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What's the Best Use of Your Time on Social Media? 387 Flares 387 Flares × Social media management can be a full-time job, and even for those who do social along with any number of other tasks, social media marketing can still take 10 or more hours every week. So what would you do if you only had 30 minutes to spend on social media? How would you prioritize your tasks so you make the absolute most of your valuable time?

I tend to find pockets of time throughout the day where I wish I could be as productive as possible in windows here and there. When a 30-minute window opens up, what should I be doing to maximize my time on social media? Here are some ways I’ve attempted to use my 30-minute chunks, and maybe they’ll spark some ideas for your marketing spurts as well. Crazy fact: We’re on social media for 3.6 hours every day A study by Ipsos found that the average social network user spends 3.6 hours on social media every day. The age breakdown shows the average daily use for younger social media users is even higher. Wow! Whew! Infographic: The Optimal Length for Every Social Media Update. 256 Flares 256 Flares × How long should my tweet be?

Or my blogpost? Or my headline? I ask this question a lot. I’d love to see if I can help make it even more useful. Along with all the best tips on optimal lengths for tweets, blogposts, headlines, and more, I’ve added a few additional lengths to the list—the ones that came up most often in the comments of the last post, like SlideShare length, Pinterest length, and more. And to make it just as easy as possible to consume all this information quickly and easily, we partnered with our friends at SumAll to place the data and insights into a fun infographic.

Infographic: The optimal length for social media updates and more Click to enlarge. Share this image on your site! <p><strong>Please include attribution to with this graphic. If you enjoy the snazzy look and helpful info in this infographic, SumAll published a companion infographic (in a super cool, printable pdf format) over on their blog. vs. Conclusion. Small Business Marketing Tips: How to Succeed on Social Media. 45 Best Mobile Apps and Tools for Marketers. 520 Flares 520 Flares × You get a ton done when you’re at your computer, speeding away on the day’s social media strategy. Might there be a way to wring some productivity when you’re away from your desk? Mobile apps and tools can make it so a marketer’s entire day is filled with opportunities to connect, engage, and share. You can get more done while commuting, lounging, waiting, and any time when you’re not tethered to a desktop or laptop. Which apps are best for social media marketers?

I gave a huge number of them a test run and came up with 45 amazingly useful apps that can help you accomplish social media marketing tasks with a tap, swipe, or touch. I’d love to hear which ones are your favorites, and if I missed any that you love to use. 45 best mobile apps for your social media marketing Dashboards and clients for social media management 1. > Download for iOS and Android Other options – 2. > Download for iOS 3. > Download for iOS and Android 4. > Download for iPad 5. 6. 7. Basecamp. Five Ways Brands Use Visual Content for Maximum Impact. Do you want to stimulate online growth and engagement? Are you using visual marketing in your business? Understanding how other businesses use visual content can help you integrate new tactics into your own marketing strategy. In this article I’ll show you how five brands are using visual content successfully. Why Use Visual Content in Your Marketing?

When it comes to marketing your business, pictures speak volumes. Find 5 ways to use visual content for maximum impact. Add that to the fact that 93% of all human communication is nonverbal and it becomes clear that a visual online presence is critical. While many companies may understand this on a conceptual level, few have capitalized on the opportunity to effectively combine text and visual content. Here are five brands that are using visual marketing in innovative and unique ways on various social media platforms. #1: Volkswagen on Facebook Volkswagen uses Facebook to create a visual timeline of their storied past.

. #2: AMC Theatres on Pinterest. How to Achieve Content Marketing Success: New Research. Are you trying to improve your content marketing? Wondering how to connect the dots between content and customers? In this article you’ll find important best practices, backed by research, to help improve your social media marketing. Brand new research from Content Marketing Institute and MarketingProfs shows that while there are universal challenges in content marketing such as measuring ROI and producing engaging content, there are certain best practices that mitigate these problems. Here’s our take on the research. #1: Have a Documented Strategy Fifty-four percent of the most effective B2B marketers have a documented content strategy and most of them follow it “very closely.” One of the biggest differences between effective content marketers and those who fail is a documented strategy.

Find out what new research shows about achieving success with content marketing. The benefits of documentation aren’t just limited to execution. . #2: Be a Content Machine #3: Prioritize Engagement Quick Summary. Social Media Author & Educator Drops Wise Tips for Beginners. I only know a few people who TRULY live the spirit of social media. Marsha Collier is one of them! She's an amazing speaker, author & educator. She's also one of the most genuine people you'll ever meet. I got to know Marsha in 2011 when Rick Bakas recommended that I read some of her books. I thanked Rick on Twitter & Marsha was tagged in the conversation. She & I have kept in touch ever since. I recently caught up with Marsha to find out what makes this dynamic woman tick.

Below she reveals how she finds time to write amazing books while also staying constantly engaged with her audience. Social Media Author & Educator Drops Wise Tips for Beginners >> Click to Tweet << 1. I started my marketing business back before the Internet had taken over. In 1990, we received the "Small Business of the Year Award" from the California State Assembly. My career took a turn in 1998, and I started writing books to help people flourish and grow their businesses online. 2. 3. 4. 5. My family and my readers. 6. 27 Best Copywriting Formulas: How to Tell a Captivating Story Online. 628 Flares 628 Flares × You’ve heard it said that storytelling is an essential element to drawing the reader into your content and driving more engagement.

So how can you add this element to the blogposts you write? Can you fit a captivating story into a social media update, even one that’s 140 characters long? Here’s the great news: There’s a formula for that. Many storytellers and copywriters have tested out the best intros and segues to draw readers to a piece of content. Their copywriting formulas just plain work—in blogpost intros, in social updates, in emails, and anywhere else you might happen to write online. Here are 27 of the best ones I’ve heard. 27 Copywriting Formulas That Grab Readers’ Attention Why might you trot out a copywriting formula each time you need compelling copy? I think one of my favorite perspectives on it, from someone who knows copywriting better than anyone, comes from Copyblogger’s Demian Farnworth. 1. Before – Here’s your world … Example: 2. 3. 4.

The 18 Publishers That Are Shared Most on Social Networks. Only a few publishers have mastered the art of consistently getting their content shared on social networks, according to a report from Fractl and Buzzsumo. The report was based on data from 2.6 billion content shares of 1 million articles from 190 publishers over a six-month period. Shares were tracked across five major social networks: Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Pinterest, and LinkedIn. Most publishers (94%) included in the study had fewer than 50 million shares in the time period examined, and 93% received fewer than 5,000 shares, on average, per article.

However, a few publishers were extremely efficient at promoting their articles and encouraging engagement; however, that success did not apply across all social networks. Each of the top publishers examined did well on just a few social platforms, and none succeeded in having a strong presence on all five. Below, additional key findings from the report. Top Social Networks for Sharing Shares by Sentiment. How to Engage Employees in Social Media Marketing in 5 Simple Steps. 498 Flares 498 Flares × You don’t need to ask IT whether your coworkers are on social media during the workday. It’s like asking if they are breathing. And that can be a great thing. Studies have shown that employees can post, tweet, and pin and still perform at peak levels—maybe even more productively than their less plugged-in counterparts.

Instead of instilling policies to try to prevent team members from using social media at work, more and more companies are incorporating their employees’ social media enthusiasm into their marketing. When your team is on social media all day anyway, it’s only a short step to engage employees in social media marketing and create new social media ambassadors for your company.

The data behind engaging your team with social media Here’s a look at some of the data: According to Gallup’s 2013 State of the Global Workplace survey, just 13 percent of worldwide employees say they are engaged at work. The 5 steps that transformed our social strategy 1. Social-media-networks.png (PNG Image, 1650 × 1275 pixels) - Scaled (62%) What Is It Really Like to Work in Social Media? Leah Pope is the VP of Global Marketing of Synthesio. I don’t have a PhD, I don’t work in a lab and I don’t work with chemicals. I work in social media, and to succeed in this market you must think like a scientist. Social media helps companies monitor and analyze what is being said about them to make decisions about customer service, marketing and business strategy. In today’s market, social media is no longer simply about Facebook ‘Likes’ and tweets; rather it is a key tool for a business, and has become a science for many brands to study and become experts in.

Community Managers, Web Consultants and Online Customer Service Agents are just a few of the new roles in modern online customer service teams, and are increasingly present in a range of businesses. So what does it take to get a job like that? I could write an entire book answering that question. Think like a CEO So you want to be the person behind the social media accounts of a brand? Be a strategic thinker Be flexible Looking ahead. 50 Excellent Inspirational Quotes for Living an Amazing Life. In this post I share 50 Excellent Inspirational Quotes for Living an Amazing Life. I could go on about what makes these quotes epic but I’ll let them speak for themselves. If you’re interested in more awesome quotes like these grab a copy of my free eBook with 100 Excellent Inspirational Quotes.

Enjoy the quotes! 1. Be limitless. “If you limit your actions in life to things that nobody can possibly find fault with, you will not do much.” ~Charles Dodgson 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. If you enjoyed these quotes please do me a favor and share them with your friends on social media! And don’t forget to join our mailing list for more awesome content and a free eBook with 100 Excellent Inspirational Quotes. 40 Inspirational Quotes from Steve Jobs. Category: Steve JobsTags: Ambition, Creativity, Design, Dogma, Focus, Greatness, Ideas, Innovation, Leadership, Meaning, Mortality, Perseverance, Product Design, Products, Quality, Simplicity, Stanford Commencement, Time, Work Steve Jobs was an inspiration to millions.

The inspirational quotes from Steve Jobs below shed some light on Steve’s philosophies on life, doing great work, design and more. Read the quotes below and let us know which quote is your favorite in the comments! 1. “Remembering you are going to die is the best way I know to avoid the trap of thinking you have something to lose. You are already naked. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34.”Being the richest man in the cemetery doesn’t matter to me. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40.

Steve Jobs’ 2005 Stanford Commencement Address Several of the quotes above are from Steve’s commencement address. Feedback What is your favorite Steve Jobs quote? Social Media Design Blueprint Infographic. This excellent Social Media Design Blueprint Infographic from the cool folks at tent social. Sharing visual content is a powerful way to get more traction and traffic from social media. But when you share randomly sized images that stick out like a sore thumb it can end up doing more harm than good.

In the Social Media Design Blueprint Infographic below you’ll discover the best image sizes to use on seven most popular social networks and you’ll also get the optimal character counts to use. Feedback How do you use visuals to enhance your content marketing on social media? Let us know with a comment below! FREE Website Marketing Review For a limited time we are accepting applications for a Free Website Marketing Review where we will create a custom video for you showing you the best money making marketing opportunities for your website. Click here for more info: Free Website Marketing Review Related 25 Excellent Social Media Infographics In "Marketing" In "Get More Traffic" In "Get More Leads"

Four Ways to Measure the Impact of Social Media: A Case Study. Do you need to justify social media efforts to company leaders? Do you want to know exactly what impact social media has on your business? In this article you’ll discover how SAP North America created a process that shows them exactly how social media is touching millions of dollars in potential business. SAP is a global leader in enterprise-level software and services. They have nearly 67,000 employees globally, and over 15,000 in SAP North America. They service 25 different industries and 12 lines of business with enterprise software. Read four ways to measure the impact of social media in this case study. They started their social media presence in 2010, originally contracted to four to six outside agencies. Social Media Handles & Stats Company: SAP Website Blogs LinkedIn – 461,844 followers Facebook – 259,534 followers Twitter – 127,000 followers Google+ – 21,528 followers YouTube – 14,135 subscribers SlideShare – 12,232 followers Highlights #1: Compare Apples to Apples #2: Pick a Place to Start.

18 Social Media Marketing Tips to Improve Your Marketing. Are you looking for the latest social media marketing tactics? Do you want to know what the social media marketing pros are doing today? Keeping up with the latest social media changes is not always easy, but here you’ll find ideas worth exploring. We asked 18 social media pros to share the best marketing tactics worth doing today. Improve your marketing with these 18 social media tips from the pros. #1: Use Time Stamps With Your Hangout on Air Videos Ronnie Bincer Live hangout on air (HOA) shows are wonderfully engaging and allow you to establish trust and build relationships like never before… but they can be sort of long by the time you’re done broadcasting. So how do you encourage people to watch some or all of the recorded session? On Google+ (and on YouTube), the use of time stamps is magical.

Hover over any time stamp and click to jump to that part of the video. When someone clicks on the time stamp, it jumps to play that part of the video. Andy Crestodina Sue Zimmerman Mari Smith Ian Cleary. How to Save Six Hours a Week on Social Media. How Much of Yourself Do You Share on Social Media? 5 Tools to Help You Discover Great Content to Share With Your Fans. Customer Relationships - Three Ways to Have Fun With Your Marketing (Even If You Have a 'Boring' Brand) 26 Creative Ways to Publish Social Media Updates. What I Wish I Knew About Creativity When I Was 20. Think digital: 10 principles. Social Media for Busy People: 5 Tips to Speed Things Up. 5 Tools to Monitor Your Online Reputation.

Feeling Uncomfortable: The Way to Create Amazing Content. 59 Tools, 9 Books, and 7 Great Pieces of Advice on Productivity. MarketingProfs: Marketing Resources and Strategies for Marketing Professionals. 21 Social Media Marketing Tips From the Pros. Tutorials For Using Social Media, Gadgets, Etc | TWELVESKIP. 4 Ways to Maximize Your Network With Social Media. Growing Your Audience, How to Increase Your Social Following. 45 Social Media Tools and Tips to Improve Your Marketing. 5 Ways to Sell With Social Media. Social Sharing, How to Inspire Fans to Share Your Stories. Social Strategy, How to Build a Sustainable Social Media Marketing Plan. Content Marketing, How to Attract People With Content. 4 Tools That Improve Your Social Media Analytics. Marketo Marketing Blog - Best Practices and Thought Leadership.

How to Create a Marketing Plan. How to Get Employees to Embrace Social Media. Inbound Hub | HubSpot Blog. How to Improve Your Social Media Calls to Action. Bad Redhead Media.