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Womb Healing Transmissions. Use Your Womb To Activate World Consciousness | Seven Sisters Mystery School. Photo credit: © 2009 Exper G. R. – In sacred ceremony, I was given a powerful visualization to pass on to women worldwide as a means of reestablishing our oracular connection with one another, with Gaia, and with the Great Cosmic Womb. This is a simple but potent visualization you can do to reestablish the “Womb Grid” on the planet –– the network by which women of consciousness can receive and transmit high-level information designed to stimulate the further awakening of humanity.

Why Womb? The basis for this visualization is the understanding that the womb is a microcosmic replica of the great Generative Portal, which is the Universe Herself. Thus, Gaia is a womb portal nested within the Great Cosmic Womb. This is not to “reduce women down” to being “mere” uterine receptacles. For the womb is a transmitter and receiver on many levels. This reality was honored by our most ancient ancestors in their cosmologies, and is still honored by many traditions today. Comments. Untitled Document. This explanation of what the energy of the womb and womb chakra are doing in the menstrual cycle helps us to understand what basic practices of the womb we need to follow. Women Need to Keep their Menses Sacred.

The first three days (or days of heaviest bleeding) are times when tremendous amounts of divine and attachment energy are leaving the woman. She must replenish that space through sacred connection and practices (prayer, meditation, connection to source). She also must be separate from the daily negativity or demands of life so that the womb does not fill with mundane and negative influences. She must try to remain emotionally even and stable and non-attached to worldly experiences. During menses women need to seek a separate (or menstruating women only) place for an additional reason as well. Recall that even in ancient cultures, which revered the feminine, women were separated off during menses in their blood/ moon huts. Modern Sacred Menses. Blessing Water. Sexual Taboos. THE SACRED POWER OF MENSTRUAL BLOOD | The Goddess of Sacred Sex. Menstrual Blood used to be the most Sacred substance on Earth, and now science is discovering its incredible healing powers… (This post adapted from information provided by Seren Swannesha Bertrand from The Fountain of Life One of the most important rituals was preparing a ‘drink of immortality’ made from menstrual blood, which is full of healing stem cells, which can actually activate our cellular capacity to regenerate and transport us to endocrine states of rapture.

Or in a spiritual sense open us to the Frequency of Love and Eternal Life, transporting us to another Dimension – called Heaven, Paradise, Nirvana etc. This ‘Love Feast’ or ‘Sacred Marriage’ – a core part of the Menstrual Mysteries – was eventually declared a heresy and women were barred from participating in Christian rites. The Holy Grail, in its true original essence, is the Womb. Isn’t it time we reclaimed our Feminine power? Like this: Like Loading... Mantak Chia - Sexual Reflexology. Mantak Chia - Healing Love Through the Tao - Cultivating Female Sex... Mantak Chia - Sexual Reflexology.