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Library Displays and Bulletin Boards. “I Want a Real Picture of a Dinosaur” The title of this essay came to me from one of my students, who was passing along a comment made by one of her middle-graders.

“I Want a Real Picture of a Dinosaur”

It gave me an idea. Here’s the background: this semester I am teaching an online course, “Nonfiction for the Common Core,” to MLIS students at Rutgers University. We spend one early week on visual literacy, considering images, rendered or photographed, in nonfiction books. While many future children’s librarians have learned about the interplay of art, text, and design in picture books, few have thought about how the same elements work in nonfiction.

It’s important to train their eyes to see the decisions that go into every piece of art used in a nonfiction title, and how those images flow with the text. To begin, I ask my students to read the essay Matt Tavares wrote for The Horn Book (March/April, 2011). Her question made me think of a great little game you might try in your library. Create a Screensaver of Your Favorite Books. I am slowly but inexorably transitioning to an all ebook personal library.

Create a Screensaver of Your Favorite Books

I am holding on to important print books, but all of my new buys are digital. By and large, this has gone smoothly and has been a general improvement in my space-to-library ratio, but I admit I miss being able to look at my books. I realized, though, that I have a giant 27-inch computer screen sitting in my living room that is on screen-saver mode much of the time and could display my books even better than my shelves by rotating the covers, rather than the static spines of my beloved bookshelves. Get Those Books Moving: Advertising & Display Ideas for the New Year. Move out of your comfort zone.

Get Those Books Moving: Advertising & Display Ideas for the New Year

You can only grow if you are willing to feel awkward and uncomfortable when you try something new. This past Monday a few of the librarians who are the driving force behind the TL Virtual Cafe/#TLChat LIVE! Stepped out of their comfort zones to bring you a simultaneous #TLChat Live! Twitter Chat and Google+ Hangout. Winter - Chill Out with a Cool Read. Library Display Posters for Color Displays - Carolyn at RiskingFailure. <div class="deployment_message_block"><span> Hi, You need to enable javascript on your browser to use TpT.

Library Display Posters for Color Displays - Carolyn at RiskingFailure

&nbsp; <a href=" target="_blank">See how this improves your TpT experience</a>. </span></div> ABOUT US | BLOG | FAQs & HELP Not a member? American+Football+Joy+Salsman.jpg (1200×1600) Librarydisplayideas / FrontPage. Subway art collection. Here's the complete collection of eighteen25 subway art!

subway art collection

All of them can be printed as a 16x20 or an 8x10. Click on the title or picture below to be taken to that post which will include the free download. The red covers. By Elaine PearsonHow many of us have said or heard this before?!

The red covers

Our students have identified with this display and I've had lots of positive comments. They want me to do 'black' next time - typical! The books have flown from the display and I'm beginning to run out of red covers! The idea for this display came from this interesting link on Wikipedia: Red Hot Picks: Operation Book Hook: Fiction Set 1 « Page in Training. I am creating bookmark-style ads for different books at my school library as I blogged about in July.

Operation Book Hook: Fiction Set 1 « Page in Training

I am launching book hooks in the fiction section of my library at the start of the school year. With each additional semester, the program will expand to another area of the library. The goal is to generate some buzz for different titles in the library while I’m not there full-time. Each Book Hook will be placed inside its title in the library to make it noticeable on the shelves and displays.

The first set of Book Hooks features 44 titles, including a number of graphic novels. I’m including links to the book hooks in .pdf and in .docx format. The .docx Book Hook Set 1The .pdf Book Hook Set 1. Three for: Awesome Ideas for Library Displays « Informania. Is there a support group for Librarians Who Lack “Display Panache”?

Three for: Awesome Ideas for Library Displays « Informania

If so, I need to join. Until I can find that support group, I rely on Pinterest, Flickr, and Google to provide me with ideas. Read Your Way Around the World. So tomorrow: displays and decor. Take a byte out of a good book. Library Book Display Ideas. Library users are often overwhelmed trying to choose from the huge selection of books filling the shelves.

Library Book Display Ideas

Libraries that feature books in displays help overcome that problem. The potential reader has a manageable selection to browse through. Welcome to the 2011-2012 School Year! Yippee!

Welcome to the 2011-2012 School Year!

Today is the first day of school. I spent the past two weeks preparing the library for this special day. I hope my students find the library inviting and comfortable. Here's to another year spent exploring, learning, and reading. The graphic novel section will NEVER look this neat again. Mr. Frankie Pickle's Road Trip.