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In Europe, Whimsical Playgrounds For Children. Danish design firm Monstrum, who specializes in playgrounds, has built wildly imaginative and whimsical playscapes for children. Founded by Ole B Nielsen and Christian Jensen, the company has constructed castles, life-size blue whales, and a series of other brilliant playground structures, around Denmark and Sweden.

According to the company’s statement, it believes that playground design “should be a reflection of the world surrounding us”. Check out more of their work here. [via Colossal] Receive interesting stories like this one in your inbox. A Collection a Day, 2010. Party + Wedding Ideas. Pretty Party Supplies There are so many pretty party supplies out right now! These bright colors are perfect for spring and summer. I’m definitely planning to add these to my party closet soon! A. Mini Confetti | B. Geometric Garland | C. . | E. Favorite Party Ideas This Week 1. Loopy Paper Garland by Kathleen Ballos I don’t think there will ever be a shortage of garlands to make for parties! Click through for instructions … (more…) A Craft Party by Casey Baudoin Crafting and making has always been one of my favorite things to do, and it is even better when you do it with friends. 1. headband 2. ice bucket 3. scissors 4. drink station 5. craft bags 6. twine 7. girls night 8. mini clothes pins 9. felt Grilled Cheese Party Cheese please!!

Click through for more photos & recipes! (more…) Gift gallery. Geronimo! Balloon Company. Have you seen pictures all over the internet of these giant balloons with beautiful magic fringe hanging off them? Geronimo! Balloon Company was started earlier this year and sells balloon kits from their website in addition to a “Balloon Trooper” coming in person to deliver the balloons for special events or birthdays in the Los Angeles area. Geronimo! Will also provide the whole decor for your upcoming fete with balloon installations!

The woman behind the gorgeous balloons is Jihan Zencirli. We tracked Jihan down last week to get the back story about Geronimo! Balloons. RS: How did you become a “Certified Balloonatic and Master Balloon-Trooper ?” JZ: A year ago, in a pinch for a birthday surprise for a friend I was meeting for dinner, I reached into my stash of random internet finds and came out with a 36″ round balloon. Click through to continue reading. RS: What’s the craziest story you have of delivering a Geronimo Balloon? RS: What’s your favorite color of balloon? JZ: Costumes! Wall stickers : Domestic ® vente de stickers muraux, autocollants muraux, sticker décoratif, décors muraux, décoration d'intérieure, sticker mural, vynil et autocollant pour les murs. Bas Fisher invites artists to create tours that reflect their relationship with Miami.

Social enterprise connects artists with empty commercial buildings. Gain instant and exclusive access to over 5,000 of the most creative ideas, innovations and startups on our database and use our smart filters to take you direct to those that are most relevant to your industry and your needs. Not interested? You can still browse articles published in the last 30 days from our homepage and receive your daily and weekly fix of entrepreneurial ideas through our free newsletters.

What is Washi Tape? An Overview of Paper and Tissue Tapes. In the past 12 months or so, “washi tape” has taken over the scrapbooking and stationery world. For those who haven’t heard of it, I thought I’d give you an overview of just what it is and perhaps why you might want to try it. For starters, “Washi Tape” comes from Japan, is a paper tape that comes in pretty colors and patterns. It comes on a roll like regular sticky tape, and is often translucent. You can find it in 1/4″ widths up to 2 1/2 inches, and it feels more like masking tape than true “paper.” Since hitting the crafting world by storm, many major scrapbooking companies have come out with their own versions. 7 Gypsies brand Hambly Screen Prints Brand "Smash" brand by K & Co.

Tim Holtz idea-ology ….you get the idea. I should also say that I’m purposefully avoiding covering paper ribbons or trims- paper embellishments that have adhesive on the back. So hopefully now you have a better idea of these washi/tissue/paper tapes, and will start thinking of some fun ways to use them! Giant Birdsnest 4 breeding ideas. For prices please send us an email and we will get back to you with all info The Giant birdsnest aka “Giant Birdsnest for creating new ideas” was conceived and created as a prototype for new and inspiring socializing space: a fusion of furniture and playground: A comfortable informal and sensual soft space.

The wooden nest is filled with highly comfortable egg-shaped sitting poofs which allow ergonomic sitting positions and various configurations for informal meetings and social exchange. The nest comes in various sizes, from a small and intimate nest for 2-3 people up to a 4.50 m diameter big version which can host up to 16 people at once – the soft space is perfect, comfortable and inspiring place for resting, browsing the web, reading, relaxing, loving, talking, briefing, discussing (…) Its powerful, yet simple concept and intriguing character needs no explanation or user manual: Ready to be used, ready for playing or working in. Simply jump in and enjoy. The Makers.