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DWP sur Twitter : "Are you using #Twitter effectively to search for work? #GetBritainWorking... How digital marketers engage on Twitter. Social media has made it possible for us all to be digital marketers.

How digital marketers engage on Twitter

The reality is, that if you are on Facebook, Twitter or Google+ you “are” a digital marketer whether you like it or not. You are publishing and promoting a brand. It might be brand “you“ or it may be a business or organisation you represent. Marketing also involves two key activities - publishing and promotion. Social media provides the means, the technology, and the platforms to do both.

Twitter in Education. HEA Annual Conference 2012 – Archive of Tweets & Top Tweeters! I’d rather talk to my Goldfish: A (failed?) Twitter experiment « Dave Earl – Disability history in Australia and the world. We often here how today’s students love technology.

I’d rather talk to my Goldfish: A (failed?) Twitter experiment « Dave Earl – Disability history in Australia and the world

So do I. Connect To The World Through Twitter (Presentation) Twitter as a professional development tool. Love it or hate it? This week I attended a conference about professional development in Scotland.

Twitter as a professional development tool. Love it or hate it?

The participants were Community Learning and Development workers (CLD). Why Twitter Matters: Tomorrow’s Knowledge Network. Image via CrunchBase Twitter still comes in for high-blown denunciations from Great Persons who have never used it.

Why Twitter Matters: Tomorrow’s Knowledge Network

But I ventured to suggest the other day (in a tweet, of course) that it is now an open question whether anyone can be a paid-up member of the commentariat in 2011 without a Twitter handle. Because while it is presently used for a score of different purposes (from chat-chat among friends to crass marketing efforts to smart customer service to newsgathering that beats any other source) at its core it offers two interlocking experiences which deliver value so great it is hard to measure. First is, as it were, research. Let’s be personal here. Second, Twitter as cocktail party. 24/7.

Twitter Series-A New Kind Of Twitter PD. This week I am going to do a series of posts on Twitter.

Twitter Series-A New Kind Of Twitter PD

I get asked a lot of questions about it so I though, why not write about it and put all the details in one place. You can read Part 2 here and Part 3 here. #Twitter As A Teaching Aid-Some Interesting Figures « The Creative Space. I have blogged in the past about using new media platforms as a learning & teaching resource.

#Twitter As A Teaching Aid-Some Interesting Figures « The Creative Space

The entire content of our BA (Hons) Contemporary Screen Acting Programme at the University of the West of Scotland is delivered using Twitter, Posterous and Youtube at the very core of Teaching , Learning and , crucially Assessement. From it’s inception in September 2010, student engagement with these platforms was developed gradually over the first 15 weeks of the programme. In the second trimester of the programme there is now 100% participation from the students and participating staff across a wide range of New Media . However I had carried out no empirical research on the pace of takeup from the students. This was due to the fact that September 2010 was the first time I had run the programme and I had other things on my mind more pressing than research. Since the start of the Module in February 2011, there have been over 300 (and building) separate #TWFTV responses from the students. 1.

Karl Gude: Five Reasons Why Twitter Is Amazing In Large Lecture Classes. Image by Colin Marshall The guest professor in my large class of 200 journalism students at Michigan State University was just hitting his stride when suddenly every single student plunged to the ground as though looking for a dropped pencil.

Karl Gude: Five Reasons Why Twitter Is Amazing In Large Lecture Classes

Stunned, the speaker continued his talk. About 15 minutes later the students leapt to their feet and applauded furiously! Shattered, he began to realize that something he was saying, some word, was igniting this explosive response from the students. Teachers – The 10 Stages of Twitter. Stage 1 Sign up to twitter following persuasion/pestering by colleagues.

Teachers – The 10 Stages of Twitter

Follow Stephen Fry, a famous sportsman/popstar and a news channel. Read a few tweets, don’t understand what the fuss is about and mock anyone who uses twitter. Stage 2. Teaching with Twitter: how the social network can contribute to learning. I am senior lecturer in English at the University of Wolverhampton and have been an advocate for the past few years of teaching using blended learning - integrating online learning activities alongside face-to-face teaching.

Teaching with Twitter: how the social network can contribute to learning

Two of my courses on Victorian literature feature a number of assessed online discussion forum activities. They get 100% participation - much of it enthusiastic. Twitter in Education – Barriers and possible solutions? Create a Twitter RSS feed for Tweets, Searches, Hashtags, Lists or Favorites. Sneak Preview: The Must-Have Guide To Educational Hashtags. Wednesday, June 13, 2012 1:24 pm, Posted by Jeff Dunn | Social Media Topics: #edchat , guide , hashtags , How To , preview , tweets , twitter The following is an excerpt from tomorrow’s mega-post ‘ The 2012 A-Z Guide To Educational Hashtags ‘ so be sure to check back soon for the way-way-way-too-long article and directory to educational hashtags. Like, hundreds of tags. It’s crazy.

How To Find Twitterers Talking About Your Profession, Company, Or Product. Finding The Right People on Twitter I read a very clever idea in a blog post by Corbett Barr of Free Pursuits – You can follow him on Twitter @freepursuits.

How To Find Twitterers Talking About Your Profession, Company, Or Product

If you are a marketer, business owner, or just an avid Twitterer looking for the perfect Tweeps, you will want to have this trick in your arsenal. The reason I was impressed by this technique is because it constantly scrubs the Twitter stream looking for conversations I’m interested in, which increases the likelihood that those Tweeps are people I want to find and follow.

Also, as a professional it is a handy tool. I’m interested in finding other corporate communications, public relations, and social media professionals to network with.