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TASI :: Advice - Creating Digital Images. TASI :: Advice | Creating Digital Images | Choosing a File Forma. The choice of file formats can often prove overwhelming for someone new to the world of digital imaging. The aim of this document is to explain some of the factors that should be considered before choosing a format and suggest suitable file formats for specific applications. Contents Introduction Over the years, there have been a number of file formats that have been proposed and used.

Every year, this choice gets larger and larger as new file formats are introduced and it is not always immediately clear which is the best one to use in any particular case. This report provides a brief look at some of these factors and provides guidelines to making the best choice from what is available. For a full introduction to the file formats themselves, see the JISC Digital Media advice document File Formats and Compression. Choose a non-proprietary open 'standard' PDF (Portable Document Format/Adobe Acrobat File) PSD (Photoshop Document/Adobe Photoshop Image File) The camera's native RAW file Helpdesk.

Which Graphics File Format Is Best To Use When? JPEG, TIFF, PSD, RAW Image Files May Be The Best Digital Archiving File Format On. Tiff format for archiving digital images and CD-R for backing up. Backing up: Don't forget that TIFF format is a lossless compression compared to JPEG. Use always a lossless 24-bit format as TIFF (or PNG, PPM, etc) while working on the image, then JPEG it when you are ready to file it away or send it out on the net. If you expect to edit your image again in the future, keep a lossless master copy to work from. The JPEG you put up on your Web site should be a derived copy, not your editing master. Therefore I always save my original files, as master copies, in TIFF-formats, in spite if that most digital cameras store the images as JPEG'S, and save and back them up on a CD-R disk.

Will your grandchildren be able to figure out what those shiny round discs in the shoebox in the attic really are? ("The Mitsui Photo Worried About Your CD-R Disc Archive? Things you should Know about CDs Can I archive my raw-files? The solution to this growing problem? What do they say about archiving photo images in the newsgroups? At last my personal advice. Note.