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Emma Carter | UNIT 21. BETTER BUILDING | Copenhagen, Denmark | Unit 21 | 2014 Awarded Distinction for Thesis Click to see Thesis We are experiencing an increasingly prevalent housing crisis, where there is a shortage of quality, affordable family homes within UK cities and across the rest of Europe. Copenhagen, capital city of the ‘happiest’ country in the world, is one of them. Affordable housing for the masses, within our growing urban contexts must be radically altered and re-thought in order to address this worsening situation.

Reflective and referential analysis of a 20th century Danish architectural movement, Bedre Byggeskik, led to the development of proposed, desirable criteria for the design of a modern housing scheme: 1. to ensure the occurrence of visual variation between built homes and 2. maintain traditions of house to garden ratios.Located in Copenhagen, the proposal discusses the beneficial development of floating incrementally-built family houses. Vector de Retro, Plano de fondo, película, tiras, bigotes, sombreros,... csp13448388 - Buscar Clipart, Ilustraciones, Dibujos y Clipart de imagenes de gráficos vectoriales. Importar Curvas de nivel Google Earth-AutoCad. » Entre el mapa y el plano. No hay guerra que empiece sin mapas, ni guerra que acabe sin ellos”Karl Schlögel por Ernesto Betancourt | @eba61 Siempre me ha seducido la diferencia y más: la indiferencia con el que se usan el términos mapa en sustitución de plano y viceversa.

Es frecuente para quien se dedica a la arquitectura que en el trato cotidiano con clientes o público en general confundan o usen indistintamente los sustantivos planos por mapas —particularmente en el mundo hispano parlante, pues en otras lenguas poseen una diferenciación del uso de ambos términos más amplia. No es raro escuchar, por ejemplo, que los mapas de la casa no estén concluidos o que el mapa de las oficinas no sea comprensible.

¿Qué hay detrás de esa confusión aparentemente inocente y banal o de ese manejo semántico más o menos indistinto de términos aparentemente intercambiables? ¿Pero por qué y qué tiene que ver con asuntos urbanos? Los mapas tienen un inevitable carácter finito y restringido, no sólo en contenido sino en extensión. A f a s i a. The best examples of street art in 2013 (50 pictures. Across the globe, street art has never been more popular or more relevant. Although the term is often associated with graffiti, it comes in all shapes and forms. A huge amount and variety of these works certainly confirms the fact that the street may be the best of all the creative space. Street art is closer to people than the best painting or installation shown in a art gallery.

Therefore we like it so much. Here is some of the most amazing examples of street art in 2013. Image 1 of 51 Alexandre Farto aka VHILS, Moscow Tasso, Meerane ASHOP - Mural Festival in Montreal, Canada Banksy "Better Out Than In" Bird Street Art by L7m, Brazil By Bordalo Segundo, France by Borondo,Italy by C215, Vitry sur Seine, France by CASE, Wittenberg-Baden-Württemberg By DALeast, Los Angeles, CA By Domke, Germany By Ernest Zacharevic, Penang, Malaysia By Hopare, Orsay, France By INT, Santiago, Chile By Levalet, Paris, France By Nikita Nomerz By Oakoak By Pejac, Spain By ROA, Los MurosHablan San Juan, PuertoRico Hamm, Germany. Pawel Kuczynski - Prace / Cartoons.


Laurapacheco [illustration & comics] Fotomontajes. This past post received a lot of feedback from you asking for a more detailed breakdown of the illustrations. The interior illustration in particular got a lot of attention so I am going to start with that one. Since several different parts of the workflow have already been talked about in the past, I will be adding links to the corresponding sections to avoid too much duplicate information on this site. 1.

For this interior shot, I started the process by identifying where and how I wanted to light the space. I designed some linear pendant fixtures to provide most of the ambient light. Then I looked to some specific areas to use the light to highlight the form such as around the stair enclosure and washing the large side walls. View selected in the Sketchup Model Blue highlights show proposed locations of artificial light 2. 3. Above, a rendering from Kerkythea with artificial lights 4. Exported line work from Sketchup Line work inverted to create white lines. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Roxy Makes Things. Posters. Movies In Color. Amelie. As tears go by. A blog featuring stills from films and their corresponding color palettes. A tool to promote learning and inspiration. Updated daily.

About / Films / Cinematographers / Contact / Ask me anything 10 May Wong Kar-Wai Week As Tears Go By , 1988 Cinematography: Wai Keung-Lau next >>> <<< prev. 2046. Contra la indiferència: catalitzadors de la urbanitat.
