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Carla Pedrali

The bicentennial man

Unmanned ground vehicles. The Butterfly circus. Valutazione formativa. ENGLISH. BBC Learning English - Learning English. ABC Splash (for Australian school students) - Jokes for learning and teaching English. English Resources. 50 Essential Resources for ESL Students.

Learning a new language is always daunting, especially when that language is as full of weird rules and contradictions as English.

50 Essential Resources for ESL Students

Even native speakers sometimes have trouble mastering the nuances of tense and grammar. Fortunately, if English is not your first language, there are a variety of ESL resources online to help you master the English language. Google Education. EDUCATIONAL REPOSITORIES & DIGITAL LIBRARIES. Risorse ed App per la didattica.


Web2 tools. Click&CLIL. Free Choice Activites. Tour and Travel. Education. Free ESL Video Quizzes for Students. Free Quiz Builder for Teachers. Open Education Resources. Free printable Sudoku puzzles for children and all you want to know about Sudoku, the rules, the different games and great links to Sudoku websites. Great for maths skills. Printable Sudoku for kids We have sudoku puzzles in different formats and difficulty levels.

Free printable Sudoku puzzles for children and all you want to know about Sudoku, the rules, the different games and great links to Sudoku websites. Great for maths skills.

We have the 4 by 4 and 6 by 6 grids for beginners and younger students and we have 4 difficulty levels of the famous 9 by 9 format: level 1, level 2, level 3 and level 4. Easier 4 by 4 and 6 by 6 Sudoku Puzzles. Tech in ELT. Working Memory. ESL ORAL ACTIVITIES.