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Wil jij vegetariër worden? 4 tips m.b.t. vegetarisme! Een vegetariër eet geen dieren.

Wil jij vegetariër worden? 4 tips m.b.t. vegetarisme!

Geen lopende dieren, geen vliegende dieren en geen zwemmende of drijvende dieren. Vlees, vis, schelpdieren, schaaldieren, wild, gevogelte en insecten komen dus niet voor in een vegetarisch dieet. Producten van dierlijke afkomst zoals zuivel, eieren en honing worden in principe wel gegeten door “standaard” vegetariërs. Waarom vegetarisch eten? Er zijn steeds meer mensen die kiezen voor een vegetarisch dieet om hun lichaamsgewicht en algehele gezondheid te verbeteren. The Key to Fast Belly-Fat Loss - Fitness. Think it's impossible to exercise for less time and lose more fat?

The Key to Fast Belly-Fat Loss - Fitness

It's not — if you do the right moves. By Annie Hauser, Senior Editor FRIDAY, July 6, 2012 — Sprinting, not jogging, might be the key to fast abdominal and visceral fat loss, researchers at the University of South Wales found in a study published in the International Journal of Obesity. The study is the latest addition to a mountain of evidence indicating that high-intensity exercise results in greater fat loss and overall health benefits than moderately intense activities such as jogging.

Eight-second bursts of sprinting repeated intermittently for 20 minutes three times a week helped overweight men lose 4 pounds of body fat in 12 weeks and gain 2.64 pounds of muscle, resulting in a net body-weight loss. Achieving this same effect with moderately intense jogging would take seven hours a week for 14 weeks, says lead researcher Steve Boutcher, PhD, in a university release. Easy Interval Workouts Convinced yet? Are Your Food Labels Lying to You?! - Diet Blog.

Than 5 calories per serving can be labelled calorie free and anything under .5 grams of fat can be labelled fat free. This may sound silly but these things add up! Some people go crazy for calorie free foods and before you know it, you're consuming 100 calories of something that is "Calorie Free"! Are calorie counts accurate? This one gets tricky! Food labels are allowed to lie a certain amount on their calorie counts!

I didn't want to name specific products but let's look at a couple labels: Carbs (24 x 4) Protein (20 x 4) Fat (6 x 9) = 230 Calories *Note the fiber! Carbs (9 x 4) Protein (11 x 4) Fat (3 x 9) = 107 calories A really accurate label! Flesh choice: A meat lover’s guide to giving it up. I once saw a turkey carcass in a New York City garbage can.

Flesh choice: A meat lover’s guide to giving it up

It did not look good. I said to myself, I’m never eating meat again. A few hours later, I ate meat. If you have ever driven between Los Angeles and San Francisco on the 5, you may have seen a disgusting cattle ranch on the east side of the road. It is like an insect swarm of cows. I really like meat. I never thought I would bother trying to give up meat. In case you don’t know why, here are several reasons: Livestock use about 30 percent of the world’s arable land. In Place of a Road Map 2.0 (Revised) 7/2/12. Nutrition 101 – This is meant to be your one-stop-shop for all things nutrition related.

Nutrition 101 –

Granted, I’m not planning on diving into excruciating levels of detail. Instead, I want this to be a broad-reaching 101 level resource. I imagine I’ll add to and subtract from this page as my opinions change and as I gain more experience and knowledge. If you’d like to discuss this information or make suggestions, please do so in the comments section found at the end. Of course I’d like for you to read this page from top to bottom. That said, I’m well aware that we all have hectic schedules and short attention spans nowadays.

Introduction. Lose the Wheat Lose the Weight. The truth about alcohol, fat loss and muscle growth. I've been getting tons of questions relating to alcohol and fat loss lately.

The truth about alcohol, fat loss and muscle growth

Happens every time summer rolls around. Outdoor parties, clubbing, vacations and the whole shebang. Alcohol is a key ingredient. What people want to know is basically how fattening alcohol is, how it affects protein synthesis, how to make it work with their diet, and what drinks to go for at the club. I think this is very good topic to cover today, since we're right in the middle of summer and all, because most people involved in the fitness and health game tend to miss out on a lot of fun due to avoiding alcohol.

This is a definitive primer on the effects of alcohol on all things someone interested in optimizing body composition might be interested in. C'mere and lemme me tell you my secretz... Alcohol and thermogenesis. Best Superfoods List Exposed. Wat is Chia zaad. Chia zaad wordt als gezondheidsproduct steeds vaker gebruikt als aanvulling op de dagelijkse voeding.

Wat is Chia zaad

Chia zaad is afkomstig van de Chia plant uit Midden Amerika. De Azteken ontdekten ruim voor onze jaartelling al dat Chia Zaad hen kracht gaf, ook gebruikten ze het zaad als geneesmiddel bij allerlei kwalen.