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Exhibition design. Lecturer: Iohanna Nicenboim Duration: From April 21st to May 12th, 2014 Application deadline: April 16th, 2014 This course examines the planning and designing of three-dimensional environments that encourage visitor’s understanding, participation, and emotional engagement.

Exhibition design

Participants will learn different tools to understand and manipulate space using from simple existing elements to design graphics or multimedia in order to make the exhibition content more clear and accessible. Following the course participants will learn practical tools to observe a space and its interaction, will design an exhibition according to a brief and will develop a presentation of complete exhibition design proposal.

Participation fee: 145€ Language: English Enrol here and we will contact you to provide the payment details. Proposals. Curatorial opportunity at apexart Anywhere but here: curatorial opportunity at apexart apexart’s Franchise Program open call is an opportunity for anyone to submit a proposal for ...


Open call for artists and curators art:i:curate is a growing international network of contemporary artists, curators and collectors. art:i:curate showcases emerging artists on its ... KARST Curatorial Open Call 2014 Deadline: Sunday 19th January, 2014, 23:59 (GMT) Notification Email to successful applicants: Friday 31st January 2014 KARST announces an ... Curators@Zweigstelle Berlin Curators@Zweigstelle Berlin Berlin Gallery Zweigstelle Berlin is offering international curators and institutions the gallery space on ... Abandoned Suitcases Reveal Private Lives of Insane Asylum Patients. If you were committed to a psychiatric institution, unsure if you’d ever return to the life you knew before, what would you take with you?

Abandoned Suitcases Reveal Private Lives of Insane Asylum Patients

That sobering question hovers like an apparition over each of the Willard Asylum suitcases. From the 1910s through the 1960s, many patients at the Willard Asylum for the Chronic Insane left suitcases behind when they passed away, with nobody to claim them. Upon the center’s closure in 1995, employees found hundreds of these time capsules stored in a locked attic. 10 ways journalists can use Storify. When Storify appeared on the collective journalism screen a few weeks back at TechCrunch Disrupt, it inspired a lot of oohs, ahhs and speculation as to how it would work for journalists. There are similar curation tools out there, like KeepStream and, though they focus primarily on collecting tweets (Correction: KeepStream also allows for Facebook integration).

Storify, on the other hand, allows a user to organize various media (text, documents, video, images) and social media (Twitter, Facebook, etc.) into an orderly, linear presentation. The story pieces retain all of their original links and functionality – and the full presentations are embeddable on any site. What are the best content curation tools for daily use. Curate.Us - Share Screen Clips Anywhere. International Art English. How the Art World's Lingo of Exclusivity Took Root, Branched Out, And Then Rotted From Within. The hypnotizing argot of the art world is familiar to anyone who has ever tried to decipher a gallery press release or encountered a nebulous artist statement.

How the Art World's Lingo of Exclusivity Took Root, Branched Out, And Then Rotted From Within

It’s a vocabulary of modified adjectives and abstract nouns, of concepts that get deconstructed and ideas that get interrogated, distributed practices and embraced ambiguity. In a recent article for the innovative web publication Triple Canopy, Alix Rule and David Levine coin the term “International Art English” (shorthanded “IAE,” roughly equivalent to the popular nickname “artspeak”) to describe this language, tracing its history and divining its murky rules. Is linguistic inflation insanely awesome? A Companion to Digital Humanities. A community resource guide to data curation in the digital humanities.

Content Curation Tools - The Newsmaster Toolkit by Robin Good. Content Curation World. Change (A Quarterly Journal for Nonprofit Leaders) The Unanticipated Benefit of Content Curation. I was honored to write a feature article in the recent issue of the NTEN journal called “The Unanticipated Benefits of Content Curation: Reducing Information Overload.”

The Unanticipated Benefit of Content Curation

I’ll be doing a FREE webinar on Thursday, July 12 at 11 am PST to walk you through the idea and practices described in the area. Overuse of “Curating” Reaches an All-Time High, Local Blog Notices. Your day in brutal honesty: The Awl’s screaming headline “You Are Not a Curator, You Are Actually Just a Filthy Blogger” pretty much says it all (it’s even tagged “STOP IT”).

Overuse of “Curating” Reaches an All-Time High, Local Blog Notices

The post comes in response to a lecture put on by the popular Creative Mornings event series in Brooklyn by artist and TED-Talker Jonathan Harris, who argued, “Curation is replacing creation as a mode of self-expression.” Well, that grandiose claim is pretty easy to debunk, as Awl editor Choire Sicha promptly does: “For starters, ‘curation’ is choosing among things that are created.” The general misuse of the word “curate” seems to be a result of the mass adoption of online social networks that let users share whatever text, images, and videos they feel are worth sharing. You Are Not a Curator, You Are Actually Just a Filthy Blogger. "Curation is replacing creation as a mode of self-expression.

You Are Not a Curator, You Are Actually Just a Filthy Blogger

" – Jonathan Harris @jjhnumber27 #creativemornings— Tina Roth Eisenberg (@swissmiss) June 1, 2012. Is "Curate" The Most Abused Fashion Word of 2010? - Rants. Harold Koda runs the Costume Institute at the Met, so he's allowed to describe himself as a curator—it's his professional title.

Is "Curate" The Most Abused Fashion Word of 2010? - Rants

For everyone else, though, it's just a highbrow way of saying "one who picks things out," which describes all style bloggers, retail buyers, and people who get dressed in the morning. We asked a couple fashion writers if they agreed that the term was being abused. "Yes. A throwdown about the term ‘curator’ « museum geek. Lately, questions about the bastardisation of the term curator have been emerging around the blogosphere.

A throwdown about the term ‘curator’ « museum geek

The Hermitage Museum wrote An Open Letter to Everyone Using the Word ‘Curate’ Incorrectly on the Internet, and Digital Transformations recently asked whether DJs are curators, and vice versa. Top 51 Free Aggregator Apps - 1 to 50 based on popularity. Home > News > Top 49 Free Aggregator Apps 1 to 49 based on popularity Aggregator applications are online tools that pull content from numerous news sources and compile it into one easy to follow interface the user can browse.

Top 51 Free Aggregator Apps - 1 to 50 based on popularity

AppAppeal ranks all aggregator apps based on worldwide popularity. Pearltrees makes Web curation a joy with its 'magical' new iPad app. Not many tech CEOs would have the guts to describe their products as “magical” and as delivering “pure happiness”, but that’s exactly how Pearltrees‘ Patrice Lamothe describes the startup’s iPad app released today. You know what? He may just be right. Pearltrees is a service that takes a visual approach to Web curation. Launched late last year with its browser-based version, it allows you to create networks of ‘pearls’ on screen. Each pearl is a link to a piece of content and you can connect them together in whatever way you choose into a ‘pearltree’. The Jealous Curator.

Collection a Day : Home. Art of the Title. Curator's ǝpoɔ. Deeply Thinking. School and Career Advice : education : Canadian Art School. Hrheingold: I illustrate how I use bookmarklets and extensions to curate w/ Diigo,, Pearltrees.