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StepMap - Create your personal map for free. Allô prof - Accueil. Wolfram|Alpha: Computational Knowledge Engine. Wikipedia. Minecraftinschool [licensed for non-commercial use only] / FrontPage.

This wiki is devoted to hosting ideas, lessons, implementation strategies and more related to using the game, Minecraft in a school setting Whether you use it in a computer/gaming club, as part of your regular curricular instruction, or even at home with your own children, Minecraft's simple yet scalable "sandbox" virtual environment can be an excellent tool for engaging student learning. The open-ended nature of the game lends it to application in a variety of subject areas. Game-based learning, virtual worlds, and simulations are emerging tools for reaching our learners. That's why this wiki was created. -Lucas Gillispie, Director of Academic and Digital Learning, Surry County Schools. Recent News (11/10/15) - Here's a Sustainable Community Project we're working on at Gentry Middle School.

. (6/1/15) -Alice Keeler (@alicekeeler) is awesome, but you knew that, right? (12/18/13) - Great tutorial video on how to level in mcMMO by Aidan. . (12/8/13) - Lots to share! Inverted Restone. Pcs-tech / 2011-2012 Board Mini-Grant Minecraft Project - FAQ. 1. What is Minecraft? 2. What age/grade should students be in order to use Minecraft? 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 1.

Minecraft is an independently-developed video game created by Swedish game programmer Marcus "Notch" Persson. Here are a few videos to introduce you to the game: From the official website: A fan-made video trailer for the game: 2. One of the beautiful things about this game is that it appeals to a wide age group. 3. This is largely up to you.

Here's an example of a student's history/civics project: 4. Yes! Here's a video of our kids sharing their work from last year: 5. To use Minecraft with students, you'll need access to a computer lab with newer Dell computers (those with the silver sides). 6. That really depends on what you're doing. 7. Absolutely. 8. Our plans are to operate two different virtual worlds for this project. 9. Again, that depends on what you want to do. 10. If you are the recipient of a grant, you will have access to 25 Minecraft accounts. 11. You bet! Minecraftinschool [licensed for non-commercial use only] / Explorer's Journal. [note: I couldn't find anything about the format or focus of the journal and wanted to generate a few ideas about what students might reflect on - please remove this note once descriptions are in place, etc].

This will need a rubric, supplementary example/resources (to show students what each product looks/feels like) and some modeling tips for teachers. Later on, would be good to get some trouble-shooting tips from teachers who have tried this (along with student feedback about what they liked or didn't like/struggled with). Please add more writing prompts - and encourage students to come up with their own ideas! Links to sample entries would also be great. The explorers journal could take the form of an offline, paper and pencil notebook/log folder or online blog. 1) Personal entries - as distinct from thematic entries: this is an opportunity for the student to reflect on his or her learning with the teacher.

To multiple literacies (rather than just writing).