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RIP Benoit Mandelbrot. We will be the first to admit that we have no mathematicians on the Geekosystem payroll, but we wouldn’t have our jobs if we couldn’t pick up on the times when geek culture as a whole loses someone very special.

RIP Benoit Mandelbrot

What has yet to be confirmed by news sources, but what the internet already knows, is that Benoît Mandelbrot has died at age eighty-five. Madelbrot’s work has had many applications, reaching connections in chaos theory, biological, and physical sciences. He took a few disparate mathematical concepts and put them together to show that math could, in fact, describe natural, seemingly random phenomena. To put it another way (thank you, Mr.

Coulton), “he saw that infinite complexity could be described by simple rules.”


Money, Economics, Finance. Complexity & Systems. Albert Bartlett. Energy Thinkers. Nassim Taleb. Philosophy.