek: A Study On Geek Girls. Le Détesteur: pro-féministe depuis toujours. On me demande souvent si j'suis pro-féministe et pourquoi je n'ai encore jamais écrit de billet à ce sujet.

Le Détesteur: pro-féministe depuis toujours

Vrai que j'me suis pas officiellement positionné comme tel, mais comme dirait un ami: «J'aime pas ça moi, le monde qui se définit juste en "-iste"». J'ai pas senti l'urgence de le révéler, en 2012, quand la vague féministe s'est emparée de tout l'monde. Je m'en réjouissais, par contre.

C'est qu'au fond de moi, je savais que je l'avais toujours été; c'est dans mes veines, dans l'éducation offerte par mes parents. Ils sont ensemble depuis plus de 30 ans et leur relation est basée sur une belle complicité 50/50. Tout est arrivé si rapidement, avec les excès et les tentatives de réappropriation de ceux et celles qui en profitaient pour se forger une identité et discréditer les «pas assez comme eux» ou les «pas de la bonne manière», que j'ai toujours un peu peur que ça s'éclipse aussi vite.

Le féminisme nuit-il aux hommes? Joseph Gordon-Levitt on Being a Feminist. His film "Don Jon" told a story of a man with a skewed perspective on women.

Joseph Gordon-Levitt on Being a Feminist

Actor Joseph Gordon-Levitt talked to Ellen about it, and why he thought it was an important story to tell. He told Ellen how his mother has influenced his thinking. "That was something that my mom would always point out to my brother and me, that our culture does often portray women especially… like objects. For example, we would always watch Lakers games as a family, but my mom would always point out every time the cheerleaders come on, 'Okay, so look, here's the story that gets told: The men get to be the heroic skilled athletes and the women just get to be pretty.' Le nombrilisme des hommes face au féminisme. Si vous suivez régulièrement ce blog vous avez peut-être remarqué chaque polémique que provoque nos articles féministes. Dating tips for the feminist man. Reviewed by Media Co-op editors. copyeditedfact checkededitors' pick [?] Dating tips for the feminist man Blog posts reflect the views of their authors, and are not subject to Media Co-op journalistic standards.

Dating Tips for the Feminist Man This post is in honour of male feminists and their dating rituals. You’re a straight monogamous cismale who identifies as a leftie. This is not the 1950s; if you’re committed to social justice but you are still marching along using ‘the rules’ to govern dating, it’s time to consider the connection between your politics and your personal life.

So identifying as a male feminist is a tricky line to walk. Want to be worthy of that trust? Don’t be that dude: Handy tips for the male academic. There is a plethora of research on the causes of hostile environments for women in academia, and on why we have an underrepresentation of women in many fields. There are support groups for women, societies entirely devoted to women academics (broadly and field-specific), workshops for women in academia, and countless articles and blogs devoted to the topic. Tout à l'ego: Hommes et féminisme : ne me libérez pas, je m'en charge! Tout comme j’avais été pour le moins dubitative d’apprendre qu’un homme était derrière le mouvement Femen. J’ai bien senti que cette affirmation provoquait quelques interrogations et qu’il flottait dans l’air un discret soupçon de misandrie à mon encontre. De la masculinité à l’anti-masculinisme : Penser les rapports sociaux de sexe à partir d’une position sociale oppressive. par Léo Thiers-Vidal.

101 Everyday Ways for Men to Be Allies to Women. I’ve considered myself a feminist and male ally to women for quite some time. Against Patriarchy: Tools for Men to Further Feminist Revolution* By Chris Crass For all of us who are men who believe in social justice, who want healthy and beautiful lives for our loved ones, and who are working for positive change in the world, let us commit or re-commit to making feminism central in our lives, values, and actions. Black feminist scholar bell hooks writes, “When women and men understand that working to eradicate patriarchal domination is a struggle rooted in the longing to make a world where everyone can live fully and freely, then we know our work to be a gesture of love.” She continues, “Let us draw upon that love to heighten our awareness, deepen our compassion, intensify our courage, and strengthen our commitment.” It is time for men in the millions to take courageous action in our society to further feminist revolution.

The everyday violence and oppression of sexism in our society is epidemic and not only must end, but can end. 1. 2. 10 Reasons Men Should Love Feminism. 10 Reasons Men Should Love Feminism. Some concluding thoughts and answers to questions. Gender Focus Reads: Men Speak Out: Views on Gender, Sex, and Power. By Jarrah Hodge Every once in a while I’m asked to recommend books or other resources for men who are new to feminism and want to learn more. I usually start with bell hooks’ Feminism is for Everybody and follow up with Michael Kaufman and Michael Kimmel’s more recent and more specific book, The Guy’s Guide to Feminism. Now I have a new one to add to the list – one that really explores the diversity of issues and identities of male feminists and pro-feminists: Men Speak Out: Views on Gender, Sex, and Power. What Do We Want From Male Feminists?

Please Excuse Me for Having a Penis: Taking a Back Seat to Privilege and Power « Feminism and Religion. I have often struggled with that little voice, call it my conscience if you will, that speaks to me during times of distress. Although I consider myself a proud feminist, I still struggle with aspects of what I call, internalized misogyny, or more aptly defined as a male born characteristic trait that imparts the idea that men are not only dominant but also more powerful than the other 50% of the species. For many reasons, I believe religion is one of the main culprits of this growing evil, one that we all witnessed throughout this last election cycle.

However, instead of placing blame solely on religion and images of the male Godhead we have to begin deconstructing the sociological consequences these subconscious social, sexual, religious, and gendered norms have on men but more importantly men who identify as feminists. I believe that male feminists often deal with multiple binds that force them to recognize and then re-acknowledge their innate power and privilege. Why as a man, I need Feminism.

"I am a feminist. " This statement has caused several kinds of reactions when coming from me, a male. Ranging from an inquisitive if not suspicious "why? " to sweet praise borne not out of understanding, but rather out of amazement if not amusement. And yet the one reaction I've always wanted to hear, the self-evident "So what? Why as a man, I need Feminism.