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Tone/Attitude Words - StumbleUpon. Personality Traits, Character traits, Human Traits, personal characteristics, human qualities, Traits of Human Consciousness, human makeup, personal attitudes, negative attitudes, positive attitudes, list, makeup of the individual human, endowments, consc.

Several Steps Further: Aside from the listing above, traits of human consciousness can be viewed from a number of other perspectives. Here are several: Traits Organized from Psychological (Inner-oriented) to Social (Outer-oriented) Human personality/character traits can be divided by those that are inner/psychological; and those that are outer-oriented/social.

(They can then be further divided positively and negatively.) To see this list, click here. Traits Expressing in the Vertical Scale of Human Consciousness (Physical, Vital, Mental) The individual human expresses exits at three fundamental planes or levels of being -- mental, vital, and physical. ARTICLE: Positive and Negative Human Traits (from a spiritual perspective) New Fundamental Traits/Capacities that Enable Higher Achievement and Personal Growth Spiritual Traits/Capacities that Enable Vastly Higher Achievement, and Personal Growth Negative Traits/Capacities that Retard Achievement & Personal Growth Personal and Society's Values. Character Traits. Do you have a list of personality traits.